
  • 网络Victor Chu
  1. 第一东方投资集团(firsteasterninvestmentgroup)董事长诸立力(victorchu)表示,日本养老金已准备好进行中国私人股本领域的第一笔直接投资。

    Japanese pension funds are poised to make their first direct investments in private equity opportunities in China , according to Victor Chu , chairman of first Eastern Investment Group .

  2. 市场再次出现了对老派商业银行业务的需求。这种业务侧重于提供技能、创意和人脉网络,第一东方投资集团主席诸立力(VictorChu)说。

    There is renewed demand for old-style merchant banking which is focused on providing skills , ideas and a network of relationships , said Victor Chu , chairman of First Eastern .

  3. 诸立力交游广泛,他甚至恰巧是菲利普·理查兹(PhilipRichards)的一位老友。理查兹是北岩主要股东RAB资本(RABCapital)的首席执行官,本周曾公开抨击维珍财团出价过低。

    Mr Chu 's contacts book is so thick that he even happens to be an old friend of Philip Richards , the chief executive of RAB Capital , a leading Northern Rock shareholder , who this week denounced the consortium 's offer as too low .

  4. 第一东方由诸立力于1988年创立,他是一名在英国接受教育的律师。

    First Eastern was established by Mr Chu , a London-educated lawyer , in 1988 .

  5. 诸立力出生于中国,4岁时随家人迁至香港。

    Born in China , Mr Chu moved to Hong Kong when he was four .

  6. 诸立力在1988年创立第一东方投资集团,专注于在中国的直接投资。

    He established the investment group , which specialises in direct investment into China , in 1988 .

  7. 我们希望支持与迪拜相关的可持续业务,将其作为一个贸易、物流与金融中心,诸立力表示。

    We want to support sustainable businesses connected to Dubai as a trading , logistical and financial centre , Mr Chu said .

  8. 据诸立力介绍,这些最初的投资,将仅占该基金所筹1亿美元的一半多一点。

    According to Mr Chu , these initial investments would account for just over half of the $ 100m raised by the fund .

  9. 同时担任迪拜国际资本董事的诸立力表示,他和迪拜国际资本将对该基金进行复议,或许能在未来两年使其复苏。

    Mr Chu , who is also a board member on DIC , said he and DIC would review the fund , which may be able to revive its activities over the next two years .

  10. 过去20年间,第一东方在中国直接投资了近100个项目,跨越房地产、基础设施及金融服务等多个行业,这些交易也使诸立力一直与北京和上海的政治掮客们保持着联系。

    In the past 20 years first Eastern has made close to 100 direct investments in China , spanning real estate , infrastructure and financial services deals which grant Mr Chu ongoing access to power-brokers in Beijing and Shanghai .

  11. 第一东方还在推进另一只得到阿布扎比支持的基金。与此同时,诸立力正在搜寻该地区的购买机会,以投资该公司10亿美元现有资金的一部分。

    First Eastern is moving ahead with another fund , with backing in Abu Dhabi , while Mr Chu is scouting for regional buying opportunities as he seeks to invest some of the company 's $ 1bn in cash .

  12. 诸立力表示,作为一家收购集团,第一东方满足于收购企业的少数股权这与许多国际收购公司寻求获得多数股权和经营控制权相反因此更容易在中国达成交易。

    Mr Chu said First Eastern 's approach as a buy-in group content to take minority stakes in businesses as opposed to the majority and operational control sought by many international buy-out firms makes it easier to find deals in China .