
  • 网络latent talent
  1. 试论公共图书馆潜人才开发

    Discussion on the Development of Latent Talents of the Public Library

  2. 谈如何发现和培养护理潜人才

    How to discover and cultivate the nursing potential talents

  3. 影响中小学竞技潜人才资源开发的若干社会因素分析

    Social Factors Affecting the Development of Latent Athletic Talents Resources in Primary and Middle Schools

  4. 潜在效应是表现效应的发展源泉。教练应善于从运动潜人才表现效应中见其潜在效应。

    Latent efficiency is the source of the development of substantial efficiency and coaches should be good at discovering it from potential talents ;

  5. 本文中的高潜人才指的是已经取得一定的成果,具有较强的知识理论水平和学习力、创造力,并且正在向更高的目标和阶段发展的高素质劳动者。

    The high potential talent is already obtained a certain result , has strong learning ability and knowledge of the theoretical level , creativity , and was higher target and development stages of high-quality workers .

  6. 对护理潜人才的内涵和特征进行论述,提出护理潜人才要树立信心,磨练意志,发现自身优势,注意综合素质的自我培养和提高;

    This article was talked about essence and features of nursing potential talents , and proposed that potential talents should have confidence , steel themselves , discover their advantages , cultivate and enhance their comprehensive quality .