
  • 网络Carmel;camel;Carmel-by-the-Sea;Carmel by the Sea;Camel-by-the-sea
  1. 菲利普拉斯金博士,内科学,西南医学中心,达拉斯部和克里斯托弗G帕金,硕士,卡梅尔,印第安纳州。

    Philip Raskin , MD , Department of Internal Medicine , Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas ; and Christopher G.Parkin , MS , Carmel , Indiana .

  2. 这所寺庙靠近卡梅尔,是乙川弘文的另一处教学点。

    a monastery near Carmel where Kobun also taught .

  3. 3月初,34岁的陈岚淑来到加利福尼亚州卡梅尔,参加罗兰夏朵美食节(Relais&Châteaux’sGourmetFest),有20多位知名大厨参与这次盛会。

    In early March , Ms. Chen , 34 , was in Carmel-by-the Sea , Calif. , for Relais & Ch â teaux 's GourmetFest , featuring more than 20 well-known chefs .

  4. 当审查员问他的工作是什么,卡梅尔无法回答。

    When Inspector asks what his job is , Camel cannot answer .

  5. 犯罪嫌疑人解释自己.卡梅尔是在工作。

    Suspects explain themselves . Camel was working out .

  6. 柯南,回忆事情,开始对卡梅尔产生疑问。

    Conan , making sense from his recollection , starts to doubt Camel .

  7. 芳登于周日清晨在睡梦中去世,当时她正居于加州卡梅尔镇的家中。

    Fontaine died in her sleep at her Carmel , California home on Sunday morning .

  8. 卡梅尔,被汗水浸透,一只手表示“嘘”秘密地。

    Camel , soaked with sweat , makes a hand expression for " shush " secretly .

  9. 介绍以色列海法市卡梅尔山上的巴孛陵寝梯田平台花园。

    Introduc of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Bab on Mount Carmel in Haif a , Israel .

  10. 卡梅尔,印第安纳波利斯的正北部,有70多个环状交叉路口&比美国其他任何城市都多。

    Carmel , just north of Indianapolis , has70 of them & more than any other city in America .

  11. 市长吉姆纳德在参观了伦敦的环状交叉路口后,于1997年建立了卡梅尔第一个环状交叉路口。

    The mayor , Jim Brainard , built the first roundabout in Carmel in1997 after seeing them in Britain .

  12. 莫纳在电话与我们的朋友接触到和平卡梅尔谁安排了我们在巴黎见面。

    Mona was in phone contact with our friend Carmel from PEACE who had arranged to meet us in Paris .

  13. 邓文迪告诉自己82岁的丈夫,她将在卡梅尔度过女性周末派对。

    Miss Deng , 45 , had allegedly told her 82-year-old husband she was spending a girls weekend at the ranch in Carmel .

  14. 根据该杂志消息,默多克了解到布莱尔不止一次在卡梅尔农场拜访邓文迪。

    According to the magazine , he learned that Mr Blair had visited Miss Deng at the Carmel ranch on more than one occasion .

  15. 然而,这项研究包含了106位男士所填的调查问卷,这些人已经在海法的卡梅尔医学中心进行了精子分析。

    However , this study involved questionnaires filled out by 106 men who had already been referred for semen analysis at Carmel Medical Centre in Haifa .

  16. 卡梅尔准备下一个橙色伞击败强烈的阳光,和维多利亚被对面的弧,为拍摄完美的视野之内。

    Carmel poised under an orange umbrella to beat the intense sunshine , and Victoria were located opposite the Arc , a perfect sight for photographing .

  17. 神父被卡梅尔女修会的邀请,去主持他姑妈灵魂的首场追思弥撒。

    The priest was invited by the Carmelites of Coimbra to preside in the convent at the first Mass for the repose of his aunt 's soul .

  18. 布莱克莱弗利和莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥于上周以极端私人的方式共赴加利福尼亚州的卡梅尔,这也证实了两人在一起传言的真实性。

    Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio proved that they are very much still together with an ultra - private getaway to Carmel , California , last week .

  19. 村警官哈利法说,这三名侄子在叔叔尤素福工作的男子学校内,处决了他和他的妻子卡梅尔。

    The three cousins executed Hayali and his wife Zeinab Kamel at the all-boys school in Jalawlah in Diyala province , village police chief Captain Ahmed Khalifa said .

  20. 卡梅尔后来说只有一个澳大利亚人组将做到这一点,当然是巴黎风情交通放慢下来,采取了正确的在开展马戏团好好看看。

    Carmel later said only a group of Aussies would do this and of course the Parisienne traffic slowed right down and took a good look at the unfolding circus .

  21. 假如有时间,你也许还想坐公共汽车前往旧金山以南一百英里的卡梅尔。在那里你会发现一片峭壁高耸、荒凉但引人入胜的海岸。

    If you have time you might like to go by bus to Carmel , a hundred miles south of San Francisco , where you will discover a wild and wonderful coast with high cliffs .