
gè xìng
  • personality;individuality;self;individual character;particularity;specific character;specific (characteristic) property
个性 [gè xìng]
  • [individual character;individuality] 心理学名词。指个人特有的心理特性,其中包括遗传的及学习的种种特质

  • (1) [personality;indiviality]∶指一个人的比较固定的特性

  • 这个人很有个性

  • (2) [specific (characteristic) property]∶指一事物区别于其他事物的个别的、特殊的性质

  • 矛盾的普遍性和矛盾的特殊的关系,就是矛盾的共性和个性的关系。--毛泽东《矛盾论》

个性[gè xìng]
  1. 体育教学应强化个性教学

    Physical Education Should Strengthen the Teaching of Specific Character

  2. 如何提高一校多馆制下的管理效益,满足读者共性和个性的需求,本文提出了文献类型&读者流的管理模式思想。

    This paper gives a model of " Document-type and Readership-flow " to improve its efficiency and meet the needs of the general and specific character of the readers .

  3. 你的一言一行都体现你的个性。

    Everything you do or say is reflective of your personality .

  4. 那是她个性中不太讨人喜欢的一面。

    That 's one of the less attractive aspects of her personality .

  5. 许多生活在福利院里的人已经失去了个性意识。

    Many people living in institutions have lost their sense of self .

  6. 穿着常常反映出一个人的个性。

    Your clothes are often a reflection of your personality .

  7. 公司里全是些缺乏个性、毫无吸引力的男人。

    The company was full of faceless grey men who all looked the same .

  8. 她已经长成了一个相当有个性的人。

    She 's grown into quite an individual .

  9. 她从穿着上表现出她的个性。

    She expresses her individuality through her clothes .

  10. 他们的儿子真是有个性。

    Their son is a real personality .

  11. 他们的个性迥然相异。

    They have clashing personalities .

  12. 个性是受父母和社会熏陶的结果,还是我们生而有之?

    Is personality the result of conditioning from parents and society , or are we born with it ?

  13. 他个性坚定,但绝不是什么狂热分子。

    He was forceful , but by no means a zealot .

  14. 他很有个性魅力——非常风趣。

    He is such a personality — he is so funny .

  15. 虽已年届九旬,她依然头脑敏锐,个性很强。

    Into her nineties , her thinking remained acute and her character forceful

  16. 这会让你的促销品显得个性十足、格调高雅。

    This will give your promotional material individuality and style .

  17. 我当时不知道罗恩有那么坚强的个性。

    I didn 't know Ron had that much strength of character .

  18. 他开一辆个性车牌的劳斯莱斯。

    He drove a Rolls-Royce with a personalised number plate .

  19. 宠物的主人都知道它们有自己的个性。

    Every pet owner knows their animal has its own personality

  20. 他迷人的个性使他深受同龄人的喜爱。

    His engaging personality made him popular with his peers .

  21. 那其实都是她独特个性的表现。

    It was really all part of her very individual personality

  22. 你可以在页边空白处添加评论使文件变得富有个性。

    You can individualize a document by adding comments in the margins .

  23. 个性鲜明是英国人固有的、也是他们看重的特点。

    Individuality is a valued and inherent part of the British character .

  24. 忌妒心强是埃玛的一个不那么让人称道的个性特点。

    One of Emma 's less laudable characteristics was her jealousy

  25. 他魅力十足,个性迷人。

    He had much charm and a winning personality .

  26. 耶娅觉得她不安分的个性不适合包办的婚姻。

    Jeya feels that her ambitious nature made her unsuitable for an arranged marriage

  27. 竞赛比手段策略,也比个性。

    The contest was as much about personalities as it was about politics .

  28. 我想要确立自己的个性意识。

    I wanted a sense of my own identity .

  29. 他个性很强,为人精明且爱指使人。

    He is sharp and manipulative with a strong personality

  30. 这使得两种文化能相互融合,却又不失其个性。

    This allows the two cultures to intermingle without losing their separate identities .