
  • 网络jinhu county;Lake County
  1. 以江苏省盱眙县、金湖县和洪泽县为例,利用我国的环境减灾卫星(HJ1)遥感影像,开展了水稻产量分级监测预报研究。

    With Xuyi County , Jinhu County and Hongze County in Jiangsu Province , China as examples , monitoring and forecasting of rice production were carried out by using HJ1A satellite remote sensing images .

  2. 金湖县低年龄儿童蛲虫感染情况和防治效果

    Effect of infant Enterobius vermicularis infection control in Jinhu County

  3. 金湖县血吸虫病传播阻断后5年巩固监测

    Surveillance on schistosomiasis after its transmission interrupted for 5 years in Jinhu County

  4. 金湖县农民健康教育效果评价

    Effectiveness Evaluation of Health Education for Peasants in Jinhu County , Jiangsu Province

  5. 2001~2005年金湖县血吸虫病防治效果

    Effect of schistosomiasis control in Jinhu County , 2001-2005

  6. 金湖县1999~2003年狂犬病疫苗免疫效果分析

    Analysis on Immunological Efficacy of Rabies Vaccine in Jinhu County from 1999 to 2003

  7. 金湖县2000~2004年糕点卫生检测结果分析

    Analysis on Pastry Food Hygiene Surveillance Results in Jinhu County from 2000 to 2004

  8. [目的]了解金湖县糕点食品的卫生状况。

    [ Objective ] To understand the hygienic situation of pastry food in Jinhu County .

  9. [结论]金湖县糕点食品卫生质量总体上较好,但也存在一些问题。

    [ Conclusion ] The pastry food hygiene quality was good as a whole only with few problems .

  10. 方法对金湖县1999-2003年狂犬病病毒抗体检测结果进行统计分析。

    Methods Statistic analysis was used for testing results of antibodies against rabies virus from 1999 to 2003 in Jinhu County .

  11. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,在江苏省金湖县,有一只像企鹅一样直立行走的母鸡。

    In Jinhu County , Jiangsu Province , a hen walked like a penguin by standing firmly in an upright position , the Daily Mail reported .

  12. 在金湖县宝应湖上的渔民,因大电网不能覆盖,日常生活用电不能满足,生活水平难以提高。

    For the vacancy of electric grid which resulted in the lack of electricity in daily life , it is difficult to improve the fishermen 's standard of living in the Baoying Lake , Jinhu County .