
  • 网络Gender composition;sex composition;sex structure;gender formation;STDN
  1. 结果急诊伤害住院患者中不同年龄组的男女性别构成不同,男性明显高于女性;

    Results The difference of sex composition has been observed in different age groups and the proportion of male is significantly higher than that of female .

  2. 结果1.各组患者的年龄与性别构成比之间无统计学意义。

    Each group of patients between the age and sex composition ratio was not statistical significance . 2 .

  3. 西组性别构成有统计学差异(P<0.01)。

    There was significant difference in gender distribution ( P0.01 ) between two groups .

  4. 两组的年龄分布和性别构成经统计分析,差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Two groups by age and gender composition of statistical analysis showed no significant difference ( p0.05 ) .

  5. 结果:1.三组间年龄、性别构成、心率无显著性差异(p0.05)。

    There were no significant difference in age , sex and heart rate among three groups ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 结果:1、对照组、MAP组和SAP组三组之间年龄构成、性别构成、入院白蛋白水平均无统计学差异(P0.05)。

    Results : 1.Control group , MAP group and SAP group age composition between the three groups , gender , albumin levels were not statistically different ( P0.05 ) . 2 .

  7. 女性114例,占51.35%,排除性别构成的影响,男性NAFLD的患病率为12.05%,女性NAFLD的患病率为12.13%。

    The sex - adjusted prevalence rate of NAFLD for male was 12.05 % , and for females 12.13 % .

  8. 结果河南省BCS患者分布有以下特征:男女性别构成比为59.05:40.95;

    Results The features of the distribution of patients with BCS in Henan province were as the following : men and women 's sex proportion , 59.05:40.95 ;

  9. 结果:1.基线指标比较结果:治疗组和对照组患者在性别构成、年龄和病程方面没有显著差异(P0.05),两组间具有可比性。

    The result of the two groups ' baseline index : There were no significant differences from the gender composition , aging and course of disease between the two groups ( P0.05 ), so other indexes of the two groups could be compared . 2 .

  10. 目的:分析葡萄膜炎的临床类型、病因及发病年龄和性别构成。

    Objective : To analyse the clinical classificatin and etiologies of uveitis .

  11. 就诊患者性别构成比较经统计学分析有显著性差异。

    Gender constitute has a significant difference . 3 .

  12. 两组之间年龄、性别构成均无明显差异。

    There was no difference in age and gender between cases and controls .

  13. 各证型之间的性别构成比较差异无显著性。

    Every syndrome type of gender constitute comparative have no significant differences . 4 .

  14. 围绕公司董事会成员性别构成的长期辩论也是如此。

    So it is with the perennial debate over gender diversity in corporate boardrooms .

  15. 三组间的性别构成差别无统计学意义。

    There was not statistically significance difference in gender constitute of the three groups .

  16. 在性别构成上没有明显的男女差异,女性稍多于男性。

    The gender composition was no obvious difference , women slightly more than men .

  17. 组织性别构成多样性对员工组织承诺影响的实证分析

    An Empirical Research on the Impact of Organizational Gender Diversity on Individual 's Organizational Commitment

  18. 其中入境游客结构特征的考察包括性别构成、年龄构成、以及原由目的构成。

    The structure character of inbound tourists includes gender , age composition , and purpose .

  19. 比较死亡组和存活组两组之间男女性别构成比的差异,以及各相关预后指标分布的差异。

    And also we have compared the disturbances of these indexes between the survival group and death group .

  20. 这份双年度公司调查,彰显出欧洲各国企业在董事会性别构成上的差距越来越大。

    The biennial survey of companies highlights the growing disparity within Europe over the gender composition of boards .

  21. 两组儿童在年龄分布,性别构成等方面无差异(P>0.05)。

    There were not statistically differences in the age and sex between two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  22. 而且节目中主持人一男一女的性别构成让探究幽默与性别的关系变得十分有趣。

    Moreover , due to gender composition of hosts , the relationship between gender and humor is interesting to explore .

  23. 结论护理系女生和临床医学系女生在心理健康水平、人格特征上存在差异,她们所处的环境由于性别构成不同造成的不同的群体氛围很可能是造成这些差异的一个重要原因。

    Their different environment which is composed of different sexual structure is a possible cause that lead to these differences .

  24. 年龄、性别构成比一致的健康对照20例。

    Twenty age - and gender-matched healthy controls were enrolled . Clinical data of all subjects were collected with self-made questionnaire .

  25. 激素组与非激素组年龄与性别构成比差异均无统计学意义(P>005);

    The mean ages and gender ratios in glucocorticoid and non glucocorticoid group were comparable ( both P > 0 05 ) .

  26. 两组间性别构成、体重指数、年龄、HDL2c和HDL3c无显著差别。

    There were no significant varieties in sex composition , weight , age , HDL 2-c and HDL 3-c between the two groups .

  27. 结论各年龄组严重创伤患者在性别构成、致伤原因和致伤部位的发病率及其特点是不同的,老年患者在遭受严重创伤后死亡率明显增高;

    Conclusion The gender , the incidence and the characteristics of the injury causes and injury sites differed between severely injured patients of various ages .

  28. 结论:近十一年新疆医科大学第一附属医院消化科肝硬化住院病历调查结果1性别构成比:男>女;

    Conclusion Recent 11 years , the survey results to in-patient case history on liver cirrhosis 1 Sex constituent ratio : male priority to female ;

  29. 大学生所期望的生育子女的数量为2个,而且倾向于一男一女的子女性别构成。

    They expect the number of children birth to 2 , and tend to the children of the gender composition of a man and a woman .

  30. 易损斑块组和对照组病例在年龄、性别构成及中医辨证分型上无统计学差异。

    There is no statistical difference on age , sexuality and TCM Syndrome Differentiation between the " vulnerable plaque " group and the control group . 3 .