
xìng xìn xī sù
  • sex pheromone
性信息素[xìng xìn xī sù]
  1. 报道一种应用于昆虫性信息素结构鉴定的气相色谱-微量化学反应技术,作为GC-MS的辅助手段为质谱的解释给出有力佐证。

    Application of GC microchemical reaction to the structure identification of insect sex pheromone was reported in this paper as an auxiliary method of GC MS. This method can give a strong evidence to the resolution of MS.

  2. Agrotissegetum雄蛾触角叶神经元对性信息素时间编码的机制分析

    Mechanism of the Biphasic Pattern of Neurons Time Coding to Sex Pheromone in the Antennal Lobe of the Male Moth Agrotis segetum

  3. 田间试验中每亩投放含性信息素200μg的诱芯80个。

    Eighty bearings per mu with 200M μ g synthetic sex pheromone were used in the field tests .

  4. MC介于Me和Cue两种性信息素之间。

    The specificity of MC was between Me and cue .

  5. 光因子对棉铃虫(Helicoverpaarmigera)雌蛾性信息素产生及其求偶行为的影响

    Effects of light factors on sex pheromone produce and femal 's calling behavior of Helicoverpa armigera

  6. 应用不同交联度的聚合物Wittig试剂合成亚洲玉米螟性信息素

    Synthesis of Insect Sex Pheromone of Asian Corn Borer with Various Link Polymeric Wittig Reagents

  7. 烟草甲虫性信息素(7S)-(-)-4,6-二甲基-7-羟基-3-壬酮的立体选择性合成

    The Stereoselective Synthesis of Tobacco Beetle Pheromone - ( 7 S ) - ( - ) - 4,6-dimethyl-7 - hydroxyl-3-nonanone

  8. 野桑蚕性信息素结合蛋白(PBP)亚家族基因的克隆与进化分析

    Molecular Cloning and Evolution Analysis of Pheromone-binding Protein ( PBP ) Subfamily Genes From Wild Silkworm Bombyx mandarina

  9. 不同光温条件的雄蛾对不同光温条件的雌蛾性信息素腺体提取物的EAG反应差异显著。

    EAG responses of male under different temperature and photoperiod to female sex glands extraction under different conditions varied significantly .

  10. Agrotissegetum雄蛾触角叶性信息素反应神经元对电刺激触角神经的反应

    Electrophysiological Characteristics of Neurons Responding to Sex Pheromone in the Antennal Lobe of the Male Moth Agrotis segetum

  11. 相反,草盲蝽属Lygus昆虫的性信息素却难以鉴定。

    In contract , Lygus sex pheromones are difficult to identify .

  12. 上述研究结果表明,2,4一DCP与2,6一DCP是长角血蝉吸引性信息素的主要成分;

    The above result showed that in H. longicornis , reproductive behaviour is regulated by sex pheromones , and the components of attractant sex pheromones are 2,4-DCP and 2,6-DCP .

  13. 性信息素剂型中加入抗氧化剂BHT和PRG能分别提高83.08%和50.25%的诱蛾量。

    When adding the antioxidant , BHT or PRG , sex pheromone increased moths captured by 83.08 % and 50.25 % , respectively .

  14. 中国野桑蚕性信息素合成激活肽(PBAN)基因的克隆及序列分析

    Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Pheromone Biosynthesis Activating Neuropeptide ( PBAN ) Gene of Bombyx mandarina China

  15. 性信息素分子与性信息素结合蛋白(PBP)的复合体同受体相互作用,启动信号转导系统,诱导产生神经信号,从而引起一系列性行为反应。

    The interaction between the pheromone-PBP complex and its receptor triggers signal transduction and induces nervous impulses which finally result in a sequence of sexual behaviors .

  16. 92%。3经过5步反应得(7R,8S)-午毒蛾性信息素(1a),总得率从3算起为60%。

    Was then transformed to ( 7R , 8S ) - la , the sex pheromone of gypsy moth , in overall yield of 60 % in 5 steps .

  17. 利用Northern杂交方法,在转录水平上,对甜菜夜蛾Spodopteraexigua(Hübner)性信息素激活肽(PBAN)基因在不同发育时期表达进行了研究。

    Using Northern blot analysis , the gene expression pattern of pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide ( PBAN ) at different developmental stage in Spodoptera exigua ( H ü bner ) was studied at the transcription level .

  18. 通过EAG反应、风洞和田间诱蛾试验确定了性信息素的活性成分,获得了最佳诱芯的配方。

    Through EAG response , wind-tunnel test and field trap test , we confirmed the active components of the sex pheromone and obtained the mixture of the best lure .

  19. 长角血蜱Haemaphysalislongicornis的交配行为包括7个时期,行为的完成依赖于性信息素的调节。

    The mating behaviour of Haemaphysalis longicornis consisted of 7 stages . Bioassay suggested that male response was regulated by the sex pheromone secreted by females .

  20. 雄蚕蛾对雌蚕蛾感知定位过程中,性信息素结合蛋白PBP1、气味受体OR1和OR3起重要作用。

    PBP1 , OR1 and OR3 play an important role in the process of the male silkworm Bombyx mori perception and location of the females .

  21. 天然产物昆虫性信息素Frontalin及其类似物的合成研究任何一种类似天然橡胶的合成材料。

    Efficient Synthesis of Beetle Aggregation Pheromone Frontalin and Its Analogues ; any of various synthetic materials that resemble rubber .

  22. 大袋蛾(ClaniavariegataSnell)雌虫性信息素的分泌腺体和释放机制的研究&Ⅰ.大袋蛾性信息素释放部位

    STUDIES ON THE GLANDS AND RELEASE MECHANISM OF THE FEMALE SEX PHEROMONE IN CLANIA VARIEGATA SNELL I. Localization of the Site that Releases Sex Pheromone in Clania Variegata Shell

  23. (3Z,6Z)-9S,10R-环氧-二十一碳双烯美洲白蛾性信息素的合成

    Synthesis of ( 3Z , 6Z ) 9-S , 10 R-Epoxy-Heneicosadiene & the Sex Pheromone of American White Moth

  24. GC-EAD结果显示雄蛾触角对雌蛾性信息素腺体提取物中的一种成分有较好的反应。

    The GC-EAD results indicated that male moth antenna was detected to have sensitive reaction to one component in the extracts .

  25. 当把第2日龄的雌蛾从14L∶10D光周期转移到连续黑暗下时,雌蛾表现的求偶行为和性信息素产生与14L∶10D下相似,均表现出明显的节律;

    Virgin females shifted to continuous dark from 14L ∶ 10D as 2 day old adults showed similar temporal patterns of both calling and pheromone production to those of moths held continuously at 14L ∶ 10D .

  26. 本文在(29±1)℃、相对湿度75%~80%、光周期14L∶10D条件下研究了豆野螟成虫的羽化、交尾行为以及雌蛾性信息素的释放节律。

    Adult behavior and circadian rhythm of sex pheromone production and release of the legume pod borer were investigated at ( 29 ± 1 )℃ and 75 % - 80 % RH under 14L ∶ 10D .

  27. 大袋蛾(ClaniavariegataSnell.)雌虫性信息素分泌腺体及其释放机制的研究&IV、雌成虫生理活动的日节奏与释放性信息素的机制

    Studies on the glands and the release mechanism of the female sex pheromone in Clania variegata snell . & ⅳ . diel physiological rhythms of the female adult and the release mechanism of its sex pheromone

  28. 昆虫信息素的结构鉴定和合成ⅩⅩⅣ.(7R,8S)-(+)-和(7S,8R)-(-)-午毒蛾性信息素的合成及β-羟基硅烷的立体化学

    Studies on the Identification and Syntheses of Insect Pheromones XXIV . Synthesis of ( 7R , 8S ) - ( + ) - and ( 7S , 8R ) - ( - ) - Sex Pheromone of Gypsy Moth and Stereochemistry of / 3-Hydroxysilane

  29. 当转移到连续光照下时,求偶行为变得不活泼和不规则,而产生的性信息素量却等于或高于14L∶10D光周期下所产生的性信息素量。

    This result indicates that both events have a circadian periodicity . When moths were shifted to continuous light at day 2 , calling became inactive and irregular , whereas pheromone titres were equal or higher than those of moths under 14L ∶ 10D .

  30. 1981至1982年,在辽宁省绥申县白梨产区用合成梨小食心虫性信息素诱捕法进行了大面积防治梨小食心虫Grapholithamolesta(Busck)的田间试验。防治面积分别为4000公顷和5400公顷。

    Sex pheromone mass trapping trials for the control of the oriental fruit moth , Grapholitha molesta Busck , were conducted in pear orchards of Suizhong County of Liaoning Province from 1981-1982 . The mass-trapped areas were about 4,000 and 5,400 hectares in 1981 and 1982 , respectively .