
diàn gào
  • inform or report in a telegram;inform by radio;wire;inform by telegraphing sb.;telegraph
电告 [diàn gào]
  • [inform by radio;wire;inform by telegraphing sb.] 用电报通知或报告

  • 盼电告消息

电告[diàn gào]
  1. 我要你在五点钟前把整件事电告单位。

    I need you to phone the story in before five .

  2. 她得决定要不要将这个消息电告路易斯。

    She had to decide whether or not to cable the news to Louis .

  3. 他一俟知悉,会即刻电告我的。

    He 'll telephone me the instant he knows .

  4. 我已把结果电告他了。

    I telegraphed him the result .

  5. 我方经理定于9月19日抵达贵港,希望和XYZ工厂经理见面。烦你和他进行联系并电告结果。

    September 19 wish meeting xyz factory Mgr . leave you to engage him telegraph result .

  6. 他从罗马电告了他抵达的好消息。

    He cabled the good news about his arrival from Rome .

  7. 请电告船名及开航日期我们的船启航往日本。

    Cable steamer name sailing date Our ship launched for Japan .

  8. 他电告他已平安抵达伦敦

    He telegraph that he have arrive In london safe and sound

  9. 这次会议的相关事宜请电告我公司。

    Please inform our company of this meeting 's issues by telegraph .

  10. 所提港口不熟,请电告该港口的设备及码头水深。

    Named port unfamiliar advice what facilities there including wharf side draught .

  11. 你可以将细节电告我在纽约的兄弟。

    Yon can wire the details to my brother in New York .

  12. 请电告何时可以交货。

    Please let us know by cable when we can expect delivery .

  13. 请报东北大豆最优惠价格最快交货期,请速电告。

    Please cable offer northest soyabean most favorable price earliest delivery promptly .

  14. 请电告可竞争价格的报盘。

    Please cable us an offer at a competitive price .

  15. 你们对此意见如何,望考虑电告。

    What are your views ? Please consider and wire your reply .

  16. 你方九日来电内容不详,装货将延误多久?请电告正确的装船日期。

    Yours 9th obscure how long will cargo is delayed advise definite shipping date .

  17. 你方十二月销售明显跌,请电告原因。

    Yr. dec sale dip noticeably advice reason .

  18. 艾默里先生于同日将此意电告总督。

    Mr Amery telegraphed in this sense to the Viceroy on the same day .

  19. 请电告上述以外的国外同行。

    Telegraph competitor from abroad besides named above .

  20. 传言可能是真的,请进一步注意并电告其进展情况。

    Rumor probably true watch further advice development .

  21. 他电告了他到达的时间。

    He telegraphed the time of his arrival .

  22. 自然的我会电告柏林。

    Naturally , I 'll radio berlin .

  23. 情况紧急,请电告下一步行动。

    Circumstances pressing telegraph further action suggest .

  24. 一有现货可供,我方将立即电告发盘。

    We will certainly fax you an offer as soon as there is stock available .

  25. 这两名经纪人电告纽约股票交易所的交易大厅。

    Both brokers wire their orders to the floor of the New York Stock Exchange .

  26. 来访的这位先生据说很有可能与我们竞争的同行联合,意见如何?请电告。

    Visiting gentleman report sounding possibility of joint undertaking with our rival house comment immediately .

  27. 请电告包装及唛头式样。

    Please cable packing and marks .

  28. 一旦我方能发盘,就会电告你方。

    As soon as we is able to make an offer , we 'll cable you .

  29. 希电告到达日期,以便我们事前做好准备工作。

    Please cable the date of your arrival , enabling us to make the necessary preparations .

  30. 据传新作物质量不令人满意,是因受最近水灾的影响,请调查是否属实并电告市场动态。

    New crop quality rumor unsatisfactory owing recent flood ascertain if true also advise market trend .