
  • 网络post-fordism;post fordism;post—Fordism
  1. 后福特主义是随着生产力的发展和经济的转型从福特主义脱胎而来的,它代表着一种崭新的生产理念和生产方式。

    Post-fordism was developed from Fordism with the progress of productivity and economic transition which represented a new production concept and mode of production .

  2. 后福特主义对大学语文教学改革的启示

    The Inspiration of Reform in College Chinese Teaching from Post-Fordism

  3. 本文对福特主义和后福特主义经济体系下的港口运行方式进行了实证分析。

    This paper makes an empirical study of the port cities'practices under Fordism and PostFordism respectively .

  4. 柔性已成为象征后福特主义时代新生产方式的代名词。

    Flexibility has become the synonym of the new mode of production in the age of Post Fordism .

  5. 新产业区是后福特主义与新劳动地域分工及全球化相结合的产物,具有同源性,但在不同国家可能采取不同的表现形式。

    New industry district are formed by the combination of globalization , labor regional division and post-Fordism . It may adopt different forms of expression in different countries , but have the same origin cause .