
kǎ piàn mù lù
  • card catalogue;card index
  1. 我想您可以在卡片目录中找到。

    I think you can find it in the card catalogue .

  2. 所有书目都列在卡片目录上。

    All the books are listed in the card catalogue .

  3. 本文根据ILAS(5.0)连续出版物管理子系统打印卡片目录遇到的问题,提出了多种可行的解决方案及在工作中需要注意的问题。

    The paper discuss the problems of ILAS 5.0 when printing catalog card , And provide good solutions and same problems which should be paid attention to working .

  4. 下面让我们为您的卡片目录定义一个简单的模型。

    Let 's define a simple model for your card catalog .

  5. 连续出版物输出卡片目录遇到的问题及解决方法

    The Problems and the Solutions of Serials while Printing Catalog Card

  6. 网上计算机目录就像是在计算机上的卡片目录。

    The on-line catalog is like a card catalog on computer .

  7. 它们构成了图书馆的“卡片目录”。

    Together they constitute the library 's " card catalog " .

  8. 卡片目录是书籍的索引。

    The card catalog is the index to the books .

  9. 现阶段卡片目录与机读目录并存原因初探

    On the Co-existence of Card Catalog and MARC The Reason

  10. 全面废止卡片目录须慎行

    Must Take Heed in Dealing with the Complete Abolishment of the Card-catalogue

  11. 卡片目录就是图书馆中关于书目的索引。

    A card catalog is an index of books in a library .

  12. 请查阅卡片目录或计算机。

    Please consult the card catalogue or the computer .

  13. 通过使用卡片目录或在线目录来搜寻合适的书籍。

    Use the card catalogue or on-line catalogue to search for appropriate books .

  14. 图书馆“卡片目录”的主要使用对象?

    Who are the primary intended audiences for a library 's " card catalog "?

  15. 他们提供给读者的主要查找途径卡片目录大部分已经失效。

    The principal finding aid they offer users the card catalogue is largely ineffectual .

  16. 我在卡片目录中找到了几本我想借的书。

    I found some books in the card catalog I 'd like to borrow .

  17. 何不在你身后的卡片目录里找呢?

    Why do not you look it up in the card catalog right behind you ?

  18. 请先查找卡片目录。

    Please consult the card catalogue first .

  19. 落地式木制卡片目录柜

    Floor-standing card index cabinet of wood

  20. 很多现代图书馆、网上计算机目录已经取代了就的卡片目录。

    In many modern libraries , an on-line computer catalog has taken the place of the old card catalog .

  21. 卡片目录是用来查找图书的,期刊目录是用来查找杂志的。

    That the card catalogues are used to find books and that periodical indexes are for magazines and journals .

  22. 从卡片目录到机读目录是图书馆目录体系发展中的一大飞跃。

    The evolution from card catalog to MARC is a great leap in the development of the library catalog system .

  23. 而且他们必须翻阅卡片目录以便搜寻到那些布满灰尘的旧刊,因为他们所需要的文章就在其中。

    And they had to flip through a card catalog to find that dusty old volume with the article they wanted .

  24. 现代化技术的应用给图书馆的编目工作带来了方便和快捷,许多图书馆已经取消了卡片目录。

    The application of the modern technique makes the cataloging work of the library convenient and rapid , and many libraries have abolished the card-catalogue .

  25. 注册中心就像一个图书馆的卡片目录,用来记录新书和其他媒体的入库情况并查找现有的项目。

    A registry is like a library card catalog , used for recording the arrival of new books and other media , and looking up existing items .

  26. 几乎所有的图书馆,都由原来读者手动翻阅的卡片目录都被由电脑或是网路查检的电子索引所取代。

    At most libraries , the hand-typed card catalogues thumbed by generations of patrons have been supplanted by electronic indexes accessed via PCs locally or over the Web .

  27. 类似地,一些大学也在校园内安装了无线网络,学生坐在树下便能查找图书馆的卡片目录,或者阅读电子邮件。

    Similarly , some universities have installed wireless networks on campus so students can sit under the trees and consult the library 's card catalog or read their email .

  28. 当然,你也可以看到所有的图书都列在计算机上,计算机目录比卡片目录所给的信息要更多。

    And of course , you can also find all the books listed in the computer , and it gives you more information than the card catalogue , too .

  29. 这就好像我们进入图书馆,烧掉卡片目录。然后告诉读者,他们如果能够通过记住印在书脊上的书号,就能轻易地找到他们想要的书。

    It 's as if we went into the library , burned the card catalog , and told the patrons that they could easily find what they want by just remembering the little numbers painted on the spines of the books .

  30. 计算机编目环境下卡片分类目录组织的作用

    Functions of card-form catalogue under the environment of cataloguing by computers