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  • pediatrician
  1. JeffTemple:“我们论文数据的作者之一是位儿科医生,他在办公室看到这一点。”

    JEFF TEMPLE : " One of the authors that will be on our paper with our data is a pediatrician . And he certainly sees this in his office .

  2. 研究论文的第一作者、亚特兰大儿童医院(Children'sHealthcareofAtlanta)的儿科医生拉扎勒斯(SarahG.Lazarus)称,家长通常会根据针对年长一些的儿童的推荐剂量来进行推断。

    They often extrapolated from doses recommended for older children , said Sarah G. Lazarus , a pediatrician at Children 's Healthcare of Atlanta who was the lead author .

  3. 他认为儿科医生应该和孩子的父母们讨论这个问题,但是他相信信息传递应该远远超出医生办公室之外。

    He sees a role for pediatricians to talk with parents about this , but believes the messaging must extend far beyond pediatricians ' offices .

  4. SOAP是由麻醉医师,产科医生,儿科医生,和谁共享一个在怀孕病人和新生儿护理基础科学家的兴趣。

    SOAP is comprised of anesthesiologists , obstetricians , pediatricians , and basic scientists who share an interest in the care of the pregnant patient and the newborn .

  5. 方法整群抽取3-12岁儿童320名,由儿科医生进行胃肠疾病病史调查,用ELISA法检测血清抗HpU-IgG,同时进行饮食习惯的调查。

    Methods 320 children aged 3-12 were cluster sampled , the surveys on gastroduodenal disease history and dietary habits were conducted , anti-HpU-IgG was tested by using ELISA method .

  6. 儿科医生及育儿领域作家麦格•米克尔(MegMeeker)说,年轻人犯错误,也是他们自己成长的一种方式。

    Making mistakes is part of a young adult 's making her own way , says Meg Meeker , a pediatrician and author on parenting issues .

  7. 因此,得出结论:儿童医院产ESBLs的发生率相当高,儿科医生应重视感染性标本的早期培养,并根据药敏结果合理使用抗生素,以便及时有效地控制ESBLs菌株在医院感染与流行。

    The prevalence of ESBLs in children hospital infection was high , so the clinical microbiology laboratory should pay heed to its detection for rational use of antibiotics and effective control of resistance .

  8. 一名经过IMCI培训的护士以及一名儿科医生对每个儿童进行评估。

    Every child was assessed by a nurse trained in the use of the IMCI algorithm and also an expert paediatrician .

  9. BanghabandhuSheikMurjib医科大学的儿科医生RohuRahim教授与这家人进行了商议,表示仍有希望。

    Professor Rohu Rahim , pediatric surgeon from Banghabandhu Sheik Murjib Medical University , who is consulting the family , said there was hope .

  10. LosAngeles儿科医生FrancineKaufman工作在儿童流行性肥胖的一线,她的办公室里挤满了儿童糖尿病患者。流行性肥胖使小孩处于成人健康问题的危险之中。

    Los Angeles pediatrician Francine Kaufman is on the front lines of the childhood obesity epidemic , which has flooded her office with diabetes patients and put kids at risk of adult health problems .

  11. 迭戈的家庭儿科医生、美国运动协会(AmericanCouncilonExercise)(这是一家提供健身认证和训练的非盈利机构)医疗保健解决方案负责人纳塔莉・穆特(NatalieMuth)称,久坐会让人感觉更加疲惫。

    Sitting for a long stretch of time can make people feel more tired , says Natalie Muth , a San Diego primary-care pediatrician and health-care solutions director at the American Council on Exercise , a nonprofit that provides fitness certification and training .

  12. 目的通过对3例以昏迷为主诉而入院的甲基丙二酸血症(MMA)患儿的临床治疗及生化学监测的分析,提高儿科医生对昏迷、酸中毒与遗传代谢性疾病的关系的认识。

    Objective To improve the pediatrician 's knowledge of the relationship between the symptom of coma , ketoacidosis and inborn error of metabolism through the summary of three cases of methylmalonic acidemia ( MMA ) with initial symptom of coma .

  13. 上述新政策的作者之一、儿科医生霍根(MarjorieHogan)说,过度使用电子媒介通常与肥胖、学业不佳、具有攻击性和睡眠不足有关。

    ' Excessive media use is associated with obesity , poor school performance , aggression and lack of sleep , ' said Marjorie Hogan , co-author of the new policy and a pediatrician .

  14. 冬季着装的要点是什么?什么时候应该让孩子自己做出决定?这方面的专家、儿科医生JenniferShu表达了自己的观点。JenniferShu是美国儿科学会(AmericanAcademyofPediatrics)的发言人,也是该学会的消费者网站healthychildren.org的医学编辑。

    One expert , pediatrician Jennifer Shu , a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatrics and medical editor of the group 's healthychildren.org consumer website , offers her view on what the most important item of winter clothing is and when to let children decide for themselves .

  15. RashmiShetgiri是在得克萨斯大学西南医学中心和达拉斯儿童医学中心大学的儿科医生。

    Rashmi Shetgiri is a pediatrician at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Children 's Medical Center Dallas .

  16. Facebook的首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)与他的妻子,儿科医生普莉希拉·陈(PriscillaChan)医生周三宣布,他们已雇用美国教育部前副部长詹姆斯·H·谢尔顿三世(JamesH.SheltonIII),负责监督他们在教育方面所做的工作,

    Mark Zuckerberg , the chief executive of Facebook , and Dr. Priscilla Chan , a pediatrician who is his wife , said Wednesday that they had hired James H. Shelton III , a former deputy secretary of the United States Department of Education , to oversee their efforts in education ,

  17. 主持此项调查的密歇根大学儿科医生戴维斯(MatthewDavis)说,他对调查结果感到惊讶和忧虑。这一结果可能显示出,家长并不了解药品标签信息以及以往幼儿用药中出现的问题。

    Matthew Davis , a University of Michigan pediatrician who directed the survey , said he was surprised and concerned by the findings , which may show that parents aren 't aware of the labeling and the history of worries about the drugs ' use in young children . '

  18. Hambidge医师说无论作为病人还是儿科医生都应该放心,因为接种流感疫苗导致的副作用的诊断病例是很少的。

    Hambidge , says as a parent as well as a pediatrician , he was reassured by how few diagnoses there were that were linked to flu shots .

  19. SteveAuerbach是一名儿科医生,他说:“跟其他工业化国家相比,美国人购买同一种药物有时要支付2到4倍的价钱。”

    Steve Auerbach is a pediatrician : " Americans are paying anywhere from 2 to 4 times of price for the same drugs from same drug companies as other industrialized countries . Canada pays half of the price we do . New Zealand pays a quarter of the price we do . "

  20. 华盛顿贝尔维的儿科医生、美国儿科学会发言人希夫林(DonaldL.Shifrin)说,如果你去任何一家餐馆,都会发现家庭3.0版是爸妈和孩子在各自使用电子设备。

    If you go to any restaurant , Family 3.0 is Mom and Dad are on their devices and the kids are on theirs , ' says Donald L. Shifrin , a pediatrician in Bellevue , Wash . , and an AAP spokesman . '

  21. 最终在1980年,日本儿科医生TetsuroFujiwara发表了一份有关人造表面活性剂的研究。

    Finally , in nineteen eighty , a Japanese , Tetsuro Fujiwara , published a study about an artificial surfactant . It could be given to a baby and , within minutes , the baby could breathe .

  22. 这位儿科医生对病人很友好。

    The doctor for children is always friendly to his patients .

  23. 儿科医生们也表示从未见过如此严重的病毒感染。

    Pediatricians there say they 've never seen anything like it .

  24. 妈妈,你为什么当儿科医生?

    Mum , why did you become a children 's doctor ?

  25. 这次是那个儿科医生举枪瞄准。

    Thia time , the pediatrician diew a bead on it .

  26. 我们跟莉莉的儿科医生初次见面时很尴尬

    We got off to an awkward start with our pediatrician ,

  27. 儿科医生数量的不足给家长们带来很多麻烦。

    The shortage of pediatricians has made it difficult for parents .

  28. 还有一些人成为儿科医生护理儿童。

    Still others become pediatricians and take care of children .

  29. 儿科医生防御性医疗行为相关因素研究

    The Study on Related Factors About Defensive Medicine in Pediatricians

  30. 平均10000名儿童只有43位儿科医生。

    On average , there are only 43 doctors per 100000 children .