
chāo jí
  • superset
超集[chāo jí]
  1. 由于C++是最兼容的C语言超集,它也具有相同的问题。

    Since C + + is a mostly compatible superset of C , it has the same problems .

  2. 它提供了一个Java特性超集,但是却使用了稍有不同的语法。

    It provides a superset of Java features , but in a slightly different syntax .

  3. ConcurrentC是一种支持并发程序设计的语言,它是C语言的一个超集。

    Concurrent C is a concurrent programming language , it is a super set of the C language .

  4. 它们既不是SOA的子集也不是SOA的超集,和SOA也并不兼容。

    They are not subsets or supersets of SOA , nor are they incompatible with SOA .

  5. 首先,应了解Expect是Tcl/Tk编程语言的适当超集。

    Understand , first , that Expect is a proper superset of the Tcl / Tk programming language .

  6. 因为Groovy是Java的一个超集,所以从Java到Groovy的学习曲线是十分平直的。

    As a super-set of Java , it has a very straight-forward learning curve from Java .

  7. 构造了VRML超集和远程数控通信机制。

    The VRML super class and remote control mechanism are constructed .

  8. 基于超集式GML数据结构的异构空间数据文件互转模型

    Mutual Conversion Model of Heterogeneous Spatial Data Files Based on Aggregative Data Structure for GML

  9. 对于服务设计,目标是规范的消息模型,该消息模型表示SOA项目中创建的所有服务所公布的数据结构的超集。

    For service design , the target is the canonical message model representing the superset of data structures that are exposed by all services created in the SOA project .

  10. 本文结合编制通信软件的实践,归纳了面向对象的设计方法,同时论述了面向对象的程序设计语言C++是C语言的一个超集。

    This article sums up the design method of object oriented programming from the programming practice of communication software and discusses that , the Object Oriented programming Language C + + is a superset of C language .

  11. ESDL是ANSIC的超集,它为嵌入式编程增加了一些数据类型。

    ESDL is a superset of the ANSI C standard , which is enhanced by some data type for embedded programming .

  12. Petri网理论部分:首先定义了一类名为序状Petri网的全新的Petri网子类,这种Petri网是无环Petri网的超集;

    The Petri net theory part : Firstly , a new subclass of Petri net named as cascade Petri net , which is the superset of acyclic Petri net , is formally defined .

  13. 运行时字符集依赖于连接到程序的I/设备,但通常是ASCII的超集。

    The run-time character set depends on the I / O devices connected to the program but is generally a superset of ASCII .

  14. 如果您熟悉Objective-C,那么您将想起它实际上是一个C超集(superset)。

    If you are familiar with Objective-C , then you will recall that it is actually a superset of C.Similarly , Objective-J is a superset of JavaScript .

  15. 虽然Groovy严格地来说不是100%的Java的超集,但是在每一个Groovy的新版本中,其语法都更接近Java的语法,在Groovy中越来越多的Java代码是有效的。

    Although Groovy is not strictly speaking a100 % superset of Java , the Groovy syntax comes closer to the Java syntax after each release , and more and more Java code is also valid Groovy .

  16. 定义:如果一个集合S2中的每一个元素都在集合S1中,且集合S1中可能包含S2中没有的元素,则集合S1就是S2的一个超集。

    Definition : A set S1 is a superset of another set S2 if every element in S2 is in S1.S1 may have elements which are not in S2 .

  17. MVEL是典型的JSP/JSF表达式语言的一个超集。

    MVEL is a superset of the typical JSP / JSF expression language .

  18. HANA构建在SAP具有悠久历史的技术的超集上,包括MaxDB数据库和TREX常驻内存引擎。

    HANA is built on a superset of technologies with a long history at SAP , including the MaxDB database and TREX in-memory engine .

  19. JSR-347定义为JSR-107的超集,它对JSR-107有一个依赖,额外增加了数据网格功能。

    JSR-347 is defined as a superset of JSR-107 ( it has a dependency on JSR-107 ) that adds additional Data Grid features .

  20. 首创性地提出了超集式GML数据结构这一概念,借助于这一数据结构,烦琐沉重的空间数据互转工作变得不再那么困难。

    This article puts forward the concept of aggregative data structure for GML in a creative way . With the help of this data structure , the arduous task of converting spatial data files can be performed easily .

  21. 源可以是目标的一个超集。

    The source can be a super-set of the target .

  22. 这个平台曾被喻为元语言或语言超集。

    The platform has been likened to a meta language or language superset .

  23. 这个表是一个关于所有支持的绑定类型的所有参数的超集。

    This table represents a superset of all parameters for all types of supported binding .

  24. 该算法通过倒排索引进行维过滤,快速获得尽量小的目标集的超集。

    The algorithm can quickly gain a super-set for the targets by search on inverted-index .

  25. 同理,企业架构规程大于解决方案架构领域的超集。

    By the same token , the enterprise architecture discipline is more than a superset of solution architecture domains .

  26. 表的主键和所有惟一索引都必须是相关分区键的超集。

    The primary key and any unique index of the table must be a superset of the associated partitioning key .

  27. 它是词计算理论、粗糙集理论、商空间理论、区间计算等的超集,也是软计算科学的一个分支。

    It is superset of the word computational theory , rough sets theory , quotient space theory and interval computing .

  28. 业务属性的超集,包含对这些属性含义(语义)、标准化格式(语法)和普遍制约的描述。

    A superset of business attributes , including descriptions of their meaning ( semantics ), standardized formatting ( syntax ), and universal constraints .

  29. 虚拟多维数据集是数据库中所选多维数据集的超集。虚拟多维数据集类似于关系数据库中的视图。

    A virtual cube is a superset of selected cubes in your database . Virtual cubes are similar to views in a relational database .

  30. 在多分区数据库分区组中,如果索引是分区键的超集,那么只能创建一个惟一的索引。

    In a multi-partition database partition group , you can only create a unique index if it is a superset of the partitioning key .