
  • 网络residual method;the method of residues
  1. 目前学术界对非政府组织的研究在概念界定方面,集中在包括剩余法在内的几种定义上;

    Recent studies on NGO in domestic academic circles list as follow : in respect to definition , studies focus on several conclusions including the method of residues ;

  2. 剩余法较能体现农民的土地发展权权益。

    Residual Method can show farmers ' rights and interests most .

  3. 本文运用管理贡献明细账计量方法对企业家人力资本的贡献价值作出评估,并在此基础上提出基于剩余法和AHP的企业家人力资本管理贡献价值计量模型,以期丰富企业家人力资本价值计量理论。

    This paper explores " the management contribution journal " to measure the value of entrepreneurial human capital , and advances a new measurement model based on surplus and analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ) method .

  4. 本文分为两部分,第一部主要考虑在给定参数(包括积分节点的选择和核函数的逼近方法)的情况下,如何应用广义极小剩余法(GMRES)求解离散方程组。

    The thesis is divided into two parts . In the first part of the thesis , we discuss the solution of the discrete linear systems of the equations by the Generalized Minimal Residual ( GMRES ) method .

  5. 应用剩余法进行地价评估存在的问题及其对策

    The Problem and Its Solution of Residue Method in Land Price Assessment

  6. 采取剩余法,测定了河北省玉米的生产波动,并对其特征进行了分析。

    Characteristic of production fluctuation was measured and analysised by the remaining method .

  7. 质数判定的二次剩余法

    The Method of Quadratic Residue for Prime Judgement

  8. 基于旋转变换矩阵和广义共轭剩余法的信号源数检测方法

    Detection of the Number of Signals Using the Transformed Rotational Matrix and General Conjugate Residue Method

  9. 研究结论:(1)目前,应以剩余法为主测算征地区片综合地价,市场比较法是发展趋势。

    It is concluded that Residual Method should be the primary method and Market Comparison Method would be the trend .

  10. 现行的土地估价中,地价评估方法有很多种,公认的并且运用比较频繁的有:市场比较法、成本法、剩余法、收益还原法等。

    In actual land valuation , there are many methods , mainly includes the market comparison approach , income approach , cost approach , residual method .

  11. 分析了基于残差空间求解线性方程组的一维投影算法、最速下降法和最小剩余法。

    The one-dimension projection algorithm , which is the steepest descent method , based on residual space for solving linear equations is analyzed in this paper .

  12. 广义极小剩余法的每一步迭代的主要运算量来自矩阵-向量相乘,因此构造矩阵-向量快速乘法是整个快速方法的关键。

    Since the main cost per iteration of the GMRES method is the cost of the matrix-vector multiplication , the fast matrix-vector multiplication is the key of the algorithm .

  13. 剩余法是评估房地产价值的一种常用的方法,特别是在待开发的土地评估中应用较为广泛。

    The surplus method is a kind of common use method to evaluate the real estate value , especially in land that needs to be developed widely used in evaluation .

  14. 本文基于将单个裂隙看作为一个不可压缩的二维各向同性多孔介质的假定,运用加权剩余法,推导了单裂隙渗流的边界单元法公式。

    So based on the postulation that single fracture is an incompressible plane of isotropy multi-porous media , the Boundary Element Method of single fracture is derived by using the Weighted Residual Method .

  15. 该法是以场所满足的控制方程为基础,根据加权剩余法建立边界积分方程。然后,在电性连续体的边界上划分单元,进行数值求解的一种新的计算方法。

    The new method of numerical calculation starts from the control equation and boundary value conditions of stable electric current field , sets boundary integral equations with weighted residual method and splits the boundary into elements .

  16. 用刚体极限平衡法概念分析重力坝的深层抗滑稳定,有三种典型方法,即被动抗力法,剩余推力法和等K值法。

    There are 3 typical methods in using rigid limit balance theory to analyze the dam stability against in deep layer , they are Passive Stress Method , Remained Pushing-force Method and Equal-k Value Method .

  17. 分别用匀速升温法、阶跃升温法、冷冻电荷法、剩余电荷法对聚丙烯进行了TSC测量。

    The thermally stimulated current of polypropylene is measured by using linear heating , step heating , frozen charge , and residual charge methods .

  18. 关于求R的条件,现行三法均采用的是假定:被动抗力法和剩余推力法分别是假定滑块2和滑块1首先达到临界平衡,等K值法是假定两滑块安全系数相等。

    The current 3 methods all have hypothesis , the first two method separately assume sliding block 2 and sliding block 1 reach critical balance state first , while Equal-k Method assume the safety coefficients of the two sliding block is equal .

  19. 在滑坡稳定分析方法的研究方面,首先针对剩余推力法存在的不合理之处,提出了一种改进剩余推力法,并通过了ACADS国际标准考题的验证。

    On the aspect of the landslide stability analysis methods research , aiming at the defects of the Residual Thrust Method , the Improved Residual Thrust Method is established . The Improved Residual Thrust Method has passed ACADS benchmark examination .

  20. 基于剩余推力法和复形优化的边坡稳定性分析

    Slope stability analysis based residual thrust method and complex optimization

  21. 运用剩余推力法评价滑坡稳定性

    Using residual thrust method to appraise stability of landslide

  22. 剩余函数法预测纯物质汽化热

    Prediction of Heat of Vaporization for Pure Substances with Method of Residual Function

  23. 方法:采用剩余滴定法测定氯化氨基汞的含量。

    Methods : The concentration of hydrargyrum aminochloride was measured by surplus titration .

  24. 基于剩余推力法的地震滑坡永久位移研究

    On permanent displacement of earthquake induced slide based on residual pushing force method

  25. 用剩余强度法测定钴在铜中的扩散系数

    Diffusion of cobalt in copper single crystals

  26. 基于传统剩余推力法,提出了新的抗滑桩优化方法。

    A new anti-slide pile optimization method is presented based on the conventional residual thrust method .

  27. 精细的分析了土地价格评估的剩余分析法并梳理了其操作流程;

    And analyses the Remanent Analytic Method of the land price appraisal subtly and systematizes its proceeding ;

  28. 该文简要介绍了如何运用剩余推力法来分析滑坡的稳定性。

    The article briefly introduces how the author utilizes the residual thrust method to analyse stability of landslide .

  29. 双波长剩余小数法标定光学劈尖厚度及其约束条件研究

    Study of excess fraction method for calibrating optical wedge spacing with two known wavelength and its restrictive conditions

  30. 文中以加权剩余值法为基础,进行了详细的有限单元法分析与公式推导。

    Based on the weighted residual method detailed F E M analysis and derivation of equations are given .