
  • 网络Break even;Break Even Point;Break-even point;breakeven point;BEP
  1. 美国银行(bankofamerica)指出,为了让开采者达到盈亏平衡点,每百万英制热量单位的价格需要提高到8.5美元。

    Prices will need to rise to $ 8.50 per million British thermal units for drillers to break even , Bank of America Notes .

  2. 该公司在2006年曾表示,其炼油业务的盈亏平衡点约为每桶原油66美元至67美元。

    In 2006 , the company said its refining operations would break even at a crude oil price of $ 66 - $ 67 a barrel .

  3. 技术和服务供应商博世(bosch)对市场波动的回应也是降低盈亏平衡点。

    Bosch , the technology and services supplier , has also responded to volatility by focusing on lowering its break-even point .

  4. 经过对贴牌厂商和生产厂商的盈亏平衡点进行比较分析,得出OEM模式对供需双方共赢的结论。

    While the comparison of breakeven point between Requirement manufacturer and Original equipment manufacturer , the article has analyzed that both the supply and requisitioning parties could get a win-win situation .

  5. 在休斯敦新兴的中产阶层社区EastEnd和Midtown的酒吧和餐馆里,经常能听到小伙子(和姑娘)们探讨自己所在公司的盈亏平衡点和油价的关联。

    At bars and restaurants in Houston 's newly gentrified East End and Midtown districts , you often hear the young bucks ( and does ) comparing notes on their company 's break-even points with respect to oil prices .

  6. 盈亏平衡点理论与精细化管理

    Theory of Pr of it and Loss Balance and Fine Management

  7. 他们预测两年内将达到盈亏平衡点。

    They predict they 'll reach breakeven within two years .

  8. 并通过计算得出了该项目可行的盈亏平衡点。

    And by calculation the feasible breakeven point is obtained .

  9. 折旧方法对盈亏平衡点的影响分析

    Analysis of Effects on Break Even Point by Depreciation Methods

  10. 矿山企业晚期盈亏平衡点的分析

    Profit and cost balance analysis of mining enterprises in the later period

  11. 用盈亏平衡点法编制企业生产计划的体会

    Experience of Making Enterprise Production Plan by Breakeven Point Method

  12. 不确定性分析方法主要有盈亏平衡点法、敏感性分析法及概率分析法等。

    Break-even point , sensitive analysis and probability are used in indefinite evaluation .

  13. 项目投资评价的两种盈亏平衡点比较分析

    Comparatively Analysis between the Two Kinds of Break-even Points in Project Investment Evaluation

  14. 盈亏平衡点模型在企业经营管理中的应用

    Application of Balance Point Model for Business Management

  15. 用盈亏平衡点法建立单井采油极限含水率模型

    Limit water cut model of single well oil extraction based on break even point method

  16. 多长时间我能达到公司的盈亏平衡点?

    How long can I have to finance the company until I start making a profit ?

  17. 在一个健康的市场中,业主可以收到16至25年的租金盈亏平衡点。

    In a healthy market , landlords can reach the break-even point after receiving rents for16 to25 years .

  18. 特别是接近盈亏平衡点的一些小公司,营销成本预期将明确。

    Especially near the breakeven point a number of small companies , marketing costs were expected to be clear cut .

  19. 并分析了社区用户总成本随开户率变化的关系,找到了目前开户率水平下,宽带社区服务亏损的原因,并确定了达到盈亏平衡点时所需的开户率。

    The relationship curve of total cost to user percentage was drawn , the profit and loss balance point was found .

  20. 主要采用投资回收期、净现值、盈亏平衡点等相关指标对油茶林工程进行经济效益分析。

    Main USES investment recoupment period , the net present value , the break-even point related indexes of engineering economic benefit camellia Lin.

  21. 价值分析:对中等、保守和乐观三种情况下的项目价值进行计算,并且对中等情况下的盈亏平衡点和敏感性进行分析;

    Value analysis : The project is being evaluated under three hypotheses , which are conservative hypothesis , medium hypothesis and optimistic hypothesis .

  22. 项目重点阐述了组培空间布局和内部设施要求,对固定资产670万元和流动资金178万元的投资估算详实,并进行了产量的盈亏平衡点分析和项目敏感性分析。

    The project explication will centre on layout and installation of tissue culture room , investment budget of fixed assets and circulating assets .

  23. 经过经济性评估,使用热交换器的盈亏平衡点是1.2元/m~2·年,当年增加产值小于1.2元/m~2·年时,使用价值不大。

    The balance point of the profit and loss is 1.2 Yuan / m ~ 2 · year , using HRV for dehumidifying .

  24. 依据经济评价中的盈亏平衡点,建立数学模型和成本预警机制,顺利实现成本的有效控制。

    Based on the breakeven point in economic evaluation , a mathematical model and a cost-warning mechanism are established for effective control of cost .

  25. 利润率和盈亏平衡点不仅仅和油价有关,还取决于经营成本。

    Profit margins and break-even points are relative not only to the price of oil , but also to the cost of doing business .

  26. 分析了折旧方法对静态盈亏平衡点及动态盈亏平衡点的影响,结果表明,不同的折旧方法对盈亏平衡点的影响很大。

    The effects on break-even points by depreciation methods are analyzed , and the results show that depreciation methods have great effects on break-even points .

  27. 首先,虽然美国公司利润率在2012年末时似乎逼近盈亏平衡点,但在2013年持续扩大。

    First , even though U.S. corporate profit margins seemed stretched to the breaking point at the end of 2012 , they expanded more in 2013 .

  28. 很明显,第二个盈亏平衡点是优于一是由于其较高的质量,并降低总成本看,在图。

    It is clear that the second break-even point is better than the first one due to its higher quality and lower total cost as seen in Fig.

  29. 合并后的商学院当然会有一个盈亏平衡点,即年收入约4000万英镑,其中有略多于一半的收入来自原先的亨利管理学院。

    The combined business school will certainly have critical mass , with annual revenues of about 40m , of which just over half will come from the old Henley .

  30. 中石化周日警告,2015年第一季度可能无法实现盈利,利润估计是在盈亏平衡点附近。

    Sinopec warned on Sunday that it might not turn a profit in the first quarter of 2015 , with income estimated to be in the vicinity of the break-even .