
chāo zì rán lì liànɡ
  • supernatural power;mana
  1. 此超自然力量在中国不同历史时期有不同的称呼,

    Such supernatural power had different names in different periods in Chi-nese history ,

  2. 同时这种毁灭也不能通过超自然力量进行补救。

    Nor is it something that could be remedied by some supernatural power .

  3. 该片导演温子仁(JamesWan)说:“我运用了大家熟悉的东西,然后对它做了进一步发挥,接下来超自然力量开始介入,我又开始运用它。”温子仁也是《电锯惊魂》(Saw)系列第一部(2004年)的导演。

    James Wan , the film 's director , who also started the ' Saw ' franchise in 2004 , says : ' I take something familiar , and I take it up a notch , and supernatural forces start to intervene and I play with them . '

  4. 现在该法律承认“魔法”和超自然力量。

    The law now recognises " magic " and supernatural powers .

  5. 她只是宇宙神秘的超自然力量。

    What if she 's magic ? The supernatural unites the universe .

  6. 拥有或使用超自然力量的,或具有、合乎此特征的。

    Possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers .

  7. 他们排斥那些关于超自然力量的说法

    and they were rejecting things like a supernatural concept of power ,

  8. 恶劣气候:全球变暖的趋势还是超自然力量所为?

    Wild weather : global warming or just weird ?

  9. 难道真的是超自然力量引发了这些事件?

    Could supernatural forces be responsible for these occurrences ?

  10. 对超自然力量或主宰人类命运的力量的强烈信仰。

    A strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny .

  11. 果然那些超自然力量的信徒上钩了。

    Believers in the paranormal took the bait .

  12. 他对超自然力量很着迷。

    He 's obsessed with the occult .

  13. 童乩大多将病因归咎于鬼神或超自然力量。

    Most Taiwanese shamans impute the cause of disease to spiritual beings or supernatural forces .

  14. 神话和迷信里说,它们能干坏事,有时具备超自然力量。

    They are reputed in mythology and superstition to have mischievous and occasionally supernatural abilities .

  15. 人们普遍将这些神秘的失踪事件归因于超自然力量或外星人的活动。

    Popular culture has attributed these disappearances to the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial beings .

  16. 然而时常令人充满疑惑的超自然力量。

    Yet often questionable psychic power .

  17. 死者灵魂死者的灵魂,在古罗马的宗教中被认为是一种较次要的超自然力量。

    The spirits of the dead , regarded as minor supernatural powers in ancient Roman religion .

  18. 真正的魔术,人们指的是奇迹、魔法,以及超自然力量。

    By ' real magic , ' people mean miracles , thaumaturgical acts , and supernatural powers .

  19. 指出了希伯来民族的崇高观念在于把超常的巨大的对象、无形式的巨大的力量和令人恐怖的超自然力量视为崇高;

    It illustrates that Hebrew regarded the extraordinary giant objects , formless strong forces and horrible supernatural powers as sublimity .

  20. 在仪式或庆典举行过程中,表演者们会穿上戏装和面具来扮演神秘角色或超自然力量。

    Performers may wear costumes and masks to represent the mythical characters or supernatural forces in the rituals or in accompanying celebrations .

  21. 宗教是一种与对超自然力量的信仰,是社会的局部,是社会系统的一个子系统。

    Religion as a belief for superpower , it is the partial of society and it is a subsystem of social system .

  22. 女巫,巫婆人们普遍认为具有超自然力量且施巫术的女人,通常被认为由神灵或类似的人帮助。

    A woman popularly believed to have supernatural powers and practice sorcery , and often believed to be aided by spirits or a familiar .

  23. 她只是宇宙神秘的超自然力量

    What if she 's magic ? The supernatural is the hidden web that unites the universe Orga believe what cannot be seen or measured .

  24. 但在非洲和太平洋岛屿上,传统艺术的目标是发挥超自然力量的影响,即神进入人们的生活。

    But the goal of traditional art in Africa and Pacific Islands is the influence of spiritual powers , that is gods to enter people 's lives .

  25. 宗教是一种对超自然力量的信仰,一种人类社会普遍存在的社会历史文化现象,是社会文化系统的一个子系统。

    As a belief in supernatural powers , a avery common social 、 historical and cultural phenomenon in human society , religion is a subsystem of Social-Cultural system .

  26. 他们常常觉得自己是超自然力量的受害者,例如,他们会将事故或者疾病归咎于恶魔施展了魔力,而不会去追究偶然因素或者自然主义原因。

    People who believe in witchcraft often feel victimized by supernatural forces , for example , attributing accidents or disease to evil sorcery instead of randomness or naturalistic causes .

  27. 例如:我很难想象在不借助任何超自然力量的前提下从这么一个性感女性身边走过&不管我铭记了多少圣人格言也无济于事。

    For example , I cannot imagine walking away from the temptress without the assistance of a supernatural power-no matter how many of the sage ` s proverbs I had internalized .

  28. 也许是某种超自然力量,也许甚至是神,也许神决定还不是时候让这事发生。

    Well maybe it 's just some supernatural force , maybe it 's even God , and maybe God has just decided it 's not yet time for this to happen .

  29. 超自然力量可能与生俱来,也可以通过药物、念诵曼陀罗、苦行以及专注获得。

    The psychic powers may be obtained either by birth , or by means of drugs , or by the power of words , or by the practice of austerities , or by concentration .

  30. 为了取悦于有超自然力量的神灵,祈求保护和赐给人们幸福安康,一年四季要举行众多的祭祀仪式,包括叫醒粮食的魂魄。

    In order to appeal to super nature power and pray for happiness and health , those minorities will hold quite a few religious ceremonies during different seasons to wake up the soul of grain .