
  • 网络grassland degradation
  1. 基于RS、GIS的岷县草场退化的时空特征研究

    Spatio-temporal feature of grassland degradation in MinXian based on RS & GIS method

  2. 草原害鼠加剧了草场退化和荒漠化进程。

    The pests increase the grassland degradation and the desert process .

  3. 贵州南部地区人工草场退化因素的初步研究

    A primary study on degeneration factors of artificial grass land in South Guizhou

  4. 草甸、草原覆盖度下降,草场退化;

    ( 3 ) degradation of meadow and grassland ;

  5. 草场退化中土壤腐殖质的变化

    Change in soil humus during degradation of grassland

  6. 黄河上游玛曲县天然草场退化现状、成因及治理对策

    Present Status , Causes and Control Countermeasures of Natural Grassland Degeneration in Maqu County

  7. 内蒙古海拉尔地区草场退化遥感图象的地学分析

    The geographical analysis of remotely sensed images on deterioration of grassland in Hailar region

  8. 青海南部高原高寒草场退化机理及生态重建

    Degradation mechanism of the grass in Qinghai Plateau and its prevention and control countermeasures

  9. 宁夏盐池县草场退化因素分析

    Analysis of Factors Responsible for Pasture Degradation in Yanchi County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

  10. 青海省刚察县草场退化及持续发展对策研究

    The Countermeasure Study of Grassland Degeneration and Sustained Development in Gangca County , Qinghai Province

  11. 宁夏盐池县常受干旱风沙的影响,加上超载过牧,草场退化严重。

    Natural grasslands in Yanchi county of Ningxia were eroded and degraded by wind and over - grazing .

  12. 长江中上游安宁河流域天然草场退化情况及防治对策

    The control counter measures to native grassland degrading in An'ning river catchment , upper and middle reaches of Yangtze River

  13. 在对玛曲县天然草场退化原因深入分析与研究的基础上,提出了相应的治理对策。

    This paper put forward corresponding control countermeasures based on the deep study and analysis of natural grassland degeneration in Maqu County .

  14. 描述了长城沿线农牧交错区天然草场退化现状,指出退化主要原因是干旱少雨、超载放牧、滥垦和不合理利用土地、滥采乱挖。

    The actuality of degenerated nature grassland in northern agro-grassing acetone along the line of the great wall was described in this paper .

  15. 现代荒漠化过程表征的主体为农田风蚀沙化过程、草场退化过程、固定沙丘活化与流动沙丘移动过程。

    The modern desertification process consists of farmland wind erosion process , grasslands degradation process , fixed dune activation and drifting sand moving process .

  16. 东北农牧交错带半干旱区生态环境脆弱,草场退化与土地沙漠化发展加剧。

    In farming-pasture zone with semi-dry climate in northeast region of China , the grassland degeneration and land desertification are heavy and the ecological environment is weak .

  17. 古浪县地处干旱半干旱过渡区,土地荒漠化表现为沙质荒漠化、水蚀荒漠化和草场退化3种类型。

    Gulang County stands in intersection of arid and semiarid zone , there are three types of land desertification : sandy desertification , water-eroded desertification and grassland degradation .

  18. 哈密地区生态环境十分脆弱,森林覆盖率低,草场退化严重,近几年经济发展速度加快,但重开发、轻保护,资源开发和经济增长方式粗放,使生态系统遭到破坏。

    The frail ecological environment , low forest coverage rate and degraded meadow in hami due to attaching importance to resource exploitation and looking down on environment protection .

  19. 中游地区农业绿洲虽有较大发展,但天然植被减少,土壤盐渍化、土地沙化、草场退化较为严重;

    In the middle reaches : although agricultural oases have developed in a certain extent , natural vegetation decreased ; salination , desertification of land have taken place ; grassland degraded seriously .

  20. 本区土地退化主要有水土流失、风蚀沙化、草场退化、次生盐渍化、土壤贫瘠化5种类型。

    Five types of land degradation are identified mainly in soil and water losses , wind erosion and desertification , grassland degradation , secondary salinization-alkalization , and soil impoverishment in the study area .

  21. 本研究是针对阿拉善盟近几年草场退化严重,同时毒草化危害日益加剧,引发大量牛、羊、骆驼等反刍家畜中毒现象进行的。

    This research aimed at the phenomenon that grasslands is deteriorating and poisonous weeds seriously in recent years in Alashan union . They lead cows and sheep and camels such as livestock to poison .

  22. 水土流失、草场退化、虫鼠害猖獗、淘金与乱捕滥猎等是盐池湾自然保护区有蹄类动物数量变化的主要原因。

    Soil erosion , degradation of grassland , insect and rodent destruction , fossicking and excessive hunting were the primary factors which affected on the changes of the ungulate amount in Yanchiwan Natural Reserve .

  23. 水土流失、地质灾害,草场退化、资源过度开采、生物多样性丧失、人类经济活动产生的环境污染等深入影响着该区域的生态环境质量。

    Erosion of water and soil , geological disasters , pasture degeneration , resource exploitation , loss of biodiversity and the environment pollution from human economic activities deeply affect the ecological environment quality in this region .

  24. 草场退化、水土流失、土地沙化等生态问题不仅导致该区经济、生态双重滞后,而且影响了京津地区的可持续发展。

    Grassland degradation , soil erosion , desertification and other ecological problems in the area not only lead to economic , ecological lagging , but also affect the sustainable development of the areas around Beijing and Tianjin .

  25. 西部地区农业发展的主要问题是:生态环境不断恶化、草场退化严重,农业生产结构不合理,不能扬长避短利用农业资源。

    The main existing problems of agricultural development in western region are the steady ecological environment deterioration , serious degeneration of forage grassland , and irrational agricultural structure . Hence , agricultural resources could not be fully utilized .

  26. 总体表现为以荒漠化为主体的生态环境问题日益加剧,而具体表现为土地沙漠化、土壤盐渍化、草场退化、生物多样性丧失等。

    The general manifestation is in the form of a desertification dominated ecological environmental problem that is deteriorating with each passing day and embodied in land desertification , soil salinization , grassland degradation , and loss in biodiversity .

  27. 同时干旱的频繁发生加剧了内蒙古土地沙化,草场退化,使生态环境进一步恶化,给社会经济可持续发展带来严重的影响。

    In this time , frequent occurrence of drought exacerbated the desertification of land in Inner Mongolia , Grassland degradation , lead to further deterioration of ecological environment ; cause serious implications to economic and social sustainable development .

  28. 通过对长江中上游安宁河流域天然草场退化、水土流失及造成的危害进行研究,提出了综合治理措施和防治对策。

    Based on native grassland degrading , soil and water erosion and its harmfulness in An'ning river catchment , upper and middle reaches of Yangtze River , some catchment management counter measures and prevention methods have been put forward .

  29. 庆阳市地处陇东黄土高原区,在加快建设工业能源基地的同时,面临着水土流失、草场退化、土地沙化、盐渍化和水环境恶化等一系列生态环境问题。

    Qingyang city lies in the Loess Plateau of eastern Gansu where energy resources base construction was promoting , while soil erosion , land desertification , degeneration of grassland , soil salinization and water environment depravation tended to worse .

  30. 地面塌陷造成的危害主要有人员伤亡、建筑物及交通线路变形或损坏、人类生存环境的不断恶化、自然景观被破坏、草场退化和土地沙化。

    Ground subsidence has caused major casualties hazards , buildings and traffic lines deformation or damage , the environment of human existence has continued to worsen , the destruction of the natural landscape , grassland degradation and desertification . 3 .