
  1. 后资本结构理论的形成与发展&资本结构管理控制理论及其验证

    Theory of post Capital Structure : Formation and Development

  2. 资本结构理论的发展已经历了传统理论、现代理论、新资本结构理论以及后资本结构理论等阶段。

    The development of the theory of capital structure has gone through the stages of traditional theory , modern theory , new capital structure theory and post capital structure theory .

  3. 作为后资本结构理论的代表性流派之一,资本结构管理控制学派是在新资本结构理论走向式微,公司控制权市场发展到顶峰阶段的背景下崛起的。

    As one of the representative schools of Post-theory of Capital Structure , Managerial Model of Capital Structure grows up while the Neo-theory of Capital Structure is diminishing and the market for corporate control is developing to its zenith .

  4. 自1958年MM定理提出后,资本结构理论的发展实现了资本结构从财务杠杆效应向治理效应的转变。

    Since the MM theory was put forward in 1958 , the development of theory of capital structure has finished the transformation from the finance effect of capital structure to the governance effect of capital structure .

  5. 自莫迪格里安尼和米勒在1958年发表了他们的学术论文后,资本结构理论一直是学术界研究的热点和实务界关注的焦点问题。

    Since Modigliani and Miller published their seminal paper in1958 , the issue of capital structure has generated great interests among financial academics and practices .