
  • 网络PCE;Personal Consumption Expenditures
  1. 而不包括燃油和食品在内的核心个人消费支出(PCE)的缩减指数在第一季度只是微微增长。

    The deflator for " core " personal consumption expenditures ( PCE ), which excludes fuel and food , rose more modestly in the first quarter .

  2. 这就解释了为什么个人消费支出在2008年底以创纪录速度下降。

    This explains why personal consumption expenditures fell at record rates at the end of 2008 .

  3. 学术研究已表明,国家ACSI评分是一个强有力的预测国内生产总值(GDP)增长,一个更强大的预测个人消费支出(PCE)物价增长。

    Academicresearch has shown that the national ACSI score is a strong predictorof Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) growth , and an even stronger predictorof Personal Consumption Expenditure ( PCE ) growth .

  4. 但实际个人消费支出仅减少0.1%。

    But real personal consumption spending fell by only 0.1 per cent .

  5. 个人消费支出不含住房费用,必然会低估了劳动力成本。

    This paper holds that residential cost is an important component of consumer expenditure on the standpoint of the consumer .

  6. 另一方面,个人消费支出持续增长,劳动市场坚挺。

    On the other hand , consumer spending continues to grow and the labor market is strong , according to Fisher .

  7. 这并非贷款价值比率的问题,一定程度上,是抵押率的问题,即负债对个人消费支出的比率。

    Part of this is the it 's not loan-to-value ratio this is the ratio of mortgage debt to personal consumption expenditure .

  8. 个人消费支出推动了实际产出的增长,是2007年第一季度以来最快的一次。其中耐用品消费支出尤其拉动了此轮增长。

    Personal consumption helped to drive output forward , rising at the fastest pace since the beginning of2007.Consumption of durable goods , in particular , boosted growth .

  9. 家庭财富对个人消费支出的效应有据可查,但从统计上看,股价对私人资本投资也有十分重大的影响。

    The household wealth effect on personal consumption expenditures has been documented , but stock prices have a statistically highly significant impact on private capital investment as well .

  10. 零售业销售额8月下降0.3%,7月下降0.5%。实际个人消费支出在7月下降0.5%之后,8月无明显变化。

    Retail sales fell 0.3 per cent in August and 0.5 per cent in July , while real personal consumption expenditure was flat in August after falling 0.5 per cent in July .

  11. 美联储偏爱的价格量尺,核心个人消费支出平减指数,到今年10月份上升了2.4%,与十年来的峰值只差一步之遥。

    The Fed 's preferred price gauge , the core personal-consumption deflator , went up by2.4 % in the year to October , only a little short of the fastest pace for a decade .

  12. 体育消费是指人们在参与体育活动方面的个人劳务消费支出,在现实生活中是不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    Sports consumption refers to the individual labor people in sports activities in consumer spending , it is an indispensable important part of real life .

  13. 认真分析影响高等教育个人需求的因素,了解高等教育的个人消费支出状况,可充分认识高等教育带来的个人收益。

    The paper analyzes the factors affecting personal needs in higher education , illustrating personal expenditure and personal income in higher education .