
  • 网络Cut costs;COST CUT;cost-cutting;Cost Cutting;reduce costs
  1. 球最大的手机制造商诺基亚(NokiaCorp.)周二宣布了一系列最新裁员举措,意在削减成本,适应当前低迷的市场环境。

    Nokia Corp. , the world 's largest maker of mobile phones , Tuesday announced a range of new job-cutting measures to reduce costs and adapt to weak market conditions .

  2. 知情人士称,花旗集团(Citigroup)将于今日确定可能被出售的多至4000亿美元非核心资产,这是该行削减成本并恢复两位数利润增幅的计划的一部分。

    Citigroup will today identify as much as $ 400bn in non-core assets that could be sold as part of plans to reduce costs and restore profit growth to double-digit rates , according to people close to the situation .

  3. 由于削减成本,邮件的递送可能会延迟。

    Deliveries of mail could be delayed because of cost-cutting .

  4. 有些公司在削减成本,希望一切好转。

    Some companies are cutting costs and hoping for the best .

  5. 大型工厂正试图通过削减成本以维持生存。

    The big factories are trying to stay alive by cutting costs

  6. 雇主削减成本的时候,数千名银行雇员面临被解雇的命运。

    Thousands of bank employees are facing redundancy as their employers cut costs

  7. 那两家棉纺厂为了削减成本而合并了。

    Those two cotton-mills merged to cut costs .

  8. 在2008年全球经济衰退过程中,货船为削减成本平均减速12%。

    In the global recession of 2008 , cargo5 ships slowed down by 12 % on average to cut costs .

  9. 马克•赫德这位以削减成本出名的CEO在2005年入主惠普后,一度提高了公司的收益和利润。

    Mark Hurd , a cost cutting chief executive hired in 2005 , lifted revenue and profits .

  10. 在大力削减成本使斯科特纸业(ScottPaper)扭亏为盈后,他试图用同样的方法重振日光公司(SunbeamCorporation)。

    After turning around Scott Paper by slashing costs , Mr Dunlap attempted to revive Sunbeam Corporation using the same methods .

  11. Fried的计算表明,可以削减成本,同时不牺牲学生所珍视的那些东西。

    Mr Fried 's calculations suggest that one can slash costs without sacrificing much that students value .

  12. 银行家表示,戴蒙德可能会将旗下投行巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)正在实施的削减成本做法,扩展到整个集团。

    Mr diamond was likely to extend an ongoing cost-cutting exercise at Barclays Capital , the investment banking unit , across the group , bankers said .

  13. BarclaysCapital的资产分析师奈普(BarryKnapp)青睐削减成本成绩斐然的工业类股。

    Barry Knapp , equity strategist at Barclays Capital , favors industrials as a play on the cost-cutting binge . '

  14. 到目前为止,为适应各细分市场的需求,三星推出了多款智能手机,这让它很难削减成本。相比之下,苹果(Apple)生产的手机型号要少得多。

    Samsung has so far produced multiple models to cater to each segment of the market , making it difficult for the company to cut costs , while rival Apple produces fewer models .

  15. 华尔街的投资者已经在敦促微软削减成本,并分拆Xbox视频游戏机等业务。

    Wall Street has pushed for cost-cutting and the spin-off of businesses such as the Xbox video games console .

  16. 在整个好莱坞,制片厂正设法削减成本,以平衡dvd销量的急剧下滑在过去10年里,dvd的销售为它们创造了绝大部分的利润。

    Across Hollywood , studios are looking to cut costs to absorb sharp declines in DVD sales which , for the past decade , generated most of their profits .

  17. 他的前任,桑迪•威尔(SandyWeill),不断通过以低价买入公司然后削减成本,从而建立了一个庞大的金融服务巨擘。

    His predecessor , Sandy Weill , built a financial-services juggernaut by snapping up companies on the cheap , wringing out the costs , then buying more .

  18. 为了削减成本,AMR与飞行员工会陷入了持续数周的谈判,但未能达成和解。

    American had been locked in talks with its pilots union for weeks in an effort to cut costs , but failed to agree a settlement .

  19. 目前,该公司在首席执行官米歇尔库姆斯(MichelCombes)的领导下,已开始通过大幅削减成本改善其盈利能力。

    The company , led by chief executive Michel Combes , has begun to improve its profitability amid deep cost-cutting .

  20. 网络杂志Slate的马特?伊格雷西亚斯认为,取消在家办公政策可能只是一个迂回手段,目的是为了解雇能力不足的员工,削减成本。

    And as Slate 's Matt Yglesias suggested , the end of work from home policies may really just be a back-handed way to lay off unproductive employees and cut costs .

  21. ozminerals数月来一直在努力出售资产、削减成本、筹措大宗商品资金和为其债务进行再融资,以便安抚那些威胁将把其纳入破产管理的金融家。

    Oz minerals has for months been struggling to sell assets , cut costs , raise commodity funding and refinance its debt to appease financiers who have threatened to place oz minerals into administration .

  22. 根据TowersPerrin今年4月份对700家雇主进行的调查,其中有21%-32%的雇主正在实施或考虑实施兼职倒班制或是4天工作制,把这作为一项削减成本的措施。

    Based on an April survey by Towers Perrin of700 employers , 21 % to32 % are either implementing or considering part-time shifts or four-day workweeks , as a cost-cutting tool .

  23. 匹兹堡地区大医院UPMC本周说,作为其继续削减成本计划的一部分,将裁员500人。这次裁员基本都是在非临床人员中间进行,涉及医院网络的所有分支。

    In another ominous sign , UPMC , the big Pittsburgh-based hospital system , said this week it was laying off500 employees as part of continuing cost-savings initiatives .

  24. 在线授课也可能节约成本,他们可以在整个校园和教职员间共享素材,反复使用素材,用Mooc代替校园授课,以及采取其他削减成本的创新方式。

    Online delivery may also produce savings by sharing materials across campuses and faculty , using the materials multiple times , replacing campus courses with Moocs and other innovative ways of cutting costs .

  25. 美国猎头公司ctpartners驻伦敦的科技行业招聘专员罗奇塔里(donae.roche-tarry)表示,杨致远在运营方面犯下的错误就是没有尽快削减成本并提高效率。

    ' the mistakes he made were on the operational side by not reducing costs and increasing efficiency ' fast enough , suggested Dona E. roche-tarry , a London-based technology recruiter for ctpartners , a U. s.search firm .

  26. 周二,澳大利亚最大煤矿企业——必和必拓三菱联合公司(BHPBillitonMitsubishiAlliance,BMA)成为又一家对中国资源需求放缓做出反应的公司。该公司裁员700人,占员工总数的7%,并警告将进一步削减成本。

    On Tuesday , BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance ( BMA ) , the country 's biggest coal miner , became the latest company to react to softening demand for resources from China , axing 700 jobs - 7 per cent of the joint venture 's total workforce - and warning of further cost cuts .

  27. 软件初创企业Contextere首席执行官盖布•巴特斯通(GabeBatstone)表示,这些技术给企业提供了削减成本的机会。该公司基于机器学习(很多人工智能背后的技术)和物联网技术开发面向工人的服务。

    Such technologies offer companies the chance to cut costs , says Gabe Batstone , chief executive of Contextere , a software start-up that develops services for industrial workforces based on machine learning - the technique behind much artificial intelligence - and internet of things technologies .

  28. 所有的企业都在削减成本、外包生产和裁员。

    All are cutting costs , outsourcing production and reducing staff .

  29. 这使股市更不可能展开由削减成本推动的经典式反弹。

    That makes a classic rebound based on cost-cutting less likely .

  30. 我们必须面对事实,并开始削减成本。

    We 'll have to face facts and start cutting costs .