
  • 网络Postmodern Management
  1. 后现代管理理论辩析

    On Postmodern Management Theory

  2. 后现代企业的兴起必将催生后现代管理,整合后现代企业与管理理论实乃当代管理学科建设的突破之道。

    Postmodern enterprises will certainly midwife postmodern management . Integrating post-modern enterprises and management proves to be a breakthrough in construction of contemporary management science .

  3. 后现代管理之父TOMPETERS说“领导力就等于销售量,别无其它。”

    After the father of modern management TOM PETERS said ," is equivalent to sales leadership , there is no other . "

  4. 后现代管理:主体回归的创新哲学

    Post-modern Management : A New Concept of the Return to the Subject

  5. 后现代管理思潮与现代企业组织变革研究

    Research on Modern Organization Change and Post-Modern Management Thought

  6. 后现代管理的本质是知识管理。

    The nature of post-modern management is knowledge management .

  7. 西方后现代管理的研究特点

    The Research Distinctions of Western Postmodern Manage-ment

  8. 随着后现代管理思潮的涌入,世界已进入知识经济时代。

    With the influx of post-modern management thought , the world has entered the era of knowledge economy .

  9. 后现代管理理论的酝酿和应用好像管理学界清新的空气,为组织理论的确立和发展提供新的动力。

    Postmodern theory of brewing and application as " fresh air " of management , provide new power for the establishment and development of organization theory .

  10. 纵观管理学发展史,工业管理经历了传统管理、科学管理、现代管理和后现代管理四个阶段,管理范式与工业化的进程呈高度的相关性。

    Looked over the history of management study , the industrial management has experienced four stages & " the traditional management "," the scientific management "," the modern management " and " post-modern management " . The management paradigm and the advancement of industrialization assumes the high relevance .

  11. 后现代教育管理观探析

    Analyzing The View of Postmodern Educational Administration

  12. 后现代主义教育管理思想解析

    Understanding of Educational Administration Thoughts of Postmodernism

  13. 毫无疑问,这也是后现代组织成本管理不可或缺的内容。

    Undoubtedly , it is absolutely necessary in the cost theory of the postmodern organization .

  14. 后现代文化与管理变革

    Postmodern Culture and Management Change

  15. 后现代组织和管理研究是国外学术研究领域近三十年来的热点问题。

    Postmodern organization and management study is one of the the focus of the management academic fieled in the past thirty years .

  16. 目前还缺乏后现代组织成本管理的系统研究,这几章所做的工作是一种探索。

    At present , it is short of systematic research of postmodern organization cost management , and these chapters would like to probe into it .

  17. 论入世后我国现代农业管理体制的构建

    On Construction of Modern Agricultural Management System after China 's Entry into WTO