
  1. 是的,没错,就拿英国举例子,我们把地铁叫做underground或者tube.地铁还可以被称作为,Metro或者Metrosystem(地铁系统)。你好,请问最近的地铁站在哪里?

    Yes , correct , so in the U.K for example , we call it the " Underground " or the " Tube " Subways can also be called " Metro " or " Metro system " Excuse me , could you show me where the nearest subway station is ?

  2. 举例子说明你学会并应用到工作上的时间管理技术。

    Management skill you ? ve learned and applied at work .

  3. 举例子说,参与体育运动对青少年的心情有不同的效果。

    For example , participation in sports has different effects on teenagers'moods .

  4. 这两节课的主题都是举例子。

    The theme for this episode and the last is provide examples .

  5. 我觉得举例子是很好的办法。

    I think it 's always a good thing to give an example .

  6. 老师举例子解释了这个词的意义。

    The teacher exemplified the meaning of the word .

  7. 文中所举例子是基于我们开发的中文OPS5+系统。

    The examples given in the paper are based on the Chinese OPS 5 + .

  8. 我发现描述问题的最简的方法就是举例子。

    I find the simplest way to describe how I manage drivers is by example .

  9. 举例子说,有几个版本的脸书用电量是其他版本的两倍。

    For instance , some versions of the Facebook app were twice as energy thirsty as other versions .

  10. 他拿中国举例子&这家位于德国南部的工程公司有15%的销售来自中国。

    He pointed to China , where the southern German engineering company generates 15 per cent of its sales .

  11. 如果不能的话,请举例子说明我们该靠谁来照顾好自己。

    If no , give some examples of who we need to rely on to take care of our health .

  12. 举例子,假设能量暂时储存在,旋转的盘中,将这些盘子称为飞轮。

    There are applications where energy is temporarily stored in a rotating disk , and we call those disks flywheels .

  13. 第二章在探讨民意参与司法所带来的积极和消极影响时,利用举例子的方法做了生动的分析。

    The second chapter vividly discussed the positive and negative effects which bringed by the public opinion participating judicature with example .

  14. 我用矫形外科举例子因为我觉得,这个比较易懂,但在其他外科手术上道理也是一样。

    I 'm gonna use orthopedics'cause I think it will make sense to you , but it 's true for any surgical procedure .

  15. 我们练习了四种表达同意的方式:使用标准的短语,使用同义词,举例子和进行总的评论。

    We practiced four ways of agreeing : Using standard phrases , using synonyms , giving an example and making a general comment .

  16. 并通过宏观、微观两个角度运用举例子、统计数字等方法详细阐述了我国森林资源的现状及保护程度。

    Through macro and micropoint of view the use of examples , statistics and other methods described in detail the present situation and the degree of protection of forest resources .

  17. 她举例子说:就在昨天,她正在沙盒旁边玩,两个男孩儿扬起沙子嬉戏起来,一些沙子因此被撒到了她身上。

    She gave an example : 'Just yesterday , Pip was playing next to a sandbox where two boys were throwing sand around , and some sand flew in Pip 's direction .

  18. 举例子来说,在怀特岛上安装大型的风轮发电机受到岛民们的强烈抵制,所以不可能成为生态岛远景规划的一部分,格林说。

    For one thing , there is such fierce resistance to large wind turbines on the Isle of Wight that they are unlikely to be part of the eco-island vision , says Green .

  19. 文章从词语这一语言基本形式在中英两种民族文化中的不等值现象,以及概念外意义差异等角度,通过举例子探讨了中英文化差异在词语上的体现及其对词语翻译的影响。

    Arguing from the perspectives of the non-equivalence within and beyond conceptual meaning of words in different cultures , this paper makes an effort through examples to identify certain re-flections as well as influences of cultural differences in word translation .