- 网络New Book of Tang;thang-yig-gsar-pa;The new history of the Tang Dynasty

[Xin Tang Shu (New History of the Tang Dynasty)] 书名,北宋欧阳修、宋祁等主编。该书属于官修史书,参加人员较多,本纪、表、志为欧阳修负责,列传由宋祁负责。后晋刘昫等所修的《旧唐书》,言浅意陋,没有很好总结唐朝盛衰的教训,于是宋仁宗命欧阳修、宋祁等重修唐书,名《新唐书》。《新唐书》志、表有所创新,文字简练、严谨。但是由于追求文省于旧,把一些不该删的内容删掉,故《旧唐书》与《新唐书》各有千秋
If this is true , the chronology of Li Bai 's works during the period should be redone and the Biography of Li Bai in the New Book of Tang needs to be corrected .
Although many scholars have thought that " Yiwenzhi " of New Book of Tang is an important symbol of the change of view of ancient Chinese novels , it is still to be verified with authentic documents .
The Research on the Compilation and Academic Achievement of the New Tang Book
Original Sources of Annal of Rites & Music New History Book of Tang
Their purpose was to supplement the inadequacies of Old Book of Tang .
On the Discrepancy of Comment on Li Shangyin between Old Tang History Book and New Tang History Book
The first chapter introduced the compiling reason , process , main contents and characteristics of " New History of the Tang Dynasty " .
The first is that the New Book passing on the biographies of the Old Book , but has added some historical datum in addition .
It was unfortunate that only " the Correction of New Tang Book " of all Wu Zhen'works was circulated , which represents his principal achievement .
The record of solar eclipse in the XINTAGN SHU TIAN WENZHI is more accurate and complete on the whole , but cases of missing still exist .
On this point , we try to discuss the relationship between the change of the literary outlook of Song Qi and the writing of biography in the New History of Tang Dynasty .
However , the New History of Tang Dynasty puts more emphasis on the aesthetic value of the works and the " reformation of writing style movement ", " poet writing and communication " .
When the Xin Tang shu was finished in 1060 , Ouyang was rapidly promoted to the highest councils of state , leaving a remarkable record in social , financial , and military affairs .
In the third chapter , by comparing " New History of the Tang Dynasty · Female Biography " and former generation of " Female Biography ", we could know the valued female image in Tang Dynasty .
Later , Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi , Old Tang book Yi Wen Zhi , new book of Tang Yi Wen Zhi and other historical books , all ranked shanhaiching as the history of the Department of geography .
The Study of the Exploitation of Regional Economy from the Distribution of Tea Producing Area in the Tang Dynasty & Through the Analysis on the Quan Tang Shi , Book of Tea and The New History of the Tang Dynasty
The second chapter introduced the compiling reason and purpose of " New History of the Tang Dynasty · Female Biography ", and then classify the women in the book to analyze and understand the types and features of female image in Tang dynasty .
For example , the definition of the historiography criticism of " facts , celebrating and lowering and literary grace " and the theme of " the eight faults " on the compilation of the " New Tang Book " are both worthy of researching .
The Old History of Tang Dynasty which was compiled in the Period of Five Dynasties and the New History of Tang Dynasty which was compiled in the Northern Song Dynasty showcase different composition of texts as far as the writings of the biography are concerned .