
  • 网络personality;traits;Personality Traits;Personality Characteristic
  1. 利用KSAO模型将应用性国际贸易人才的职业能力分解为知识、职业能力、素质能力和个性特质四个方面。

    The professional abilities of applied international business talents can be divided into four aspects including knowledge , professional abilities , quality abilities and personality by KSAO model .

  2. 在心灵中,种子就是造成一个人个性特质的原因。

    In the mind , seed is the factor that shapes an individual 's personality traits .

  3. 人的个性特质与创新精神往往紧相关联。

    Individualities are always closely related to innovative spirits .

  4. 综合医院儿科护理人员不同个性特质与心理应对方式的调查研究

    Investigation on coping mode of nurses with different personalities in pediatrics department of general hospitals

  5. 影响信息查询行为的五大个性特质

    Five Individual Traits Influencing Information Searching Behavior

  6. 走进心灵的家园&试论绘画艺术表现上的个性特质

    On the Personal Characteristics of Painting Arts

  7. 我们看三个典型的个性特质:成就导向,自我驱动,竞争力。

    We look at three typical traits : Achievement Orientation , Ego Drive , and Competition .

  8. 过去没有学者从个性特质的角度对规范性评估进行考察。

    Past research never investigated the influence of normative evaluation on impulse buying based on personality trait .

  9. 异质文化是整体文化现象中最具民族性与个性特质的部分。

    The foreign culture is the part of the entire culture with most characteristic races and individualistic features .

  10. 有8种个性特质或次级因素与年龄、文化程度、独生子或工龄相关显著。

    A total of eight personality traits and secondary factors correlated significantly with age , education , only-son or length of service .

  11. 结论:海医学员的防御机制与其个性特质相关,对应激反应有一定影响。

    Conclusion : Defense mechanism of college students in naval medicine is notably affected by personality and exerts influence on stress reaction .

  12. 结果大学生所采用的与心理健康密切相关的应对方式受父母养育方式、个性特质和心理控制源的影响。

    Results Parental rearing patterns , personality traits and locus of control had a great influence on coping strategies used by college students .

  13. 对这57个项目进行因素分析后划分为6个分量表,分别命名为个性特质、动机取向、专业技能、工作态度、关系建立、管理素质,可以满足测评采掘业一线管理人员胜任特征的要求。

    These sub-scales is divided into Personal traits , Motivation orientation , Professional skills , Attitude , Relationship building , Quality of management quality .

  14. 所引诗文,尽可能系年,并且参照相关年代事迹,以便能更透彻了解他的个性特质影响政途的来龙去脉。

    According to the cited poems and the stories of Su-Shi , we can understand the reason why the inherent characters affect his officer career .

  15. 本文在基于前人研究的基础上,以消费者个性特质理论、技术接受模型理论、感知风险理论作为本文的理论基础。

    This paper based on the basis of previous studies , the consumer personality theory , the technology acceptance model theory and the perceived risk theory .

  16. 以模糊程度不同的图片为判断任务,以情绪状态、个性特质以及加工方式为自变量进行实验。

    Using two levels of ambiguous pictures as judgment tasks , it conducted experiments with emotion states , personality characters and processing patterns as independent variables .

  17. 最后,结合作家的创作心理和个性特质分析了邱华栋城市小说的艺术形式。

    At last , combined with the writer 's creating mentality and personal particularity , it analyzes the art form of Qiu Huadong 's city novels .

  18. 从很大程度上说,价值取向是反观海明威个性特质和创作思想的最直接、最有说服力的窗口。

    To a great extent , the orientation of values is the most direct and convincing window through which Hemingway 's idiosyncrasy of personality and creative thoughts are reflected .

  19. 结果:①根据专家评判筛选出40项胜任特征评价指标,并划分为3类:个性特质、品行特质和能力倾向;

    RESULTS : ① Forty items of psychological qualities were chosen from the 104 items by experts and categorized into 3 levels : personality , moral character and competence .

  20. 此外,研究还揭示了大学生对生理健康、心理健康和个性特质的观点。

    In addition , the paper explored the relationship between the college students ' view of mental health and mental conditions as well as and the characteristics of personality .

  21. 那极具个性特质的优雅气质依然,那仪态万方的翩翩风度依然,只是一张端庄秀气的脸上多了些深沉、淡定。

    She is still extremely elegant with the characteristic individuality , still handsome with graceful demeanor , and only the expression on her delicate face is more deep and calm .

  22. 经研究表明,相对脸型的长短而言,脸型的宽度更能突出男人偏强势的个性特质,自己认为自己是偏强势型人,别人也认为自己是偏强势型人。

    The research revealed a strong link between the breadth of a man 's face compared to its height , and how dominant he was considered by himself and others .

  23. 在此基础上,从七个层面上揭示了马克思哲学的个性特质,强调马克思哲学本质上是生活哲学;

    On the basis of this , the writer reveals the idiosyncrasy of Marxist philosophy from seven levels , emphasizing that the essence of Marxist philosophy is the philosophy of life .

  24. 他因独特的个性特质及其对世界所持的否定态度、对人生所持的怀疑态度,决定了其带有强烈悲剧色彩的创作思想及创作过程。

    His particular idiosyncrasy of personality and his negative attitude toward the world and his suspicious attitude toward life determined his creative thoughts and process , which were filled with a strong tragic trait .

  25. 另一方面,价值取向不仅是他创作思想的直接表现形式,而且从一个非常重要的方面,集中体现了他的复杂的个性特质。

    On the other hand , the orientation of values is not only a direct manifestation of his creative thoughts but also a concentrative representation of his complicated idiosyncrasy of personality in an important respect .

  26. 本研究使用心理测验与质的研究相结合的方法,通过对江苏省名校长进行心理测试与访谈,从中了解成功校长所具备的个性特质与技能。

    By using qualitative research method and psychometry , this paper summarizes the skills and the characteristics of successful school principal after analyzing the results of psychometry and interview of successful school principal in Jiangsu province .

  27. 但过去有关消费者个性特质的研究主要限于消费者的冲动性购买倾向,根据冲动性购买倾向把消费者分为高、中、低冲动购买者。

    However , in the past , the studies focusing on personality trait mainly were limited to impulse buying tendency and classified consumers as high , middle and low impulse buyer according to impulse buying tendency .

  28. 探讨了医疗改革过程中护理结构变化对护士长个性特质需求及其对护士长领导技能的需求,以及护理管理多元化对护士长领导艺术的需求。

    This article discussed that in the process of medical reform , the requirement of nursing structure changes for the personality and administration ability of head nurses , and the demands of pluralistic nursing management for administrative skills of head nurses .

  29. 研究还清晰地表明,在本研究构建的概念模型中,网站依恋三维度是完全中介变量。(3)考察了消费者个性特质&关系焦虑对网站依恋与关系质量之间关系的调节作用。

    Research also clearly suggests that the three dimensions of website attachment are full mediators in the conceptual model of this study . ( 3 ) The dissertation investigate the effect of website attachment and relationship quality is moderated by consumers ' personality trait i.e. relationship anxiety .

  30. 他孤独、困惑、悲观和勇敢的个性特质直接影响着他的创作思想的形成,进而体现在他的独特文风上,体现在他对自己理想形象的精心塑造上,体现在他的价值取向上。

    The idiosyncrasy of his personality such as loneliness , perplexity , pessimism and bravery all have a direct influence on the formation of his creative thoughts , which are further presented in his unique style , his painstaking creation of ideal images and his orientation of values .