
  1. 基于神经网络的财务困境预测模型比较研究

    Comparative Study on Models of Financial Distress Prediction Based on Neural Networks

  2. 基于动态主元分析的财务困境预测模型

    A Dynamic Principal Component Analysis Based Financial Distress Prediction Model

  3. 基于会计和治理信息的财务困境预测模型研究

    Accounting Dilemma Forecast Model Based on Accounting and Governance Information

  4. 本文概述了国外公司财务困境预测模型的研究进展情况;

    This paper elaborates the progresses of financial distress predicting modeling researches .

  5. 最后对我国财务困境预测模型的进一步研究作了探讨。

    Lastly , the paper discusses the future study on prediction model of finance predicament .

  6. 财务困境预测模型为不同的利益相关人提供相应的决策依据。

    It is urgent to develop financial distress prediction model based on the China market .

  7. 第四章建立财务困境预测模型。

    Establishing the finance forecast model .

  8. 在此背景下,本文首先对国内外财务困境预测模型研究领域中的经典文献进行了回顾。

    Under the above background , this article firstly reviews previous empirical results of the research on the financial predicting models .

  9. 然后在借鉴已有的研究成果基础之上,应用四种多元统计分析及人工智能方法进行了本文的重点部分&实证研究,建立了四种财务困境预测模型,从而得出一定的结论。

    Furthermore , based on these research products , it applies multivariate statistical analysis and artificial intelligence method to make positive research , which is the focus of this paper , and creates four predictive models of financial distress , from which we can draw conclusions .

  10. 上市公司财务困境A记分法预测模型研究

    Research on the A-Scoring Analytical Model for Listed Companies ′ Financial Distress

  11. 上市公司财务困境预测的信用评分模型

    Forecasting corporate financial distress : using credit scoring models

  12. 还以被ST的前3年为时限,以9个财务指标作为判别变量,在分析方法上应用主成分分析、Fisher二类判别分析和Logistic回归分析分别建立了财务困境预测模型。

    The paper gives three finance distress discrimination models through applying for the Fisher analysis , the principal component analysis and Logistic regression analysis .