
  • 网络characterization;Charakterbeschreibung
  1. 《儒林外史》的语言精练,人物性格描写很有特点,是中国古典讽刺文学的杰作。

    With succinct language and excellent characterization , it is a masterpiece of classical satirical literature of China .

  2. 情节故事的删减与人物设置的变化、人物心理与性格描写上的差异。

    The differences lie in the deletion of the plots , variations of situations in which character appears and the portray of character 's psychology and personality .

  3. 沿着性格描写的路线的运动迅速继续前进,当索福克勒斯还是描写全面性格并且运用神话来予以细致发展之际,欧里庇德斯已经只刻划在激情暴发时所表现的显著的个性特征;

    The movement in the direction of character delineation proceeds rapidly : while Sophocles still portrays complete characters and employs myth for their refined development , Euripides already draws only prominent individual traits of character , which can express themselves in violent bursts of passion .

  4. 在这本新书里,他对美国人性格的描写表现出惊人的洞察力。

    In this new book he hits off the American temperament with amazing insight .

  5. 他笔下的女性人物性格多样,描写精妙,这得益于他在表现主义手法上大胆的探索和创新。

    His courageous expressionist exploration and innovation lend richness and exquisiteness to the female characters under his pen .

  6. 文章通过分析小说中的人物性格、自然环境描写和主题寓意,探讨作者在小说中表现出的生态主义思想。

    The paper discusses the characterization , the nature description and the theme of the novel from an ecological perspective .

  7. 它以人物形象塑造为基本手段,通过对人物的性格和命运的描写,潜移默化地表达作者的英雄主义情结和理想。

    With characterization as its basic means , heroism subtly expresses the author 's heroic complex and ideals through the description of the character 's personality and fate .

  8. 另一方面,如果我们转而注意到自索福克勒以来在悲剧方面流行的性格表现和心理描写,我们就看见这种反神话的非酒神精神在活跃。

    In another direction also we see at work the power of this un-Dionysian myth-opposing spirit , when we turn our attention to the prevalence of character representation and psychological refinement in tragedy from Sophocles onward .