
  • 网络separated management of income and expenditure
  1. 北京市社区卫生服务机构收支两条线管理实施后服务提供方服务量变化初步分析

    Changes of Service Quantity Following Implementation of Separated Management of Income and Expenditure in Beijing Community Health Services Institutions

  2. 严格实行收支两条线管理。

    Strictly manage according on two lines of income and expenses .

  3. 中央和省两级实行部门预算制度,收支两条线管理和国库集中收付制度改革试点稳步推进。

    The system of preparing department-specific budgets was introduced at both central and provincial levels .

  4. 社区卫生服务收支两条线管理是社区卫生服务综合改革的重要内容。

    Separation of Revenue from Expenditure is a major part in community health service reform .

  5. 药品收支两条线管理操作形式与可行性研究

    The study on the pattern and feasibility of divided management on medicine payment and income

  6. 社区卫生服务机构收支两条线管理实施效果分析

    Analysis of Effects of Separation of Revenue and Expenditure Budgets Implemented in Community Health Service Institutions

  7. 江西省乡镇卫生院收支两条线管理试点分析

    Analysis on two lines of revenue and expenditure for pilot management of township hospitals in Jiangxi Province

  8. 国有铁路运输业突破收支两条线管理体制的研究

    Breaking through the Dual-Way Management Mechanism of Income Expenses-Key Point of Market Reform for State-Owned Railway Transport Industry

  9. 对此,笔者在对实行收支两条线管理可能存在问题进行分析的基础上,提出了健全公立医院财政补偿机制的基本思路。

    This article proposed the thought of finance compensation for public hospital by analyzing the disadvantage of the method .

  10. 健全我国公立医院财政补偿机制的基本思路&兼议公立医院实行收支两条线管理的可行性

    The thought on finance compensation for public hospital and the discussion on feasibility of the separated management of income and expenses

  11. 最后对社区卫生服务收支两条线管理进行了瞻望。

    Finally , the author looks forward a good result in two line managements of receipts and expenditures in community health services .

  12. 探索收支两条线管理机制完善公益公平中国社区卫生服务模式

    Investigating Two Lines Management Mechanism of Receipts and Expenditures and Perfecting the Model of Community Health Service with Public-spirited and Fair in Chinese

  13. 目的了解上海市松江区公立医疗机构医生对收支两条线管理与绩效考核制度的认知与评价情况。

    OBJECTIVE To learn doctors'awareness and evaluation about the separation of revenue and expenditure and performance appraisal in public medical institutions in Songjiang District .

  14. 典型地区社区卫生服务机构收支两条线管理模式的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of the Models of Separation of Revenue and Expenditure Budgets ( SREB ) Implemented in Community Health Service ( CHS ) Institutions in Typical Areas

  15. 收支两条线管理有助于切断医药之间的利益关系,促进处方用药的合理性。5.全科医师的专业知识较为丰富、用药行为更为规范,有助于促进社区卫生服务中心的处方合理性。

    Fourthly , the two lines of revenue and expenditure management will help to cut off the interests between the medical and pharmaceutical and promote the rationality of prescription medication .

  16. 同时,构建宏观卫生服务模式,明确指导思想,形成新社区卫生服务收支两条线管理运行机制,并对新模式的试运行结果进行了总结。

    In the same time , the author sets up a new health service mode and new operational mechanism , and tries to summary the operational results of the new model .

  17. 在此基础上,国家财政部、发展改革委、卫生部等发文指出,有条件的地区可开展收支两条线管理试点。

    On this basis , the national treasury , NDRC and ministry of health for the text that the conditional area can promote the pilot projects about the management of budgetary control .

  18. 提高医疗技术服务的比重。文章从以下四方面探索了以医养医合理补偿机制:落实药品收支两条线管理;

    The articles discusses the reasonable compensatory mechanism of " Supporting Medical Staffs by Medical Service " in the following four aspects : establish the two - line management of drug receipts and expenditures ;

  19. 西北少数民族地区农村义务教育经费收入、支出及运行现状分析江西省乡镇卫生院实施收支两条线管理现状调查

    Analysis on Status of Educational Expenditures Practiced on Compulsory Education in Ethnics Group Aggregated Regions in Northwest China INVESTIGATION ON CURRENT SITUATION OF THE DIVIDED MANAGEMENT ON INCOMINGS AND EXPENSES IN TOWNSHIP HOSPITALS OF JIANGXI

  20. 对符合国际惯例、确需保留的少量规费,继续予以保留,实行财政收支两条线管理。

    A small number of fees that are consistent with international practice and need to be retained will continue to exist , but the collecting authorities shall remit the revenues to the government and their expenditures will be financed by the budget separately .

  21. 本文探索社区卫生服务收支两条线管理机制是社区卫生服务历史发展的必然,是公益公平卫生服务的最佳模式,具有重大的政治意义。

    In this text , the author considers that the two lines management mechanism of receipts and expenditure is the inevitable history development in community health service and the best model that serve of public-spirited and fair hygiene , and has important of political meaning .

  22. 社会保险基金被纳入财政专户,实行收支两条线管理,专款专用。使用电话专线提供资讯、谘询及代祷。

    These funds have been orbited into special accounts and a system has been set up , whereby revenue and expenditure are managed separately and the funds are used for specified purposes only . Provide information , consultation , and prayer support through information hotline .

  23. 医疗机构实行药品收支结余两条线管理的背景与关键点

    Background and key points on two lines management of drug revenue and expenditure surplus in health institutes

  24. 该文论述了实行医疗机构药品收支结余两条线管理的几个关键问题。

    This paper discuss several key issues implement health sectors two lines management on drug revenue and expenditure surplus .

  25. 医疗保障体系改革的方向已经明确,但是公立医疗机构的改革却混沌不清。其中,“收支两条线”管理成为最引人关注的一种“改革”思路。

    While it has been sure that health security moves towards universal coverage , it is unclear where public health care providers move towards .

  26. 个人自费:制定合理的收费标准,形成稳健的价格管理体系;采取收支两条线的管理机制,建立集中、规范的支出管理体系。

    To develop a reasonable standard for fee , forming a stable price management system ; to establish a centralized , standardized expenditure management system by using revenue and expenditure management system . ( 5 ) Donations from non-governmental organizations .