
  • 网络Computer test;computer based test;computer-based test;CBT;CB-IELTS;CAT
  1. 在我国,英语四、六级考试的听力比例不断上调,正在试点的机考中与听力相关的内容已高达70%。

    In China , CET continues to increase its listening proportion , and the pilot computer-based test has already increased to 70 % .

  2. 基于VB和ADO的机考批改系统

    Examination Correcting System Based on VB and ADO

  3. 通过多媒体开发平台Authorware5,并结合高级编程语言Visualc+6.0,开发高校学生通用机考系统,为学生考试走向标准化创造了条件。

    The author utilizes Authorware 5 and the advanced program language Visual C + + 6 . 0 to devel-op a student-using examining system , which will offer a standard examination condition for students .

  4. 该在线报名项目由ThomsonPrometric(R)公司负责设计和组织实施。ThomsonPrometric(R)公司是由美国教育考试服务中心指定的开展全球机考工作的公司。

    The online registration process is designed and operated by Thomson Prometric ( R ), the company that ETS uses for its worldwide computer-based testing .

  5. GRE机考已在世界范围内广泛实行,除中国考区外,我们没有发现有任何国家或地区的考试分数激增的现象。

    The computer testing system has been administered worldwide and a significant increase in scores has only occurred among examinations from China .

  6. BCT有纸笔考试和机考两种并行的考试形式,以满足汉语考试用户的不同需求。

    Currently there are two versions of test , which are paper-based and computer-based , de-signed to meet the needs of different candidates .

  7. 美国教育考试服务中心原定九月份向全球推行新的GRE普通考试计划,使用全新的网络考试取代机考加笔考。

    ETS had originally planned to launch the revised GRE General Test worldwide in September , replacing combined computer-based and paper-based administration by the new Internet-based test .

  8. 随着2009年大学英语六级机考(IB-CET)的实施和覆盖范围的扩大,概要写作作为该考试的一种题型逐渐引起大学英语教师和学生的关注。

    With the implement of Internet-based College English Test 6 ( IB-CET 6 ) in 2009 and the expansion of its coverage , summary writing as one test item in IB-CET 6 has caused the college English teachers and students ' attention .

  9. 计算机公共课机考软件的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Examination Software of Computer Basic Course

  10. 《电化教育学》机考系统的开发与应用

    The development and application of computer examination system of audio video in education

  11. 给出了一个计算机公共课机考软件系统的总体思路和具体实现。

    A general idea and concrete implementation of Exam software system are given .

  12. 随后2009年6月20日,有更多的高校加入大学英语四级机考行例。

    Then June 20 , 2009 , more colleges and universities to join CET machine test line cases .

  13. 他们要求重新考试,这次要采用笔试而不是机考。

    They asked to have their tests scored again , this time by hand instead of by computer .

  14. 所有的机考考试题目都来源于它给出的这些?

    When you take the test , you will be presented with two Issue topics from this pool .

  15. 其次,作者使用现有口语机考系统中的朗读题计算机自动评分子系统进行了实验。

    Second , the author makes use of automatic score subsystem in the existing system of oral test questions to conduct computer experiments .

  16. 雅思考试是纸考,而托福考试只在没有机考条件的地方实行纸考。

    The IELTS is a paper test while the TOEFL is given on paper only in places where a computer test is unavailable .

  17. 全国计算机等级考试机考系统环境设置研究但报名人数过多一度造成国家公务员考试报名系统的瘫痪。

    The Research for the Establishing Environment of the National Computer Rank Examination But the influx of applicants has already broken the exam 's website once .

  18. 针对这些问题,本文研究、设计、实现了一个机考系统,此系统采用B/S架构。

    In accordance with these problems , a computer test system which uses the B / S architecture has been designed and implemented in this paper .

  19. 机考系统作为远程教育系统中的一个重要环节,对远程教育系统的优劣有重要的影响。

    As an important part of remote education system , an online examination system has an important influence on a fit and unfit quality of remote education system .

  20. 本文虽存在一定的不足,但也为未来基于体裁的大学英语机考概要写作评分标准的研究和完善奠定坚固的基石。

    Although there are certain deficient in this thesis , it still builds a solid foundation for the future research and improvement of genre-based evaluation criteria for IB-CET summary writing .

  21. 这就是弗莱尔先生在达拉斯所做的。那里的二年级学生每读完一本书并通过关于此书的阅读理解机考的话,就能获得2美元的奖励。

    This was the approach Mr Fryer took in Dallas , where second-grade students were simply given $ 2 for every book they read if they passed a computerised comprehension test on it .

  22. 基于计算机的口语考试(以下简称口语机考)相对传统口语考试易于实施,节约大量人力物力,使大规模的口语考试成为现实。

    Since computer-based oral testing is relatively easy to be implemented comparing to traditional oral testing . It can save a lot of human and material resources to enable the large-scale oral testing to become reality .

  23. 通过聚类分析,发现机考系统题型可分为四类,并有其各自所考察口语能力分量,根据测验条件和目的选用测试题型或题型组合。

    By cluster analysis , was found in test systems Questions in four categories , and has its own oral component of the study , selected according to test conditions and purpose of test items , or Questions in combination .