
xìnɡ ɡé kè huà
  • personification
  1. 主人公的性格刻画得非常细腻。

    The character of the hero is depicted to a nicety .

  2. 从话轮转换看权势关系、性格刻画和情节发展

    Power Relations , Characterization , and Plot Development Revealed by a Turn-taking Analysis

  3. 黑格尔在《美学》中对人物性格刻画的原则作了精辟论述。

    Friedrich Hegel gives in his ? STHETIK a brilliant exposition on the principles of characters portrayal .

  4. 语域分析与戏剧人物性格刻画

    Register Analysis and Dramatic Characterization

  5. 约翰尼?德普的精湛演绎不仅将杰克船长古怪的性格刻画得入木三分并因此获得了奥斯卡提名。

    Johnny Depp 's eccentric characterization turned Sparrow into the breakout character and earned the actor his first Academy Award nomination .

  6. 这篇论文主要谈的是《傲慢与偏见》中的女主人公-伊丽莎白班纳特的性格刻画。

    This thesis is mainly about the depict of the character of the heroine Elizabeth Bennet in " pride and prejudice " .

  7. 其中一些评论家及学者关注过人物性格刻画,但其中多侧重人物性格及其命运的关联。

    A few researchers and critics have paid attention to the characterizations , but they stressed on the relation between the disposition and fate of characters .

  8. 本文的结语部分对歌剧中的人物性格刻画做扩展性探讨,对歌剧中人物刻画的一般性规律和特点进行论述。

    The Conclusion of the article probes into the general issues of character personality presentation in operas , and discusses the general patterns and features of opera character portrayal .

  9. 本文选取普契尼歌剧中的女性角色进行分析,力求全面、细致地总括出普契尼歌剧中女性人物性格刻画的艺术特征,同时也对歌剧中人物性格刻画的一般性手段和方式做出探讨。

    This article selectively analyzed some female characters in Puccini 's operas , with an attempt to synopsize the artistic features of the female character depiction , and to explore the general issues in rendering opera character personalities .

  10. 我想是人物性格的刻画。

    I think it 's the characterization of the people .

  11. 小说就此展开了对他的思想性格的刻画。

    The novel from the thought of his character score .

  12. 作品把她们的动作、情态、语言、心理活动、思想性格,刻画得微妙微肖,逼真传神。

    Their action , spirit , language , psychology and character are true to life .

  13. 通过分析文本对话中话轮的分配和话轮掌控策略,揭示了人物性格的刻画以及人物之间的关系等。

    Through analyzing the distribution of the turns and turn-taking strategies , it reveals the characterization and the relationship between the characters .

  14. 荷马史诗和中古英雄史诗在情节结构和人物性格的刻画上为小说提供了可资借鉴的经验;

    The epics of Homer and ( Medieval ) heroic poetry provided referable experience in the plot structure and the description of character .

  15. 从人际意义出发分析小说中主要人物的对话,能够有效地研究小说人物性格的刻画。

    Interpersonal meaning proves to be a useful and effective theoretical perspective for the analysis of dialogues in this novel in terms of characterization .

  16. 在这部歌剧中,普契尼注重人物性格的刻画,强调声乐的重要作用,讲究戏剧性和感染性。

    In the opera , Puccini paid attention to the character , and emphasized the important role of vocal music , pursuing dramatic and infectious .

  17. 摘要任何一篇文学作品中,无论是人物性格的刻画,还是故事情节的展开,典型环境的描绘都离不开真实而生动的细节描写。

    It is indispensable for every literature , no matter it is of personal characteristics or of story plot , to have real and convivial details description .

  18. 世态的展示,性格的刻画,温婉的风格、高超的艺术技巧不仅显示出与欧洲喜剧的一脉相承,也体现出作者独特的创作才华。

    Revelation of manners , gentle style , excellent art technique not only shows correspondence with European comedy , but also embodys the author 's distinctive creating genius .

  19. 从歌剧《卡门》剖析《哈巴涅拉》的音乐特色及其对人物性格的刻画从文学名著到经典歌剧&试析歌剧《卡门》的创作特色

    Characteristics of Habanera and Its Influence on Character Portraying in Carmen From a Literary Masterpiece to a Classical Opera : A Tentative Analysis of the Traits of Creation of Carmen

  20. 崔张爱情的雅趣尚与俗心态体现在《西厢记》的情景设置、人物性格心态刻画、情节选择等方面。

    The pursuit of elegance and the conventional views in The Story of West Chamber demonstrates in the following angels : the setting of scene , the description of the character , the choice of plot and so on .

  21. 动画片的创作涉及故事选材、脚本创作,直至角色的形象动作设计、性格特征刻画、影片整体色调安排,以及后期的配音及剪辑等技术制作。

    The creation of cartoon refers to materiel selection , script creation , also including design of roles ' images and actions , depict of character traits , tone of the whole movie and some technology manufacture involving upper dubbing and film cutting .

  22. 无论是题材的选择、结构形态的设置,还是人物性格的刻画以及主题意蕴的开掘,无不透露出一种以道家思想为主体,兼收儒家思想和佛家理念的大文化理想。

    They reveal a great cultural ideal which mainly expresses Taoist School and incorporates Confucian School Buddhist School , whether the choice of the themes the arrangement of the structural patterns or the characterization of the figure characters and the digging the theme implications .

  23. 第二章通过对封建家族中女性人物阴暗、扭曲性格的刻画和悲剧人生的描绘,深刻揭示了封建制度对人性戕害,从而无情地讨伐封建礼教吃人的本质。

    The second chapter by the feudal family of the female characters in dark , distorted the character portrayed and Tragic Life of depicting profoundly reveals the harm of the feudal system of human nature , relentless crusade against the feudal ethics " cannibalistic " nature .

  24. 《红楼梦》中笑的细节描写对人物性格心理的刻画

    Portrayal of the Characters ' Psychology by Detailed Description of " Smile " in A Dream of Red Mansions

  25. 通过对人物心理变化的描述、对角色性格特征的刻画,本文意在反映人类社会中心理变迁的艰难历程。

    By utilizing the psychological description and characterization of the characters , this thesis tries to demonstrate the hard process of psychological development of the human society .