
dǎ bǐ fɑnɡ
  • see also 打比
  1. 这样打比方显然不公平。

    It is demonstrably an unfair comparison

  2. 请包涵一下我爱用历史掌故打比方的习惯。

    Please bear with me as I draw an analogy using history .

  3. 我只是在这里打比方。

    I 'm trying to use an analogy here .

  4. 都不是打比方,重物都是我搬的

    Literally , I lifted the heavy things .

  5. 如果打比方说这个球拍是羽毛球之树,那么这5条原则就是这棵树的5个根。

    Let 's say , if this racket is a badminton tree , I believe there are5 roots .

  6. 战士让我们来面对现实:打比方说,软件测试人员经常处于作战状态。

    WarriorLet 's face it : software testers are constantly in a state of warfare , figuratively speaking .

  7. 打比方说,锻炼三十分钟能转换掉相当于一个中号麦当劳炸鸡的热量。

    Thirty minutes of exercise , for example , can burn less than a medium McDonald 's fries .

  8. 拿一个化学式来打比方,比如氯化纳,是一种稳定而必要的化合物。

    I might compare it with the chemical formula NaCl , Sodium Chloride . It 's a stable , necessary compound .

  9. 打比方,你要准备一个重要面视-一个你坚信会改变你职业生涯的面视。

    Let 's say you 're all set for your big interview & the one you 're confident will change your career .

  10. 就跟我现在活着一样的真实,他为了你都快死啦,因为你的三心二意而心碎啦:我这不是在打比方,是实际上如此。

    As true as I live , he 's dying for you ; breaking his heart at your fickleness : not figuratively , but actually .

  11. 实际上,拿纳普斯特来打比方并不十分确切,因为纳普斯特是用中央服务器来追踪音乐分享的,而比特币交易则是完全分散的。

    In fact , the comparison to Napster is somewhat inaccurate , since Napster used centralized servers to track music sharing , while bitcoin is entirely distributed .

  12. 用面向对象的环境打比方,这些之中的大部分将工作在方法调用级上,这实际上包括很多行的代码和循环等等。

    In object-oriented terms , most of this work takes place at the method level , on the order of actual lines of code , loops , and so on .

  13. 他表示:如果让我用印度烹饪方法来打比方,那么可以把多边协议比作品质优良的咖喱汁,地区性协议则是其中的辣椒。

    If you allow me an analogy with Indian cuisine , regional trade agreements are the pepper in a good curry sauce which is the multilateral agreement , he said .

  14. 拿伊朗打比方,我就是看不明白西方国家要视为伊朗为恶魔,把它当作威胁,相反正是这些所谓的民族人士,热爱和平的人士非常不好的正对待着伊朗人民。

    Take for example Iran , I don 't see why Western nations should demonize Iran and see it as a threat when it is them whom have treated Iranians poorly .

  15. 比如一个大学,或者一个,算了,还是拿大学打比方吧-,你们如何能看到本质,然后决定:,一个大学有公正的意图。

    Like how does a university or how does any & well let 's stick with the university-how do you get to the core and decide : yes this is actually the intention of this is justice .

  16. 但即使打比方地说,曼联的风格也不会允许他们去赖在诺坎普门口往里面丢巨额报价,直到巴萨肯卖给他们梅西为止。

    Such a player does not really exist anyway , but it would not be United 's style to , say , pitch their tent on Barcelona 's lawn and refuse to go away until an offer had been accepted for Lionel Messi .

  17. 通过讲故事,打比方,画图或实物,来描绘“我们的现状”,然后用一幅更好的画面来呈现“美丽新世界”,这样可以触及到人的情感面,更有力地促使(或阻止)改变发生。

    Use stories , metaphors , pictures , and physical objects to paint an ugly image of " where we are now " and a better vision of a glorious new state . This taps into people 's emotions , a forceful lever for ( or against ) change .

  18. 打个比方说,她正拿枪对着他的脑袋。

    She is , figuratively speaking , holding a gun to his head .

  19. 我要把你放到罗宾能干的手中——当然,这只是打个比方。

    I 'll leave you in Robin 's capable hands ─ metaphorically speaking , of course !

  20. 我当然不是,这不过是打个比方。

    Of course I 'm not . It was just a figure of speech .

  21. 怀让解释说:“打个比方说,牛拉车,车不动。你说,应该打牛还是推车?”马祖支支吾吾答不上来。

    Huai Rang explained : " For example , an ox pulls a cart , but the cart doesn 't move . Now , you say , should you whip the ox or push the cart ? "

  22. 打个比方,UNIX可以一边散步,一边嚼口香糖。

    In lay terms , UNIX can readily walk and chew gum at the same time .

  23. 打个比方,想想gucci吧。

    Consider , for example , the case of Gucci .

  24. 打个比方,父母们大多都明白在给他们的孩子买一份生日礼物时,如果记忆不清楚会有什么不良后果。他们得记得他们的孩子更想要的是耍功夫把式的G。

    Parents , for instance , often know the perils of a fuzzy memory when shopping for a birthday gift for their child : remembering that their son wanted the G.

  25. 我们中的一些人对细胞内部的各个结构并不都那么了如指掌,那么,打个比方来解释一下,端粒是DNA链末端的小帽子,就像鞋带上的塑料箍一样。

    For those of us who don 't know every portion of our cells " interiors , telomeres are tiny caps found on the end of DNA strands , like plastic aglets on shoelaces .

  26. 打个比方,Salesforce是闪耀于杂志封面的明星设计师王薇薇。

    Salesforce was Vera Wang , the stuff of magazine covers .

  27. SOAP处理程序允许通过一个API访问消息,这个API可以感知SOAP协议,并且打个比方说,还可以提供对SOAP头部的简单访问。

    The SOAP handler allows access to the message via an API that is aware of the SOAP protocol and provides easy access SOAP headers , for example .

  28. 打个比方,我们已经创建了一个文件传输API,它曝露了发送、接收以及浏览远程文件系统的功能。

    So , for example , we 've created a file transfer API that exposes the ability to send , retrieve files as well as browse remote file systems .

  29. 打个比方,人类的智力基因显而易见在人体DNA内和注入卷心菜DNA后的作用是不同的。但将它植入卷心菜中会产生什么样的副作用呢?

    It will be obvious , for example , that the gene for human intelligence will not have the same effect if inserted into cabbage DNA as it had in human DNA & but what side-effect would it have ?

  30. 打个比方,如果信贷、资产价格和GDP都高于远期平均增长值,那么监管者就必须进行干预,或者对其不作为作出解释。

    If credit , asset prices and GDP were all growing above their long-run average rates , say , the regulator would be forced to step in or explain why it is not doing so .