
  1. 宋成公、昭公、文公、共公都曾参加诸侯国的会盟活动,会盟仍是这一时期宋国历史的重要组成部分。

    The Duke Cheng Zhao Wen Gong of Song participated in the activities of the vassal states of the Union . Alliance was still an important part of the history in this period .

  2. 公元前651年,齐桓公在葵丘(今河南民权县东北)大会诸侯,参加会盟的有齐、鲁、宋、卫、郑、许、曹等国的国君,周天子也派代表参加。

    In 651 B. C. , Qi organized a meeting at Kuiqiu ( now Northeast of Minquan County in Henan ) with the participation of the monarchs of Lu , Song , Wei , Zheng , Xu and Cao participating in . Even the Zhou King sent his representative .