
  • 网络King Xuan of Qi;King Qixuan
  1. 齐宣王爱好射箭,又喜欢听别人奉承自己能够开硬弓。

    King Xuan of the state of Qi was fond of archery , and he liked to hear others ' flattery on his ability to stretch tight bows .

  2. 齐宣王听了非常高兴,批准了他的要求。

    King Xuan was very glad to hear this and granted his request .

  3. 就这样,他一直混到齐宣王去世。

    In this way , he drifted along till King Xuan of Qi died .

  4. 齐宣王给予乐师们非常优厚的待遇。

    The king treated his musicians very well .

  5. 齐宣王死后,滑王继位。

    After King Xuan of Qi died , King Min succeeded to the throne .

  6. 齐宣王让孟子给他讲一讲善政是什么样子的。

    King Xuanwang of Qi asked Mencius to describe what a fine government was like .

  7. 齐宣王觉得奇怪,说:“我听说,人才是很难得的。

    King Xuan was surprised and said : " I heard that talented people are hard to find .

  8. 一次,厚于凳给齐宣王推荐了七名贤士。

    Once , Chun Yukun recommended seven able and virtuous scholars to King Xuan of the State of Qi .

  9. 再往后,齐宣王一听到雅乐这个名称,就吓得变颜变色。

    Later on , King Xuan of Qi would even turn pale if he heard the word Elegant Music .

  10. 但是,当他了解了齐宣王的这个嗜好以后,就毛遂自荐,吹嘘自己吹竿吹得如何好。

    But when he learned of King Xuan 's hobby , he volunteered his service and bragged about how well he could play .

  11. 战国时,齐宣王喜欢听竽,通常是三百人的大合奏。

    During the Warring States Period ( 475-221BC ), the King of the State of Qi was very fond of listening to yu ensembles . He often got together 300 yu players to form a grand music .