
cǎo chā
  • Grass fork;pitch-fork
草叉[cǎo chā]
  1. 农夫们割下干草,用叉子把草叉到车上,然后拉到谷仓贮存。

    Farmers cut the hay , fork it on to a cart and then store it in barns .

  2. 在一个脆弱和分裂的阵营里——很难想象保罗先生的支持者会力挺圣多伦先生,或者罗姆尼先生乡村俱乐部共和主义的粉丝会看好巴克曼女士的干草叉民粹主义(pitchforkpopulism),像裴瑞先生这样四面讨好的候选人有着很大的机会。

    In a weak and divided field - it is hard to imagine a supporter of Mr Paul succumbing to Mr Santorum 's religiosity , or a fan of Mr Romney 's country-club Republicanism finding much to like in Mrs Bachmann 's pitchfork populism - room exists for an all-things-to-all-men candidate such as Mr Perry .

  3. 玛芝,那帮人拿着草叉火把追赶我们

    Marge , those peopIe chased us with pitchforks and torches .

  4. 农场工人把干草叉到车上。

    The farm workers pronged the dried grass into the cart .

  5. 如果只用干草叉来做园艺工作,真是一种浪费。

    What a waste to use a pitchfork only for garden work .

  6. 以我的经验来看,恶棍们很少带有触角和带干草叉的。

    In my experience , devils very rarely wear horns and carry pitchforks .

  7. 一个餐叉或一个干草叉的尖头。

    A prong on a fork or pitchfork .

  8. 她身上的衣服就像被扔在干草叉上。

    She wears her clothes as if they were thrown on with a pitchfork .

  9. 他把干草叉上大车。

    He pitchforked the hay into the wagon .

  10. 为什么呢?磨尖他们的干草叉?

    To do what ? Sharpen their pitchforks ?

  11. 干草叉和铁锹衣架

    Pitchfork Coat and Shovel Coat Hanger

  12. 使用最可靠的干草叉或比较轻的铁铲,把护根物铲到比较合适的位置。

    Using your trusty pitchfork or lightweight shovel , move the mulch into the desired area .

  13. 他们中许多,只是妇女儿童,却拿起斧子,火把和草叉。

    Many among them , women and children , only armed with axes , torches , and pitchforks .

  14. 而且这些水草叉是静止不动的,当我用手分开它们的时候,一放手,它们立即回复原来的笔直状态。

    After I parted them with my hands , these otherwise motionless plants would shoot right back to their original positions .

  15. 小农场主人手握干草叉,站在那里似乎宣示要保卫他的这块小天地。

    The small farmer hand holds hayfork and stands to seem to publicize the little world that to protect him over there .

  16. 那儿有三把椅子,比尔,上边画着一头挺大的蓝色独角兽和一把金色的草叉,是这家老太太的纹章。

    There are three there , Bill , with a jolly large blue unicorn and gold pitchfork on'em : which is the old lady 's arms .

  17. 如果只用干草叉来做园艺工作,真是一种浪费。把几个干草叉完美的组合起来,就成了一个非常美观的衣架。

    What a waste to use a pitchfork only for garden work . When a few are skillfully combined , they make a very graceful coat stand .

  18. 面对这种威胁而这只不过是选民怒火的冰山一角奥巴马政府开始采取行动。毫无疑问,他们现在希望的是这些干草叉突然消失,或者说换个方向对准银行。

    Faced with that threat , which is merely the tip of a wider iceberg of voter anger , the Obama administration has acted ; no doubt it now hopes that the pitchforks will vanish or be re-directed against the banks .