
  • 网络Zhao Tuo;Chao Tou
  1. 是关于西汉时期赵佗建立的一个王国的。

    It 's about a kingdom established by Zhao Tuo during Western Han Dynasty .

  2. 饰演南越王赵佗的则是张页川是中国戏剧梅花奖得主。

    It is performed by Zhang Yechuan , who has won the highest award of drama in China " Meihua ( plum flower ) Award " .

  3. 秦末汉初,南越王赵佗就在仁化北端隘口筑有“古秦城”;

    Qinmo early Han Dynasty , the South Vietnamese resistance to the idea on the northern end of King Zhao Tuo Pass built the " old Qincheng ";

  4. 陵墓的主人是第二代南越王赵眜,他是南越开国之君、秦朝大将赵佗的孙子。

    The mausoleum houses the tomb of Zhao Mo , second king of Nanyue and grandson of the fabled Qin general Zhao Tuo , whom the emperor sent to the south in214 BC to quell unrest .