
  • 网络Supercenter;mega-mall
  1. 超级购物中心很荣幸举办超级国际工艺品市场。

    The Super Shopping Center is proud to hold the Super International Crafts Market .

  2. 超级购物中心的麻烦

    The ' Troubles ' of Super Shopping Malls

  3. 沃尔玛国际业务部门将今年计划开设的新店面积缩减了约30%,规模相当于115至126家美国本土的超级购物中心。

    Walmart International cut its plans for new store space this year by about 30 per cent to the equivalent of between 115 and 126 US Supercenters .

  4. 社区店的总面积为38000平方英尺,仅占沃尔玛超级购物中心的三分之一。目前,小型店铺的商品供应问题仍然悬而未决,同样,小型店铺在不同都市区域能否都能取得成功也是一个未知数。

    But determining how to supply the 38 , 000 square-foot shops which are a third of the size of Wal-Mart 's supercenters is still in the air , as is the success such stores will have in different metropolitan areas .

  5. 这个定义描绘了最一般设计模式的地区和超级地区购物中心并成为特指这些类型中心的非正式专用术语。

    The term represents the most common design mode for regional and superregional centers and has become an informal term for these types of centers .

  6. 大量厂房、高档写字楼、超级购物休闲中心等不断涌现,使得集中式空调系统获得了广泛的应用。

    Large numbers of factories , high-class office buildings and super shopping centers come forth unceasingly , which make central air conditioning systems widely used .