
dǎ yìn shí jiān
  • print time
  1. 在文件中遇到打印时间代码,它们的域已被计数代替。

    Print time codes were encountered in your file , and their fields have been replaced by counts .

  2. runReflection()方法运行测试的反射部分,runAccess()运行直接访问部分,run()控制整个进程(包括打印时间结果)。

    The runReflection () method runs the reflection part of the test , runAccess () runs the direct access part , and run () controls the whole process ( including printing the timing results ) .

  3. 这里包装器方法只是保存当前时间,然后调用改名后的原方法,并在返回调用原方法的结果之前打印时间报告。

    Here the wrapper method just saves the current time , then calls the renamed original method and prints a time report before returning the result of the call to the original method .

  4. 如果脚本要花费一些时间执行,那或许应在执行脚本的开始和结束的地方打印时间。

    If the script is going to take more than few seconds to execute , you may want to print the date at the beginning and at the end of the execution of the script .

  5. 定时打印间隔时间可通过DIP开关提供四种选择。

    DIP switch attached to offers four time intervals for regular printout .

  6. 运用此程序可在CRT屏幕上绘制色谱图,在各色谱峰峰顶自动打印保留时间。

    Using the program chromatogram can be drawn in CRT screen and the screen displays retention time in every top peak .

  7. 微机打印口时间尺

    A timing ruler at the LPT port of personal computer

  8. 打印当前时间。

    T Prints the current time .

  9. 上次打印文档的时间。

    Time document was last printed .

  10. 它能自动测量和记录病人排尿时的尿流率、排尿时间和排尿量等参数,并打印出随时间变化的尿流率曲线。

    The device can automatically measure and record the patients'urinary parameters , such as uroflowrate , voiding time , voided volume , etc. , and print out the flowrate curve versus time .

  11. 本系统除了具有自动生成调度命令票的功能外,系统还能对调度命令票进行自动保存,手动保存,编辑,查询,打印,操作时间和顺序修改等功能,具有良好的人机界面和扩展功能。

    Besides automatically generating the DOS with working arrangement content and the DOS with switching sequence , this expert system has many other function , such as auto saving , manual saving , editing , querying , printing , changing the operation time and sequence etc.

  12. 上面打印有一个时间段,在这个时间段内去玩这个项目,就不用排队,直接走FASTPASS通道。

    There is a period of time on the ticket , in this period of time to play this item , you do not have to queue up , to go the FASTPASS line .

  13. 检查确认或恢复时间的打印与实际发生时间相同。

    Keep printing time of verifying and resuming identical with actual time .

  14. 付款所花的时间比扫描显著更少,并且打印所花的时间比付款或扫描更少。

    Payment takes significantly less time than scanning , and printing takes less time than payment or scanning .

  15. 指定打印质量。通常,打印质量越低,打印所需的时间越少。

    Specifies the quality of the printing . generally , lower quality printing takes less time to produce .

  16. 打印时不再需要保存聊天,当打印聊天时,聊天记录中包括的所有内容都会打印出来,比如时间戳和系统消息。

    You no longer need to save a chat to print it , and when you print a chat , everything included in the chat transcript is included , such as time stamps and system messages .