
shènɡ yú dù
  • redundancy
  1. 结果表明,吸附等温线经拟合后均符合Freundlich模型,说明这些吸附属多种吸附点同时作用,每种吸附位点表现不同的吸附自由能及位点总剩余度。

    Under the experiment condition , all the isotherms conform Freundlich model , which means that the adsorption may be caused by recombination action of many kinds of adsorption points , every point has different free energy and total redundancy .

  2. 网络的隐层性能评价可以通过隐层品质因子、隐层有效系数、隐单元剩余度来进行,而总体结果可采用隐层评价因子进行评测。

    The quality factor of hidden layer , efficient coefficient of hidden layer , the redundancy of hidden units and the evaluation factor of hidden layer , for total evaluation , were proposed to evaluate the performance of the hidden layer .

  3. 随机与无关联序列信息剩余度的分布

    The Distributions of Informational Redundancies of Random and Independent Sequences

  4. 计算当前各生产环节成本和企业总成本的承受剩余度。

    It calculates the cost of each links of manufacture and counts the degree the enterprise can bear .

  5. 计算了单肽及多肽与构象关联所产生的信息剩余度,同时进行了单肽及多肽与构象的统计独立性假设检验。

    Informational redundancies were calculated which are yielded form the correlation between single-or poly-peptide s and conformations , while the statistical independence hypothesis tests were per - formed .

  6. 最后定义了隐层品质因子、隐层有效系数、隐单元剩余度和隐层评价因子,并通过对典型前馈网络的考察,验证了该评测方法的合理性和有效性。

    Finally , the quality factor of hidden layer , the efficient coefficient of hidden layer , the redundancy of hidden units and the evaluation factor of hidden layer were defined , and the rationality and validity of the evaluation method were verified by reviewing some typical feedforward neural networks .

  7. 基于剩余刚度模型的构件疲劳寿命预测

    Fatigue life prediction of reinforced concrete members based on residual stiffness

  8. 复合材料层板在疲劳下的剩余刚度衰退理论

    The Residual Stiffness Degradation Model of Composite Laminates under Fatigue Loading

  9. 复合材料层板受低速冲击后的剩余刚度与剩余强度研究

    Residual stiffness and strength study for low velocity impacted composite materials laminates

  10. 公路老钢桥剩余安全度与剩余寿命分析

    Analysis of Remaining Reliability and Fatigue Life of Old Highway Steel Bridges

  11. 复合材料层板基于剩余刚度比的剩余强度模型

    A Fatigue Residual Strength Model for Composite Laminates Based on Residual Stiffness Ratio

  12. 建筑结构剩余可靠度分析与估计

    Analysis and estimation of structural residual reliability

  13. 针对砌体结构模型,应用振动反演理论进行结构参数的识别研究,并对采用结构剩余刚度及残余力向量来判定砌体结构损伤部位的方法进行了研究。

    After these , the vibration reverse problem theory is applied on the parameters identification research of masonry structure .

  14. 应用矩阵光学理论计算了该消偏器的剩余偏振度,并得到了消偏条件。

    The residual polarization degree of the depolarizer is calculated with matrix optical theory and a good depolarization condition is obtained .

  15. 本文给出地质环境开发利用工程的地质环境损益及地质灾害降损方案经济评价的四项经济指标和计算模型&地质环境损益比、减灾方案投入降损比、剩余损益度及地质环境开发利用率。

    This paper proposes four types of economic assessment indicators and models for the loss-benefit Of exploring geologic environments and the program of reducing geologic hazard .

  16. 建立了测试系统并在实验上验证了消偏效果,得到了6.5%的剩余偏振度,与理论计算有较好的一致性。

    A testing system is established , the depolarization effect is demonstrated and the obtained residual polarization degree is 6.5 % which is consistent with theoretical calculation .

  17. 给出深梁开裂时剩余刚度范围,以便在试验和实际工程中估计开裂的发生。

    Through a large number of computation , the range in cracking residual rigidity of deep beams are given for convenience to estimate the cracking in experiment and engineering practice .

  18. 根据该模型可预报复合材料层合板在某一应力水平的疲劳载荷作用下疲劳剩余刚度比为某一确定值时的疲劳剩余强度概率分布。

    By using this model , the probability distribution of residual strength can be predicted when the ratio of fatigue residual stiffness is equal to some value under some stress level .

  19. 用基于一次可靠度方法的可靠度随机有限元对一座现有的钢筋混凝土拱桥面内稳定性进行剩余可靠度计算,并对影响稳定性可靠度的主要参数进行了灵敏度分析。

    Stability reliability of an existing concrete arch bridge is analyzed using the reliability stochastic finite element method ( RSFEM ) on the basis of the first order reliability method ( FORM ) .

  20. 用识别出来的第一阶振型和圆频率进行非完整模态下的层剩余刚度反推,进行多位损伤识别。

    Layer remaining stiffness is deduced by integrative modal parameter which is the mode and frequency of the first order identified , and then layer remaining stiffness is used to identify multiple damage .

  21. 对于实验结果的分析表明,这三组试件的剩余刚度与剩余强度之间的关系可由一个简单的幂函数表达式来描述。

    Analysis of the experimental results shows that the relationship between the residual stiffness and residual strength of all the specimens used in this study can be described by a simple power function expression .

  22. 用随机有限元计算旧桥在现状车载下的剩余可靠度结果表明,精确的分析模型能挖掘桥梁的承载潜力。

    The remained reliability of existing bridges under current vehicle load was calculated by stochastic finite element . The results indicate that the potential of bridge bearing capacity can be obtained by analyzing precisely the model .

  23. 根据目前高寒车转向架参数配置,最佳经济速度仅为300km/h,因而已无剩余裕度来抵御摄动或扰动影响。

    According to the current Alpine bogie configuration parameters , the optimum economic speed is only300km / h , and therefore it is no longer the remaining margin to resist the effects of perturbation or disturbance .

  24. 通过对多种复合材料层板循环拉伸加载,观察复合材料的剩余刚度变化的一般规律,为复合材料的优化设计提供必要的理论依据。

    By apply cyclic tension loading to several kinds of composite layer plates , the normal rule of residual stiffness shift were observed and it can be refer to a principle thereunder for optimization design of composite .

  25. 以单层板疲劳的刚度退化为基础,并结合正则化疲劳寿命预测方法,推导、建立了复合材料疲劳加载过程剩余刚度退化模型及剩余强度退化模型;

    The residual strength degradation model and the residual stiffness degradation model based on the degradation of stiffness of the composite lamina subjected to fatigue loadings are deduced and established by coupling the normalized fatigue life method .

  26. 准确地诊断与评估在役结构的损伤状态,预测其剩余可靠度,是决定其是否需要修理,部分替换或报废的基础,故具有重要意义。

    It is the great significance to evaluate the damage status accurately and predict the residual reliability so as to provide the administrators with valid information , which could be valuable in deciding whether to maintain or rebuild them .

  27. 在建立装配约束和自由度等价关系的基础上提出了表达自由度的统一数据结构,并根据零部件所受到不同约束时的剩余自由度进行了自由度的重新归约;

    Uniform data structures of degree of freedom ( DOF ) representation is presented based on the equivalence relation between constraint and DOF , and the DOFs of parts are reduced again according to remaining DOFs when the parts are restricted by different constraints .

  28. 按照应力-强度分布干涉和模糊理论,对机械模糊可靠性优化设计方法进行系统的研究,提出了剩余可靠度的概念,建立了数学模型,给出了设计实例。

    According to stress-strength distribution interference and fuzzy theory , research on mechanical reliability and optimization design based on fuzzy design criterion is conducted systematically and the concept of surplus reliability is proposed . The mathematic model of such concept is established and design illustrations are provided .

  29. 所研制的测量装置剩余不平衡度可小于0.8g·mm/kg,不平衡量减少率大于90%。

    The minimum attainable remanent unbalance is less than 0.8 g · mm / kg , the unbalance reduction ratio is more than 90 % .

  30. 将K-终端剩余连通可靠度的概念推广到链路存在失效状态的网络模型上,并提出了计算该可靠度的基于RVR的蒙特卡洛方法。

    The concept of K-terminal residual connectedness reliability is extended to the network with link failures and a Monte Carlo method based on RVR is proposed to estimate it .