
xìng jiāo
  • sexual intercourse;coitus;fuck;couple;copulation;screw;make love;lovemaking;intimacy;nooky;pareunia;bonk
性交 [xìng jiāo]
  • [sexual intercourse] 男性阴茎勃起,插入女性阴道,男女双方的性器官由于互相运动摩擦而受到持续不断的刺激,男女双方躯体上和心理上达到性高潮,获得性满足的过程

性交[xìng jiāo]
  1. 控诉方称发生过数次性交。

    The prosecution stated that intercourse had occurred on several occasions .

  2. 他们认为,性交主要是为了繁衍。

    They believe that sex is primarily for procreation .

  3. PaulWarambo解释了“性交”这个单词通常是如何从英语翻译成斯瓦希里语。

    Paul Warambo explains how the term " sexual intercourse " is commonly translated from English into Ki'Swahili .

  4. 在阿姆斯特丹自由大学的“机器人婴儿项目”中,科学家已经研发出一种使机器人通过“性交”而将DNA传递给后代的办法。

    In the Robot Baby Project at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam , scientists have developed a way for robots to have ' sex ' and pass on their DNA to offspring .

  5. 20世纪80年代及90年代初期是艾滋病的发病高峰,那时即使是专家们也对应对HIV病毒知之甚少。这种病毒通常是通过共用针管或不卫生的性交方式造成传染。

    Back in the disease 's terrifying heyday of the 1980s and early ' 90s , even experts knew precious little about how to treat HIV , which is usually transmitted through unprotected anal or vaginal sex or by sharing drug needles .

  6. “CROS”的正式名称是“反射性交感神经营养障碍”,它是一种终身的系统疾病,表现为灼烧样剧烈疼痛,骨骼皮肤的改变,还有对触摸呈现难以置信的敏感。

    Formally known as " reflex sympathetic dystrophy , " CRPS is a lifelong systemic disease which manifests itself as extreme burning pain , bone and skin changes , and unbelievable sensitivity to touch .

  7. 而动物的性交是传宗接代的,是生物的,是一种自然的天性。

    It 's the pivot , it 's biology , it 's the natural instinct .

  8. 他说,脊髓组织也许是“学习如何性交的单行道”,一旦被使用过,它们就不再被需要。

    He said that the spines may serve as a " one-way road to learn how to mate " and once used they are no longer needed .

  9. 事实上,有些有趣的研究表明催产素,一个社交产生的荷尔蒙会在我们性交,养育宝宝。

    In fact , some interesting studies have pointed to oxytocin levels , which are a kind of bonding hormone that we release when we 're having sex or nursing

  10. 为什么一种食品添加剂可以产生这样效果目前还不清楚,但科学家们认为这可能与后叶催产素有关,后叶催产素是女性在哺乳和性交期间会产生的一种所谓的“拥抱”荷尔蒙。

    Just how a food supplement could have such an effect is not clear , but the scientists suggest the involvement of oxytocin , the so-called ' cuddle " hormone produced by women during breastfeeding and lovemaking .

  11. 当他们想到肛门性交的时候,他们脑海里出现的是这样的论调:身体构造不匹配。随后我意识到,如果我想要关注人们内心里真正在想什么,我必须关注这种论调。

    When they would think about anal sex , they had this argument in their minds that the " parts don 't fit , " and I realized that if I was going to address people 's actual concerns , I would have to address this argument .

  12. 在一项后续调查中,249个成年人(其中很多人已婚)被要求列出和某位异性交朋友的正面和负面因素。把“浪漫吸引”列为负面因素的人是将其列为正面因素的5倍。

    In a follow-up study , 249 adults ( many of whom were married ) were asked to list the positive and negative aspects of being friends with a specific member of the opposite sex . Variables related to romantic attraction were five times more likely to be listed as negative aspects of the friendship than as positive ones .