
  • 网络King of Qi;Prince of Qi
  1. 您觉得做小小的齐王有意思吗?

    Do you think it meaningful to be a petty king of qi ?

  2. 第一轮,齐王的马赢得轻而易举。

    For the first race , the King 's horse won very easily .

  3. 然而,有一天,田成子将齐王杀死,窃取了他的王位。

    However , Tian Chengzi someday killed the King of Qi and then usurped his throne .

  4. 齐王赛马对策是矩阵对策中无纯策略意义解的典型例子。

    King Qi Bet Horse Racing game is a famous matrix game that has no pure strategy .

  5. 一天,有位客人为齐王作画。

    One day , a guest was making drawings for the King of the State of Qi .

  6. 齐王他必会授我官职,要求我负责一些国家的事务。

    The king must appoint me a position , ordering me to take charge of some state affairs .

  7. 如果饭店主人尚且这样对我,那我到齐国,齐王还能放过我吗?

    If the hotel owners treat me like that , will the king of Qi disregard me when I arrive ?

  8. 齐王问他:“你认为画什么东西最难?”

    The King of Qi asked him : " What do you think is the most difficult thing to draw ? "