
  1. 把DM应用到教务管理系统中实现个性化人才培养,向决策者提供信息支持,有利于推动学校教学改革和建设的全面发展。

    The application of DM to the system of teaching affairs management realizes the cultivation of individualized talents , provides information for policymakers and promotes the overall development of teaching reform .

  2. 要想培育出个性化人才,教学就必须富有个性。

    Cultivation of individuation talents requires that teaching should have individuation character .

  3. 高职个性化人才培养体系的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of the System of Individuality Training in Higher Vocational Colleges

  4. 关于独立学院个性化人才培养的思考

    Reflections upon Individualized Personnel Cultivation in Independent Institute

  5. 大众化背景下个性化人才培养与板块课程设置

    Individualized talents training and module courses design under background of popularization of higher education

  6. 优化培养模式,实施个性化人才培养的新方案;

    Perfect the student training pattern and carry out a new design for fostering the personalized graduates ;

  7. 学分制人才培养模式改革继续推进,自主选拔录取试点工作顺利开展,通识教育和个性化人才培养得到强化,人才培养质量有效提升。

    The reform of the mode of talent training was continued , and independent student recruitment pilots went on smoothly .

  8. 分析了人才培养的目标,总结了浙江工业大学现行的个性化人才培养教学改革与实践,探讨了实践学分的管理改革措施。

    An analysis is featured in the paper in terms of the reforms and practice in the training of individualized personnel .

  9. 我国市场经济已经进入新阶段,在这个改革开放的时代,社会需要大量个性化人才。

    The market economy of our country entered a new stage of development , so the social needs a large number of personalized talents in the time of the reform and open policy .

  10. 只有达到个性化的人才是最健康的人,才是一个具有充分化了的平衡和统一人格的人。

    Only the person who achieved individuation is the most healthy person , is the person who have the completely balanced and unified personality .

  11. 在规模化教育过程中实现个性化与创新性人才的培养,哈佛、耶鲁等美国高校在本科课程设置与培养制度方面的经验值得借鉴。

    As for the training of enterprising talents with individuality in the process of extensive education , Harvard University and Yale University have done a good job concerning their undergraduate-course programs and training systems .

  12. 本文探讨了个性化教育与创新人才培养的关系,并针对我国现有教育存在的弊端对人的个性发展的影响,提出了一些建议。

    This paper probes into the relationship between individuation education and cultivation of creative talents , points out the disadvantages which affect the individual development in the present educational system of our country and then puts forward some proposals .

  13. 适应新世纪的教育发展,高等教育需要更新观念,核心是注意培养高素质富有个性化创新型的人才,以适应新的社会竞争环境。

    In order to meet the education development needs in the new century , the higher education needs to have new educational concepts . The key problem is to develop high - quality , individualized and creativity - oriented talents .

  14. 它对推动高校个性化教育和创新人才的培养,促进优秀教学资源的整合使用,深化教学管理改革,提高教学管理水平,提高教学质量影响殊深。

    It makes a great impact on promoting individuated education , training innovative talents , accelerating the integration of excellent teaching resources , deepening the reform of teaching management , improving the level of teaching management and the teaching quality in higher education .

  15. 个性化教育作为培养具有创造性思维能力、表达能力的个性化人才的主要途径,是21世纪各个谋求发展的国家所共同关注的问题。

    Being the main path to foster individuation talents who have creative ability of thinking and expression , individuation education is the question of common concern of all the countries which seek for development in 21 century .