
  • 网络profitability;for-profit;Profitable;Earning
  1. 将VaR方法融入到保险资金投资中,符合保险资金投资的安全性和盈利性的要求,因此,国内外对这方面展开了广泛的探讨。

    It conforms to the requirements of safety and profitability to integrate the VaR methods into insurance-funds investment , so the study on this is done both at home and abroad .

  2. 沪市A股各上市公司分行业的成长性、盈利性实证研究

    Empirical Research of Industrial Growth and Profitability of Shanghai A shares

  3. 他的非盈利性组织经营着100艘河上船只,这些船只作为浮动图书馆、学校和卫生诊所使用,并配备了太阳能电池板和其他通讯设施。

    His not-for-profit organization runs 100 river boats that serve as floating libraries , schools , and health clinics , and are equipped with solar panels and other communicating facilities .

  4. 大同世界教育(OneWorldEducation)是一家总部设在华盛顿的非盈利性组织。

     One World Education is a nonprofit group based in Washington .

  5. 在空闲时间,他致力于开办一个非盈利性音乐学校,并梦想通过Internet实时传授音乐知识。

    In his spare time , he manages a not-for-profit music school and works on a dream to teach music in real-time , over the Internet .

  6. 杰西卡·马修斯和朱莉娅·西尔弗曼已经成立了一个名为“UnchartedPlay”的非盈利性组织。

    Jessica Matthews and Julia Silverman have started a nonprofit organization called Uncharted Play .

  7. 但即使百度能够独霸移动搜索,到头来这个市场的盈利性可能也赶不上PC市场。

    But even if Baidu can dominate mobile search , it might turn out to be less profitable than its PC cousin .

  8. 对NGO的广义解释是独立于政府的非盈利性组织。

    A broad definition of NGO is any non-profit group that is independent of government .

  9. 一个名为红毛猩猩外展组织的非盈利性机构已经开始为猩猩开发一个ipad应用程序。

    The non-profit organization Orangutan Outreach has started a program called Apps for Apes using Apple 's iPad .

  10. 国际莫扎特基金会是一个非盈利性的私人组织,由萨尔茨堡当地居民成立于1880年,其主要目的是为了保存莫扎特遗物,DNA测试所用的头骨就是由它提供的。

    The foundation , a private nonprofit organization that works to preserve Mozart 's legacy , was founded in1880 by Salzburg residents and made the skull available for the DNA tests .

  11. EVA最大优点在于,它从股东财富增长的角度,更多关注企业的盈利性和成长性。

    The biggest advantage of EVA is that it concerns more in earnings and growth of an enterprise in the view of shareholders .

  12. 里士满大学(UniversityofRichmond)多年来一直补贴无薪研究和非营利性实习,而今年该校特地为在盈利性企业工作的无薪实习生增设了100个实习奖金名额。

    University of Richmond has supported unpaid research and nonprofit work for years , but created more than 100 new fellowships this year for students with unpaid internships at for-profit enterprises .

  13. 是“涓流项目”在资助这些生意,一个由纽约人Glen和MildredLeet成立的非盈利性组织。

    The sponsor is the Trickle Up Program - a non-profit organization founded by New Yorkers Glen and Mildred Leet .

  14. 非盈利性组织Catalyst去年对财富500强(Fortune500)企业所做的研究显示,董事会中拥有三名或者更多的女性,其股东权益回报率、利润率以及投资资本回报率极有可能高于平均水平。

    A study of the US Fortune 500 last year by Catalyst , the non-profit group , suggests that having three or more women on the board correlates strongly with above - average return on shareholder equity , sales and invested capital .

  15. WikimediaFoundation是一个非盈利性组织,但它的类似开放信息目标启发了商业公司(通常称为商业Wikifarms)。

    The Wikimedia Foundation is a non-profit organization , but it has inspired some commercial ventures with similar open information aims ( commercial Wiki farms , as they are called ) .

  16. 美国国家标准机构(ANSI):是个非盈利性组织,调整美国标准化和符合评价系统。

    American National Standards Institute ( ANSI ): is a non-profit organization that coordinates the standardization and conformity assessment systems in the United States .

  17. 他说,通过国际演讲协会(ToastmastersInternational)中其他成员的指导训练,他学会了将挑战构想成做出更好表现的机会,而不是威胁。国际演讲协会是一个非盈利性的沟通和领导能力培训组织。

    He learned , through coaching from other members of Toastmasters International , a nonprofit communication and leadership-training group , to frame challenges as an opportunity to perform well , rather than a threat , he says .

  18. 国际玉米小麦改良中心(CIMMYT)是一个由国际社会资助的、非盈利性的科学研究机构和培训机构。

    International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center ( CIMMYT ) is an internationally funded , nonprofit , scientific research and training organization .

  19. 位于布鲁克林的自由职业者联盟(FreelancersUnion)是一家为自由职业者提供医疗保险和其他资源的非盈利性协会。联盟创始人和运营人萨拉•霍洛维兹指出:很多情况下,客户不是故意延迟付款。

    Delays in payment usually aren 't deliberate on the client 's part , notes Sara Horowitz , who founded and runs Freelancers Union , a Brooklyn-based nonprofit association that offers health insurance and other resources to the self-employed .

  20. 在WTO框架内,通过对品牌的分类研究以及借鉴其它国家的品牌扶持经验,提出政府应该通过提供公共服务(建设公共性品牌和群体性品牌)来扶持盈利性品牌的建设。

    Learning from other countries experiences of brand supporting , this paper classifies brands into three sorts and provides that the government should offer public services , such as public brand building and collective brand building , to promote company or product brand building according to the rules of WTO .

  21. AIESEC是一个由高校或更高学术机构在校学生和新近毕业生运营的全球性、非政治性、独立、非盈利性组织。

    AIESEC is a global , non-political , not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education .

  22. 成立于2003年由一群志同道合的程序员组,的XBMC是一个非盈利性项目运行和位于世界各地的志愿者开发。

    Created in2003 by a group of like minded programmers , XBMC is a non-profit project run and developed by volunteers located around the world .

  23. 而来自名为环境整合计划的非盈利性保护组织的一项最新报告的显示,地表水层在靠近TVA燃煤火力发电厂附近地区会被含有有毒物质的蒸汽所污染。

    A new report from a non-profit advocacy organization called the Environmental Integrity Project shows that the groundwater near TVA coal-fired power plants is contaminated with a toxic stew of elements .

  24. 由于两个账户同时存在,短期险与其他公司竞争优势不大,ECGD的商业账户盈利性并不高。

    Since the two accounts exist , short-term insurance is not competitive with other companies . The profit of " business account " is not high .

  25. 在帕洛阿尔托,StartX的投资“舞步”简直令硅谷其他盈利性公司眼花缭乱。这家非盈利机构有50名志愿者和员工,每三个月会举办60次联谊会、演讲和培训研讨会。

    In Palo Alto , the pace of activity at StartX is a dizzying mirror of for-profit companies in Silicon Valley . The nonprofit has 50 volunteers and staff who put on 60 social mixers , speakers , and educational workshops every three months .

  26. 非盈利性信息服务机构面临的新形势与对策

    New Situation and Countermeasures Faced with by Non-Profit Information Service Institutions

  27. 结果是,腾讯实现了盈利性的快速均衡增长。

    The result has been fast , profitable and balanced growth .

  28. 亨利县医疗中心是一县拥有和经营的非盈利性机构。

    Henry County Medical Center is a county-owned and operated nonprofit institution .

  29. 盈利性无济于事:最重要的元素是现金流。

    Profitability is no protection : The crucial element is cash flow .

  30. 因此,盈利性是商业银行经营的首要目标。

    Profitability is the first goal for a commercial bank .