
  • 网络Income approach;Income Method;DCF
  1. 在众多企业价值评估方法中,收益法由于其科学性和严谨性而广受欢迎,而其中较为先进的经济增加值(EVA)法近年来也逐渐运用到了我国各类企业的评估当中。

    Among those kinds of common methods of corporate valuation , the Income approach is widely welcomed because of its scientific and rigorous , and of which the advanced Economic Value Added ( EVA ) approach has gradually applied to the evaluation of many types of enterprises .

  2. 运用收益法进行企业价值评估的相关问题探讨

    Discussions on the Related Questions When the Income Approach is applied

  3. 按照上述思路,在梳理相关文献的基础上,论文首先运用累计超额收益法(CAR)考察了我国上市公司超能力派现的市场反应。

    On the basis of reviewing the existing literature , the paper examined the market reaction of the ultra-ability dividends payout announcement by Cumulative Abnormal Return method ( CAR ) The empirical result shows that the market reaction is quite impassive and even negative .

  4. 在收益法价值评估的基础上,根据欧式B-S期权定价公式,给出房地产实物期权定价近似公式。

    According to B-S European options , the approximate formula of real estate options can be deduced based on the NPV method in the paper .

  5. 通过使用累积超额收益法和财务指标分析法对ST上市公司资产重组的绩效进行了实证研究,最后对实证的结果进行了分析从而提出了与之相关的政策建议。

    After that , this paper use Cumulative Abnormal Return method and financial indicator method respectively to analyze the performance of the corporate restructuring . The last section of the paper is the analysis of the empirical study results and my own policy advices .

  6. 房地产评估收益法理论教学与研究

    Theoretical teaching and study of income method of real estate valuation

  7. 收益法是预测性和主观性很强的一种价值评估方法。

    Income approach is a predictive and subjective valuation method .

  8. 在收益法评估的过程中,资产折现率的确定会对评估结果产生较大影响。

    The rate of discount plays an important role in income approach .

  9. 公路桥梁评估中投资成本收益法

    Return Value on Investment Approach in the Estimate of Road and Bridge

  10. 针对组播的流量控制:带权的代价-收益法

    Flow Control for Multicast : A Weighted Cost-Benefit Approach

  11. 收益法对无形资产价值评估的应用探析

    Applicational analysis of intangible assests evaluation through DCF method

  12. 水能资产价值及其量化的收益法研究

    Study on Income Approach of the Value of Hydropower Assets and Its Quantification

  13. 资产收益法估价及其相关问题研究

    Study on assets earnings valuation and its relative problems

  14. 企业单项无形资产的收益法评估

    The Method of Present Value Returns Applied to the Evaluation of Individual Intangible Assets

  15. 技术资产估价与超额收益法浅析

    Analysis of Technical Asset Assessment and Extra benefit Method On the Benefit of Law

  16. 多产品盈亏平衡分析的一种新方法&时序临界收益法

    A New Method That Makes the Break-even Analysis ── Time Series Marginal Income Method

  17. 对跨国并购的评估,最重要的莫过于对并购方和被并购方风险、价值的评估。传统的企业价值评估方式有收益法、市场法以及资产法。

    Traditional value assessments manners include proceed method , market method and assets method .

  18. 完整的品牌价值测评应由两方面构成:按照收益法原则测评品牌的财务价值;

    Brand value evaluation includes two parts .

  19. 矿业权评估收益法与资产评估收益法模型比较

    Study on Comparison between the Model of Income Methods of Mining Rights and Assets Appraisal

  20. 收益法房地产估价的分析与改进

    Analysis and improvement of real estate evaluation

  21. 专有技术的收益法评估

    Exclusive Technique Valuation through Income Approach

  22. 求得市场公平价格的收益法

    Income approach to fair market value

  23. 基于收益法评估企业价值的评估指标性质及选择

    Nature and selection of evaluation indicators in the enterprise value evaluation based on the income method

  24. 然后文章深入研究了我国企业价值收益法评估模型及其在应用中的问题。

    Then the article has thoroughly studied income method model and its questions in the application .

  25. 主要论述收益法三个基本经济参数的选取。

    Part Three : This part described the means of selecting the parameters of Income Approach .

  26. 并最终形成了逐步淘汰成本法,推广使用收益法,培养期权法意识的结论。

    Generalizing the use of Income method and developing the sense of using Option Pricing method .

  27. 应用收益法进行企业价值评估必须对企业的未来收益进行预测。

    It is necessary to predict the future income of enterprises in the income capitalization method .

  28. 并且提出收益法三个参数的确定的难点问题以及确定思路。

    And put forward the idea of the three parameters of the income approach to determine .

  29. 文章首先分析了我国企业价值评估选择收益法的优势。

    The article has first analyzed the superiority of our country enterprise value appraisal using income method .

  30. 收益法评估值的准确与否取决于四大要素。

    The accuracy of the estate evaluation value with income approach is decided by four basic elements .