
ɡè rén quán lì
  • individual right;personal right;right of individual
  1. 但是,赫姆基指出,斯卡利亚法官在陈述多数派法官意见时说,虽然最高法院承认携带枪支的个人权利,然而这一权利不是无限的。

    But Helmke noted that in his majority opinion , Justice Scalia said that although the court recognizes an individual right to bear arms , that right is not unlimited .

  2. 对思想的不宽容无论是自由还是保守派思想都是同个人权利和自由社会背道而驰的

    Intolerance of ideas whether liberal or conservative is antithetical to individual rights and free societies

  3. 有些政府觉得有必要以限制个人权利来保障社会权利;

    Some governments feel the need to restrict individual rights to protect the rights of society .

  4. 所以限制我们个人权利的实际效果是为了让我们更不安全。”

    so the practical effect of limiting our individual rights is to make us less safe . "

  5. 如果你想问问他的逮捕记录,那是你的个人权利。

    If you want to ask him about his arrest record , that is your right as a person .

  6. 而现在,我们转向了另一种模式,即追崇自主选择,个人权利,自我实现与幸福的模式。

    And we have shifted it to a model of free choice and individual rights , and self-fulfillment and happiness .

  7. 该法律目的是为了保护个人权利。

    The purpose of the law is to protect the right of the individual . I advised him to command his temper .

  8. 他还说,即使只是用于讽刺,但也会侵犯“个人权利、名誉、尊严和企业声誉”。

    He says even if the use is satirical , it would violate " one 's personal rights , honour , dignity and business reputation . "

  9. 面对我们几乎无法想像的危险,我们的先辈们起草了确保法治和个人权利的宪章,

    Our founding fathers , faced with perils we can scarcely imagine , drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man ,

  10. 很少有其他问题像粮食危机这样强有力地表明个人权利和集体行动,表明影响数百万无辜者的无法忍受的不平等。

    Very few issues speak as forcefully as this one about individual rights and collective action and about the intolerable inequalities that affect millions through no fault of their own .

  11. 《大宪章》是第一份正式规定国王也必须遵守《土地法》、并保证个人权利不受国王私欲侵犯的文件。

    It was the first formal document stating that a king had to follow the laws of the land and it guaranteed the rights of individuals against the wishes of the king .

  12. 同众人皆知的“邱吉尔的布丁”所不同的是,她的奋斗有这样一个主题:尽可能地让掌握自身命运的个人权利远离国家的微观管理。

    Unlike Churchill 's famous pudding , her struggles had a theme : the right of individuals to run their own lives , as free as possible from micromanagement by the state .

  13. 面对我们几乎无法想像的危险,我们的先辈们起草了确保法治和个人权利的宪章。一代代人民的鲜血夯实了这一宪章。

    Our founding fathers , faced with perils we can scarcely imagine , drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man , a charter expanded by the blood of generations .

  14. 岁月如梭,奴隶制问题由内战解决,民主党由意识到支持普通工人阶级人民演变成支持安全和个人权利和自由的激进议程。

    As the years moved on , and the slavery issue was settled by the Civil War , the Democratic sense of supporting regular working class people evolved into and aggressive agenda of supporting security and individual rights and freedoms .

  15. 原来,法国思想家伏尔泰大概会用直截了当的语气,并以他自己的名言不厌其烦地赋予某个人权利,“我不同意你的观点,但我誓死捍卫你表达观点的权利。”

    It turns out the French thinker Voltaire probably never uttered the words so often ascribed to him : " I do not agree with what you have to say , but I 'll defend to the death your right to say it . "

  16. 受教育是国家赋予每一个人的权利。

    Education is provided by the state as of right .

  17. 个人的权利比整个社会的权利更重要。n.间隔;

    The rights of the individual are more important than the rights of society as a whole .

  18. 微软的总法律顾问布拉德·史密斯(BradSmith)则在周三发布的博客文章中写道,“用网络攻击任何一个人的权利,都是在攻击所有人的权利,我们需要合力抵御这种攻击。”

    Brad Smith , Microsoft 's general counsel , wrote in a blog post on Wednesday that " a cyberattack on anyone 's rights is a cyberattack on everyone 's rights , and together we need to defend against it . "

  19. 偶的想法是,个人的权利应该得到充分尊重。

    My idea is that individual rights should be fully respected .

  20. 这是一个人的权利与他人的义务的必然的、客观的、事实如何的关系,亦即所谓权利与义务的逻辑相关性。

    This reflects the logical relevance between rights and duties .

  21. 人们先要对他人负有义务,然后才有个人的权利。

    And people have responsibilities to others before they have personal rights .

  22. 论市场经济与个人经济权利的进步

    On Market Economy and Economic Right Advancement of Individuals

  23. 普通法一直保护着个人的权利。

    The common law has always protected individual rights .

  24. 这侵害了我个人的权利。

    This impinges on my rights as an individual .

  25. 预防犯罪应当注意对个人自由权利的保护

    While Preventing Crimes , We Should Center on Protection of Individual Right of Liberty

  26. 社会的需求比个人的权利还重要吗?

    Are the needs of society more important than the rights of the individuals ?

  27. 关于败坏人心,性是一个人基本权利。

    As for the demoralization , sex is one of basic right of people .

  28. 个人的权利和责任独特的;

    the rights and responsibilities of the individual .

  29. 我不认为我有处死一个人的权利;

    I did not think that I had the right to kill a man ;

  30. 国王侵害了我们个人的权利。

    The king invaded our private rights .