
  • 网络Duke Huan of Qi
  1. 春秋时代,齐桓公出征攻打北方一个小国。

    In the Spring and Autumn Period , Duke Huan of Qi led an army to attack a small state in the north .

  2. 在齐桓公时,为避陈之内争,逃来齐国。

    Under Duke Huan of Qi , they fled to Qi dodging the internal disorders .

  3. 齐桓公听了,连连点头称是,立刻以隆重的礼节,接待了这个乡下人。

    Hearing this , Huan Gong of Qi repeatedly nodded assent6 , and accorded this villager a grand reception .

  4. 果然,不出一个月,四方贤士能人都纷纷前来求见齐桓公。

    As expected , within one month , many able and virtuous men from all places came one after another to see Huan Gong .

  5. 一天,来了一个国都东郊的乡下人,声称自己有念九九算术口诀的才能,要求拜见齐桓公。

    One day , a villager from the eastern suburb of the capital wished to have an audience with Huan Gong , claiming that he had the ability to recite the multiplication4 table .

  6. 齐桓公视察马棚,问负责养马的官吏:“马棚里什么事最难做?”

    One time Duke Huan of the state of Qi inspected the stable and asked the officer who was in charge of the stable , " What is the most difficult thing to do in a stable ? "

  7. 齐桓公听完报告,觉得很可笑,派传令官告诉乡下人:“难道你凭会念九九算术口诀,就想来见国王吗?”乡下人回答说:

    When Huan Gong heard of this , he thought it was very funny and sent an officer to tell the villager : " How could you hope to see the King just because you can recite the multiplication table ? "

  8. 齐桓公时代《诗》的结集

    The Collection of the Book of Poetry in the Age of Prince Huan of the Qi State

  9. 齐桓公死后,齐国出现争夺君权的内乱,力量削弱。

    When Duke Huan died , the intense contention for succession occurred and the power of Qi was weakened .

  10. 历史长河里,因为有了齐桓公的不计前嫌,才有了齐国的霸主地位。

    The long process of history , because of the Lord 's lucky that it enjoyed Qi hegemonic position .

  11. ①齐桓公:齐国国王,春秋五霸之一。

    Qihuangong : the king of Qi State , one of " Five Hegemonies of Spring and Autumn Period " .

  12. 另一说是指齐桓公、晋文公、楚庄王、吴王阖闾和越王勾践。最早称霸的是齐桓公(公元前685~公元前643在位)。

    Duke Huan of Qi ( in the throne from 685 B.C. - 643 B.C. ) was the first over-lord .

  13. 齐桓公慑服南方的强大楚国,征服北方山戎,就是百战百胜的典例。

    Lord Huan of State of Qi was able to make State of Chu submit to him and subdue the northern tribes .

  14. 齐桓公听完报告,觉得很可笑,派传令官告诉乡下人:

    When Huan Gong heard of this , he thought it was very funny and sent an officer to tell the villager :

  15. 田氏代齐:同晋国一样,齐桓公死后,齐国的贵族势力逐渐强大起来。

    The Tians Attacked : Qi Like Jin , the noble families in Qi grew in power after the death of Duke Huan .

  16. 于是齐桓公派人挑选了几匹老马在前面引路,果然走出了迷谷,找到了回去的道路。

    So the duke ordered several old horse to be selected to lead the army . Finally , they found the way back home .

  17. 齐桓公出游途中,来到已经灭亡许久的郭氏都城的废墟。

    On a vacation trip , Duke Huan of the state of Qi came to the ruin of the capital of Guo Shi , which perished long ago .

  18. 齐桓公继位后,以管仲为相,改革内政,使齐国迅速强大。

    When he was in the throne , he designated a statesman named Guan Zhong as his prime minister to carry out reforms , and Qi became powerful rapidly .

  19. 经由鲍叔牙的举荐,管仲于公元前685年成为齐桓公的国相。

    His given name was Yiwu . Zhong was his courtesy name . Recommended by Bao Shuya , he was appointed Prime Minister by Duke Huan of Qi in 685 B. C. .

  20. 公元前656年,齐桓公带领8个诸侯国的联军攻楚,订立了召陵(今河南偃城)之盟,其霸业发展到顶峰。

    In 656 B.C. , Duke Huan led an alliance of eight vassal states to attack Chu , and finally concluded a covenant at Zhaoling ( the present-day Yancheng in Henan ) . Qi , s supremacy reached its apex .

  21. 公元前651年,齐桓公在葵丘(今河南民权县东北)大会诸侯,参加会盟的有齐、鲁、宋、卫、郑、许、曹等国的国君,周天子也派代表参加。

    In 651 B. C. , Qi organized a meeting at Kuiqiu ( now Northeast of Minquan County in Henan ) with the participation of the monarchs of Lu , Song , Wei , Zheng , Xu and Cao participating in . Even the Zhou King sent his representative .

  22. 后以“尊王攘夷”为名,联合个诸侯国打败了北戎,制止了狄人的侵扰。齐桓公救患扶危的行为,得到一些诸侯的拥护,威信大增。

    Duke Huan of Qi succeeded in uniting the vassal lords by invoking the slogan of " loyalty to the King of Zhou " , defeated Northern Rong tribe and deterred invasions of Di tribe , due to which he was widely supported by vassals and his prestige rose greatly .

  23. 春秋时期的第一霸王齐桓公,为了表明自己招贤纳士的诚意,在宫廷前燃起了明亮的火炬,准备日夜接待各地前来的人才。

    Huan Gong , King of the State of Qi and the first overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period , in order to show his sincerity to enlist able and virtuous men and scholars from various places , had a bright torch lit in front of his palace day and night .

  24. 在管仲任期内,齐国强大了许多,成就了齐桓公的霸业。

    During his term of office , the state of Qi became much stronger and Duke Huan of Qi gained hegemony among the states .