
shènɡ yú jià zhí
  • residual value;surplus value
剩余价值 [shèng yú jià zhí]
  • [surplus value] 资本主义社会里由工人剩余劳动(必要劳动之外所付出的劳动)创造的完全被资本家所占有的那部分价值

  • 由于剩余价值的发现,这里就豁然开朗了。--《在马克思墓前的讲话》

  1. 依照融资租赁规定,对财产的剩余价值进行处理;

    Disposing of the residual value of properties under a financial lease ;

  2. 对在役桥梁进行剩余价值分析,对于路政部门加强桥梁维护维修、加固甚至新建等决策管理都有实际意义。

    The analysis of the residual value of the working bridge will be significant for the traffic department to make a decision whether it needs maintenance , rehabilitation , strengthening or even rebuilding .

  3. 剩余价值学说是马克思经济理论的基石。

    The doctrine of surplus value is the cornerstone of Marx 's economic theory .

  4. x档案中我们的剩余价值是什么?

    What 's left for us on the x-files ?

  5. 当代社会剩余价值分配理论探析

    On the theory of surplus value distribution in the contemporary society

  6. 浅论马克思唯物史观与剩余价值理论之间的关系

    On Relationship Between Marxian Historical Materialism and Theory of Surplus Value

  7. 改革开放对剩余价值理论的巨大创新

    Reform and Opening-An Enormous Innovation to the Theory of Surplus Value

  8. 剩余价值存在条件探析

    An Exploration and Analysis on the Existing Condition of Surplus Value

  9. 企业收益是指企业在一定时期内所创造的剩余价值,这个定义也界定了企业收益分配的内容。

    This definition defines the content of the enterprise income distribution too .

  10. 对马克思剩余价值理论的再认识

    Reflection on the Theory of Surplus Value of Karl Marx

  11. 资本家靠榨取工人创造的剩余价值而致富。

    Capitalists batten on the surplus value created by workers .

  12. 马克思的剩余价值论和创新劳动

    Marx 's Theory of Surplus Value and The Innovation works

  13. 剩余价值分配理论课堂讲授之我见

    On the Teaching of the Theory of Surplus Value Distribution

  14. 论劳动价值、剩余价值和公共价值的演变与发展

    Transformation and Development of Labour Value , Surplus Value and Public Value

  15. 论社会主义社会剩余价值的分配

    On the Distribution of Surplus Value in a Socialist Society

  16. 对资本·剩余价值范畴的理论思考

    Reflections on the Category of Capital and Surplus Value

  17. 与上文阐述的道理一样,大多数新技术都会产生未经测量的巨大剩余价值。

    Again , most new technologies have also generated vast unmeasured surplus value .

  18. 关于剩余价值一般与特殊的思考

    Thinking about the Generality and Specialty of Surplus Value

  19. 剩余价值理论应当结合实践注入新的内容

    Enrich the Theory of Surplus Value with New Content

  20. 这剩余价值被您认为是利润塞入您自己的腰包了。

    This surplus value is you think is profit into your own pockets .

  21. 关于深化剩余价值理论的思考

    Ponder on Exploration of the Theory of Labor Value

  22. 政府只对剩余价值征税;剩余价值率保持不变;

    The government levies the surplus value only .

  23. 二是工业化&人力资本价值与剩余价值实现的物质生产条件保证。

    The other is industrialization , which guarantees the realization of human capital value .

  24. 剩余价值来源新解

    New Concept on Sources of Surplus - value

  25. 企业资本经营及剩余价值评估

    Evaluation on Enterprise 's Capital Management and Surplus

  26. 剩余价值理论及其在当代的发展

    Theory of Surplus Value Development at Modern Times

  27. 剩余价值概念的适用性新探

    The Applicability of the Concept of Surplus Value

  28. 剩余价值是利润的本质。

    Surplus value is the essence of profit .

  29. 论劳动者参与剩余价值分配

    On Labors ' Participation in Surplus Value Distribution

  30. 从剩余价值到协作价值

    From Surplus Value Theory to Synergetic Value Theory