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xìnɡ nénɡ lì
  • sexual performance;sexual competence;sexual energy
  1. 哈基姆女士试图量化身体和社会资产的复杂混合物,其由美貌、性感、自我呈现、社交技巧、活力和性能力组成。

    Ms Hakim attempts to quantify a complex mix of physical and social assets , consisting of beauty , sex appeal , self-presentation , social skills , liveliness and sexual competence .

  2. 研究者们总结说,猫的捕猎方式也许是通过使用它们的听觉,基于它们的常识性能力来推断猎物的位置而培养起来的。

    The researchers conclude that cats ' hunting style may have developed based on their common-sense abilities to infer where prey is , using their hearing .

  3. LS保持砂浆流动性能力较好是由于它的缓凝作用以及吸附LS的水泥颗粒表面zeta电位较稳定导致的。

    The better fluidity retention capacity of LS was attributed to the more stable zeta potential of the cement surface and the retarding effect of mortar setting .

  4. 然而最近的研究表明心理资本是影响创业者阶段性能力的又一关键因素。

    However , recent studies show that psychological capital is another key factor .

  5. 大学英语产出性能力的培养

    The Developing of Output Ability in College English Teaching

  6. 失去性能力或性特征。

    Deprived of sexual capacity or sexual attributes .

  7. 浅谈语文教学可持续性能力的培养

    On Trainning of Continuity Ability in Chinese Teaching

  8. 他讨论了揭开‘阿芙罗狄蒂的面纱’可能导致(男性)性能力的改善。

    He discussed the veil of Aphrodite and whether its release resulted in improved potency .

  9. 并从改变油水界面润湿性能力、清洗液流变性、胶结面质量三个方面对清洗液的评价方法做了初步的探讨。

    An evaluation method was established from three parts as oil-water interface changing , washing fluid rheology and bonding quality .

  10. 用例对证明被测试和交付方案需求跟踪性能力有很大的贡献。

    Use cases contribute significantly to the ability to prove traceability of requirements to the solution being tested and delivered .

  11. 由于飞行器电子系统使用于恶劣环境的缘故,可靠性和抗干扰性能力是永恒的主题。

    As the vehicle electronic systems for use in harsh environmental reasons , reliability and anti-jamming capabilities is an eternal theme .

  12. 根据核心能力的上述特性,本文拟将基本职能活动的整合划分为体制性能力整合和技术性能力整合两个方面。

    According to the characteristics of core competence , this paper intends to divide basic function integrated into system integration and technical integration .

  13. 根据上述结果本实验表明了小肠广泛切除术后,通过在经肠道高营养剂中加添食物纤维可以促进术后残存肠道的代偿性能力,有助于机体营养状况的改善。

    It was demonstrated that the dietary fiber accelerated the residual intestinal adaptation and improved the nutritional condition after small bowel resection in rats .

  14. 领导创新不是凭空产生,而是由基础性能力、保健性能力、创造性能力所组成的能力体系。

    But the leader 's innovation ability is not baseless , consisting of the foundation ability , the protecting ability , and the creativity ability .

  15. 既有的动态能力理论对动态能力与可持续竞争优势的关系进行了相对充分的解释,但是,对企业如何获得这种独特的异质性能力,即动态能力来源问题解释很少。

    Existing dynamic capabilities theory for the relationship between dynamic capabilities and sustainable competitive advantage has a full explanation , but how to access these unique enterprise heterogeneous capabilities , dynamic capacity-source explains little .

  16. 同时本文也对我以后的教学活动起指导作用,让我平时更加注意探究性能力的培养,提升自我教学和反思能力。

    And in addition , this article will play a guiding role in the my future teaching activities , so I will certainly pay more attention to researching the cultivation of the ability to enhance self-reflection on my teaching ability .

  17. 语文教学可持续性能力的培养,应从建构最佳的课堂教学结构开始。处于课堂教学结构主导地位的教师,一方面,要加工处理静态的平面展示的教材信息;

    The traing of continuity ability in Chinese teaching should start from constructing the optimun classroom teaching structure . The teacher , who is in a dominating position , one the one hand , want to process teaching material information of static plane revelation ;

  18. 教育类课程教师的科研是培养未来教师师范性能力的重要手段,提高教师业务水平、学术水平的主要途径,也是提高基础教育教学水平,推进基础教育改革,全面提高基础教育质量的主要动力。

    Scientific research of teachers of education course is the main approach which develop base education teachers ' professional skills and academic abilities . It is also the main driving force which promotes the reform of base education and improves the quanlity of base education .

  19. 如果真的有人担心教授的专业性或能力,一定要使用在线课程评估,冷静地提出你的意见。

    If there is truly a concern about a professor 's professionalism or ability , be sure to use online course evaluations to calmly offer your comments .

  20. 中国孩子的突破性思维能力和颠覆性思维能力以及想象力跟国外的孩子比,还是要差一点。

    Children in China lag behind in the ability to find breakthroughs in thinking and imagination compared with their foreign counterparts .

  21. 目的探讨精神发育迟滞(MR)女性性自卫能力的量化评定。

    Objective : To develop a rating scale , CSSD , for assessment of sexual defense ability in patient with mental retardation .

  22. Al含量的增加会降低Ti-Al的塑性变形能力,使纳米杆更早发生颈缩断裂。

    The increasing of Al content in Ti-Al alloy reduces the ductility , which results in the earlier necking and cracking .

  23. 结论:ADHD各亚型儿童存在明显的听觉持续性注意能力损害。

    Conclusion : The present study suggests that children with ADHD are significantly impaired in auditory continuous attention .

  24. 蓝光2h诱导增强的向光性反应能力在0-8h的黑暗中可以保持1h,随后便自行逐渐减弱。

    The enhanced phototropic capability by 2h blue light could be kept within 1h , and declined gradually under 0-8h dark condition .

  25. 虽然Seminar教学法对本科护生评判性思维能力中寻找真相、系统化能力的发展有一定促进作用,但本科护生的上述两种特质总体水平中等。

    Although Seminar teaching method has a little stimulative effect on searching for the truth , systematic ability of undergraduate nursing students , but the two qualities of undergraduate nursing students are medium .

  26. 利用该技术制备的分子印迹聚合物(MolecularlyImprintedPolymers,MIPs),因其对目标分子的特异性识别能力,已经在环境污染物治理方面得到了广泛的应用。

    Molecularly imprinted polymers ( MIPs ) prepared by this way has specific recognition capacity to target molecule , so MIPs has been applied in the field of environment pollution control .

  27. 电力变压器数据信息具有不完备、不确定性的缺点,而贝叶斯网络有知识表达灵活、分析处理不确定性与关联性问题能力强的优点,本文提出一种基于Multi-Agent的变压器故障诊断模型。

    Due to the shortcomings of the randomness and uncertainty of power transformer fault diagnosis data , the benefits of the Bayesian network classifiers and the features of multi-Agent , this paper introduces a multi-Agent system diagnosis model .

  28. 让我们首先讨论与以下这个问题相关的一些问题:使用我们自己的方法可视性重构能力来扩展JDT。

    Let 's start with some questions related to the problem at hand : extending the JDT with our own method visibility refactoring capability .

  29. 浸渗温度大于或小于1173K均导致复合材料的塑性变形能力下降。

    And temperature higher or lower than 1173K both led to the decreased plastic deformation ability of the composites .

  30. 其次,考虑LSSC中只存在物流分包商的一次专用性物流能力投资,目的是为了提高物流服务质量的情形。

    Secondly , only one specific LC investment of LSS with the purpose of improving his logistics service quality is considered in LSSC .