
  • 网络Supernatural ability;supernatural power;Paranormal
  1. 有过这样经历的人们把这些归于超自然能力。

    Such experiences are often attributed by those who have them to paranormal forces .

  2. 治疗的能力,和其它的一样,这个器皿会成为,超自然能力,都是由于开启进入智能无限的通路或者载具而有效。

    The healing ability , like all other , what this instrument would call , paranormal abilities , is effected by the opening of a pathway or shuttle into intelligent infinity .

  3. 先决条件:能以超自然能力使用心灵遥控能力。

    Prerequisite : Ability to use telekinesis as a supernatural ability .

  4. 不少超自然能力是在规律的瑜伽练习后显现的。

    Many super natural powers can be awarded by regular yoga practice .

  5. 你也会失去接触你天生的超自然能力。

    You also lose touch with your natural psychic abilities .

  6. 还有某些人使用占星术却声称是特殊的超自然能力或神奇的通灵力量。

    Then there are those who use astrology secretly but claim special supernatural , psychic powers .

  7. 在对抗影响心智的超自然能力、术和心灵异能时,雄鹰骑士的豁免检定获得+加值。

    The eagle knight receives a + 2 bonus against mind-affecting supernatural abilities , spells and psionic powers .

  8. 祂的超自然能力使祂找到一所楼房,让祂与门徒庆祝节日。

    It was by his own supernatural power that he found himself an upper room in which to keep the feast .

  9. 危险感知(超自然能力):在第5级,灵能游荡者将得到感知危险的能力。

    Danger Sense ( Su ): At5th level , a psychic rogue gains the ability to augment his ability to sense danger .

  10. 诸葛亮在人们眼中是具有超自然能力的。在许多中国戏曲和故事里,诸葛亮都是一个很受欢迎的人物。

    Zhuge Liang , to whom supernatural powers often are ascribed , has been a favoured character of many Chinese plays and stories .

  11. 凭借着聪慧的天资以及超自然能力,电视剧中的女性角色及其复杂的个性不动声色、但却确定无疑地统治着她们所在的世界。

    Possessing both intellectual and supernatural faculties , television 's leading ladies and their complex personalities are slowly but surely dominating their individual universes .

  12. 被看作是对人可用的天上能量的最有力的和最高的来源,松果体在开始超自然能力方面总是很重要的。

    Considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans , the pineal gland has always'been important in initiating supernatural powers .

  13. 虽然这些戏法所能做出来的东西,常常被标榜为真的显灵,但是,也的确有超自然能力显现的情况。

    But while it is true that the results of trickery have often been palmed off as genuine manifestations , there have been , also , marked exhibitions of supernatural power .

  14. 中世纪初期,天主教堂否认女巫具有超自然能力,一些教堂文件声称,相信巫术属于异端邪说。

    In the early medieval period , the Catholic Church dismissed the idea that witches had supernatural powers , and some church documents argued that it was heresy to believe in witchcraft .

  15. 对如今这一广为人知的生物的最早描述可以追溯到公元前八世纪,在那个时代,人们最开始视其为原始水神和具有超自然能力的雌性水怪。

    The earliest representations and descriptions of these now well-known creatures can be traced back as far as the eighth century BC , where merfolk got their beginnings as pagan water deities and supernatural female water beings .

  16. 回纥在唐代宗之前信奉萨满教,萨满教是原始宗教,其基本特征是,认为萨满(神职人员)具有超自然能力,可与神灵直接沟通。

    Before Tang Dynasty , Huihe people believed in Shamanism , which is a primitive religion . The basic characteristics of Shamanism are that believers hold the view that Shaman ( priest ) has the supernatural ability to communicate directly with gods .

  17. 据说生活在那里的人们拥有超自然的能力。

    Those who live there are said to have supernatural powers .

  18. 雷尼尔说你有超自然的能力。

    Rainier here thinks you have supernatural powers .

  19. 他假装有超自然的能力。

    He pretends to have supernatural powers .

  20. 只对吸血鬼有效吗对所有具备超自然恢复能力的人都有效这就好

    Is it vampire-specific ? It 'd work on anyone with a supernatural healing ability.Good . Good , good .

  21. 但是即使是它最大的敌人也不应该责备其懒惰或者否认它在危机关头所用有点超自然的能力。

    But even its worst enemies cannot accuse it of laziness or deny that in times of a crisis it is able to develop an almost supernatural energy .

  22. 即使在今日,情况依旧,人们并不接待祂,除非祂以超自然的能力和恩典预备人心。

    It is so even to this day & Jesus is not received among the sons of men save only where by his supernatural power and grace he makes the heart anew .

  23. 杰克:我兄弟喜欢超自然、超能力的事。

    Jack : My brother loves to study the paranormal .