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  • children's literature
儿童文学 [ér tóng wén xué]
  • [children's literature] 以适应少年儿童的年龄、智力和兴趣等特点,为少年儿童创作的文学作品

  1. 儿童文学是各种意识形态交锋的战场。

    Children 's literature is an ideological battleground .

  2. 我的研究集中于儿童文学中的一些冷门领域。

    My research focuses on the byways of children 's literature .

  3. 他硬被归入儿童文学作家之列。

    He has been pigeonholed as a children 's writer .

  4. 你成长于美国儿童文学的黄金时期。

    You grew up in the golden age of American children 's books .

  5. 他在业余时间读儿童文学消遣。

    Reading children 's literature is a hobby with him .

  6. 这部文笔优美的作品,有着对乡村的生动描述,其中穿插令人兴奋的冒险经历,是英国儿童文学的经典之作。

    The beautifully written work , with its evocative descriptions of the countryside interspersed with exciting adventures , became a classic of English children 's literature .

  7. 《纳尼亚传奇》是C.S.路易斯创作的一部闻名世界的儿童文学。

    The Chronicles of Narnia is a piece of world famous children literature , which is written by C.S. Lewis .

  8. 第三章具体分析C.S.刘易斯的儿童文学观念《关于儿童文学创作的三个方法》,对他提炼出的三种儿童文学创作方式展开探讨。

    Chapter 3 is the detailed discussion on theory abstracted by C. S. Lewis in his article On Three Ways of Writing for Children .

  9. 在我思忖这个问题的时候,碧翠丝刚好看完了英国歌舞剧《玛蒂尔达》(Matilda),深深沉醉于作者伊妮德·布莱顿(EnidBlyton)创作的历险传奇。这位已故儿童文学作家在美国海岸地区虽然不太主流,但在英国却备受尊敬。

    As I was contemplating all this , Beatrice happened to be fresh off two viewings of the very English musical " Matilda " and knee-deep in the adventure tales of Enid Blyton , the late children 's book author who remains marginal on these shores but is still revered in Britain .

  10. 成长:当下儿童文学的精神底色

    Growing-Up : The Present Spirit Background Color of Children 's Literature

  11. 《哈里·波特》与新时期儿童文学的特点

    Harry Potter and Characteristics of Children 's Literature in New Period

  12. 游戏精神&儿童文学的自由本质

    Spirit of Games & the Free Nature of Literature for Children

  13. 第六届亚洲儿童文学学术会议综述

    Comments on the 6th Academic Meeting about Asian Children 's Literature

  14. 儿童文学翻译中的文体翻译策略

    Study on translation principles of children 's literature from stylistic aspect

  15. 儿童文学在小学语文教育中的地位

    On the role of the children literature in primary Chinese education

  16. 1949&1979年中国儿童文学创作浅析

    A Tentative Study of Chinese Children 's Literature Creation from 1949-1979

  17. 中国儿童文学50年

    Review of Chinese children 's literature in the past 50 years

  18. 《彼得•潘》是一部风靡全球的儿童文学作品。

    Peter Pan is a popular Children 's literature worldwide .

  19. 当代澳门儿童文学发展状况研究

    Research on the Development of Contemporary Children Literature in Macau

  20. 师范院校儿童文学教学策略初探

    A Primary Probe into the Tactics of the Children 's Literature Teaching

  21. 高洪波,诗人,散文及儿童文学作家。

    Gao Hongbo , poet and writer of essays and children literature .

  22. 浅谈儿童文学翻译

    A Brief Remark on the Translation of Children 's Literature

  23. 毕竟,我成立了一个儿童文学读书兴趣小组;

    After all , I started a children 's literature reading group ;

  24. 当今,你最喜欢的儿童文学作家有哪些?

    Who are some of your favorite children 's book authors today ?

  25. 民间文学与少年儿童文学能力的培养

    Folk Literature and the Cultivation of Juvenile 's Literary Capability

  26. 无论儿童文学的创作主体、文本,还是读者的范围,都是模糊的。

    The range of writers , texts and readers are all fuzzy .

  27. 论儿童文学作者的修养

    On the Accomplishment of the Authors about Children 's Literature

  28. 开放性与民族性:中国儿童文学的现代品格

    The National and Modern Character of China 's Children Literature

  29. 儿童文学的张力与创新能力的启蒙

    Enlightenment of children literature ′ s tension and innovation ability

  30. 现代中国儿童文学中的红色少年形象

    The Image of Red Juveniles in Modern Chinese Children Literature