
  1. 事实上,关氏的艺术学习都是从油画开始,而且其中国式水墨戏剧人物,也是以西洋油画基础发展起来。

    His artistic education started with oil painting , which is the foundation for his later painting of dramatic characters in Chinese ink .

  2. 除了擅长中国水墨画,陈文希也精通西洋油画。他勇于尝试不同的风格,例如融入野兽派和立体派的创作。

    He was proficient in both traditional Chinese ink and Western oil painting and experimented with a variety of styles including Fauvism and Cubism .

  3. 就比如欣赏艺术,我喜欢中国传统民乐和国画的清新隽永,但这并不妨碍我同样喜欢西洋交响乐和油画的恢弘磅礴。

    I love the refinement and elegance of traditional Chinese music and paintings , but this doesn 't prevent me from embracing the glamour and magnificence of western symphony and oil painting .