
dǎ jiǎ
  • Combating counterfeits;mount an attack on producers of counterfeit products
  1. RFID助力美国网络打假

    RFID Counterfeit In American Network

  2. 中国商务部副部长姜增伟表示,中国将在明年初发起打假保知行动,打击对象包括假药、假烟、盗版软件和CD。

    The country will launch a crackdown early next year on goods including fake medicines and cigarettes , pirated software and CDs , said Jiang Zengwei , deputy minister of commerce .

  3. “这一领域需要做更多的工作”,世卫组织国际医疗产品打假专题小组协调员ValerioReggi博士说。

    " This area needs more work ," said Dr Valerio Reggi , WHO Coordinator of IMPACT .

  4. 问题在于,严格的打假行动和模糊的立法倾向于也把基本的仿制药作为目标。一些科学家非常担心一个新的反造假条约&欧洲理事会的MEDICRIME反假冒公约。

    Some scientists are very concerned about a new treaty to combat counterfeit drugs , the Council of Europe 's Medicrime Convention .

  5. 阿里巴巴表示自己雇佣了2000名巡查员,还拥有5400名志愿“影子购物者”,共同负责线上巡查打假。阿里巴巴旗下网站还包括为较大商家提供的零售平台“天猫”(Tmall)。

    The company , which also operates Tmall , a website for larger sellers , says it employs 2000 monitors and has 5400 volunteer " phantom shoppers " to comb through its websites looking for suspicious goods .

  6. 意大利时尚集团SalvatoreFerragamo表示,在一场激烈的全球打假战争中,它已封堵、扣押或销毁了逾10万件假货,这场战争的主战场在中国和互联网上。

    Salvatore Ferragamo , the Italian fashion house , said it had blocked , seized or destroyed more than 100,000 fake products in a fierce global battle against counterfeiting focused on China and the internet .

  7. 意大利时尚集团SalvatoreFerragamo表示,在一场“激烈的全球打假战争”中,它已封堵、扣押或销毁了逾10万件假货,这场战争的主战场在中国和互联网上。

    Salvatore Ferragamo , the Italian fashion house , said it had blocked , seized or destroyed more than 100000 fake products in a " fierce global battle against counterfeiting " focused on China and the internet .

  8. 打假治劣提高会计信息质量

    Attacking the false to improve the quality of accounting imformation

  9. 江苏省打假治劣机制的完善与优化

    Perfection and Improvement of Hitting Counterfeit and Inferior Goods in Jiangsu Province

  10. 著名企业应当是规范市场经济秩序的模范&德力西集团总裁助理、打假办主任包秀锡一席谈

    The Famous Enterprise Should Be a Model of Standardizing Market Economics Oder

  11. 外资品牌如何在中国打假?

    How are some foreign brands catching counterfeiters in China ?

  12. 医学科研打假专题文献调研分析

    Investigation and analysis of literature on the fraud and misconduct in medical research

  13. 中国自告奋勇的科教界打假人士昨天下午在北京遭到歹徒袭击。

    China 's self-appointed science fraud buster was assaulted yesterday afternoon in Beijing .

  14. 制假与打假的经济学分析

    An economics analysis of manufacturing counterfeits and combating counterfeits

  15. 你应该为打假报告而感到羞愧。

    You should be ashamed of making artificial reports .

  16. 关于假货不禁及打假问题的再思考

    The further thoughts on the problem of forgeries

  17. 博弈论在打假中的运用

    The Application of Game Theory in Striding Fakes

  18. 你想跟我打假吗?来啊,你这个笨蛋。

    Are you going to screw with me ? Try it , you idiot .

  19. 我国行政程序立法几个热点问题聚焦&从足协打假事件引申开来

    Some Hot Issues in Chinese Administrative Procedure Legislation

  20. 假冒伪劣商品市场交易的博弈分析&兼论打假之对策

    An Analysis of the Marketing of Fake and Inferior Commodity based on Game Theory

  21. 打假过程的数学模型

    Mathematical Model of Crack Down on Forgery

  22. 打假行动还分散了对最需要采取行动的领域的注意力和资源。

    Anti-counterfeiting initiatives have also diverted attention and resources from where action is needed most .

  23. 企业打假操作指南

    Operation guide for enterprises fighting against forging

  24. 国外是如何打假防伪的我国葡萄酒业仍处于前期起步和成长阶段,现有葡萄酒厂总数在500家左右。

    Struggles Against Fakes in Foreign Country There are about 500 wineries totally in our country .

  25. 学术打假与学报编辑

    Crack Down on Illegal Activities in the Field of Academy and Strengthen the Editors of Journals

  26. 它是保护政客、训练间谍、收税还是打假的?

    Was it to protect politicians , train spies , collect taxes , or stop counterfeiters ?

  27. 造假与打假的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on Counterfeit and Anti-counterfeit

  28. 因此,建立氨基酸打假模式可有效解决蛋白质掺假问题。

    Therefore , establishing the amino acid anti-fakes model can solve the problem of protein adulteration effectively .

  29. 今年8月,在一次“学术打假”中,他于北京住所附近被袭。

    One of his cases resulted in his being attacked in August near his residence in Beijing .

  30. 打假永远是一种群体行为,新闻打假概莫能外。

    Fighting against false is always a kind of group behaving , including fighting against false news .