- latent heat

[latent heat] 相变潜热的简称,指单位质量的物质在等温等压情况下,从一个相变化到另一个相吸收或放出的热量。这是物体在固、液、气三相之间以及不同的固相之间相互转变时具有的特点之一。固、液之间的潜热称为熔解热(或凝固热),液、气之间的称为汽化热(或凝结热),而固、气之间的称为升华热(或凝华热)
Measurement for Latent Heat of Tissues in Vitro with DSC
From flowering to maturing stage , the average difference of daytime total canopy latent heat flux between ambient and FACE was about 6.7 % .
Forest evapotranspiration was higher in the daytime than that at night , with the highest value occurring at noon .
And latent heat and sensible heat fluxes could make the SST decrease 3 ℃ .
The moving laser beam is simulated with the employment of ANSYS parametric design language and latent heat is considered by using enthalpy .
The asymptotic behavior of one-space-variable two-phase Stefan problem to latent heat
This model takes account of parameter changed as temperature and freezing latent heat generated by phase transition during solidification . The model is programmed with Visual C + + language .
Effects of slope direction and vegetation were taken into consideration for solar radiative absorption and flux of surface latent heat and moisture , respectively , in parameterization .
Latent heat flux , sensible heat flux , net radiation flux and photosynthetic active radiation are all significantly positively related with CO2 flux .
A latent heat computation model of aluminum silicon alloy has been created based on the silicon content in the alloys .
The fusion heat of the material is 252J / g measured by DSC and the property of heat storage is stable .
By calculation , the 4-hour milled powder stored 28 . 1 % of phase transformation energy of Cu , and the 8-hour milled powder stored 31.4 % .
The zero line of the whole year latent heat convergence runs roughly along 32 & 34 ° N. The distribution of latent heat sinks and sources coincides well with that of precipitation in China .
When best modification obtained , the freezing point and eutectic temperature droped down , while the crystal latent heat of α ( Al ) and Si phases decreased and increased respectively .
From the phase transition temperature and latent heat point of view , low-temperature solid-liquid PCM have a better prospect for industrialization .
The calculated land surface temperature , sensible heat flux andlatent heat flux is more reasonable than those in unchanged BATS .
KESSLER-MRF case produces the minimum latent heat flux while LIN-YSU produces the maximum latent flux .
The thermal properties of Al-34 % Mg-6 % Zn alloy as a latent heat storage material were determined by the differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) analysis technique .
Using ANSYS software to analyze phase change of PCMs , the results show that high latent heat and high heat conductivity is the main way to prolong the material constant temperature time .
The change of temperature field of copper staves was analyzed through using ANSYS software on the basis of disposed convection , radiation and contact boundary condition and latent heat of solidification in the model .
We found that the energy consumed for phase boundary friction is 13.14J / mol , only a small part of the latent heat of its martensitic transformation .
Regarding the mechanism responsible for this , the ocean dynamical response to the atmospheric forcing is suggested to be active , while the contribution of latent heat flux is also significant .
But latent heat flux can be up to 570 W · m - 2 , when precipitation occuring .
The heat-enthalpy method was used to deal with the latent heat allowing for the broad crystallization temperature interval of ZA27 alloy .
In the SiB model , we calculated the radiation , sensible heat , latent heat flux and the daily variation of temperature at the surface .
Te seasonal and interannual variability of SST in the coastal China seas can be well portrayed by CORA data . The second mode of EOF reveals the SST response to wind-induced latent heat .
A New Method for Calculating the Latent Heat of Evaporation of Alkane at 298K Using Topological Method from Molecular Structure
Study on the Characteristics of the Freezing Latent Heat Exchanger and the Performance of the Heat Pump
Establish a multiple pass weld heat filed model with the ANSYS software . The model used element life and death technology , considered the heat emission , heat exchange , latent heat of phase change , and the influence of horizontal position .
And the sensible ( C_ ( Hn )) and latent ( C_ ( En )) heat exchange coefficients were not sensible to the synoptic change .